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Amazing benefits of beets: what is so useful about this vegetable?

Many children prefer to stay away from the beet, even if they eat all the other vegetables. This vegetable is indeed quite specific taste, besides, not all are able to cook from it truly delicious dishes. Nevertheless, even if you also did not like beetroot in your childhood, you should definitely try to give her a second chance. It is very useful. The benefits of fruits and vegetables are associated with their color: the shade is brighter, the more in the product of nutrients, antioxidants and phytonutrients. If you find your recipe, beets can become one of the most favorite vegetables in your diet!

There are a lot of nutrients in the beet

Beetroot may seem quite unusual: it has a thick peel, long stems and a rich red-violet color. Not everyone knows how to cook it properly at all. First of all, it is worthwhile to know that it is edible in its entirety, so that you simply can not make a mistake. In this article, attention is paid to the root vegetable itself, but remember: the greens are also beneficial and full of nutrients. Beetroot is incredibly low in calories, it has enough carbohydrates and as much as four grams of fiber. There is little protein and fat in the beet, which is quite expected for the vegetable. Vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients are the advantages of this product. There are a lot of vitamins A, C and B 6 in the beet, folic acid, lutein, zeaxanthin, iron, calcium, potassium, copper, phosphorus and magnesium. Beetroot is rich in betaine, which reduces the likelihood of some chronic diseases, especially those associated with the liver and heart. In a word, this is definitely a very useful product.

Beetroot helps you feel full

Despite the low content of calories, fiber ensures a feeling of satiety for a long time. Thanks to this product you will eat less. People can not digest fiber, because we do not have the right enzymes in the intestines. Fiber creates volume without adding calories. The easiest way to trim calories and lose weight without suffering from hunger - there are foods rich in fiber. Beets are a great way to add fiber to the diet. If you are trying to bring your body into shape, be sure to use this property of this root.

This vegetable improves your athletic performance

Do not like to train? Are you too tired? Regular use of beets can simplify the task for you. According to research data, the use of this product before training helps to cope with the stresses. Exercise seems easier, the body is more obedient. This is due to the fact that beet increases the level of nitric oxide in the body, which helps to better process oxygen. Because of the increased amount of oxygen in the blood, people are able to deal more effectively. In a word, beets are a great option for a snack before training. In addition, there is sugar in it, which will fill you with energy. However, this does not mean that you should try to eat whole beetroot whole, it will be strange enough. Use beet juice or beetroot chips, you can combine beets with cheese or Greek yoghurt.

This is an excellent choice for marathon runners

If you are preparing for an exhausting run, the beets will be your best helper. Beet juice should be part of your diet for the period of training. Its use makes your muscles more efficient during a long run. You can run faster and longer, experiencing less fatigue. Sugar instantly gives a charge of energy, besides, there will never be an additional portion of iron. When preparing for the race, you can also use beetroot powder, which is conveniently added to fruit cocktails or protein smoothies before jogging. You can even add to pancakes! Right before the long run, such a portion of carbohydrates will be extremely useful.

Beet helps muscles recover faster

This vegetable is useful not only before training, it also helps to recover after. Studies have shown that the use of beet juice helps the muscles to recover faster, moreover, such a drink reduces the level of inflammation. Subjects noted less pain in the muscles compared to those who received the placebo. Want to quickly regain strength after a hard training? Try to add beets to your diet or drink beet juice. This can reduce inflammation and help you feel more comfortable. Thanks to this property of beets, you can begin to exercise more often, because you will not feel constant fatigue.

This vegetable lowers blood pressure

According to scientific data, the use of beets helps to lower blood pressure. All this is due to the fact that beet increases the level of nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure. If you have hypertension, a glass of beet juice can help you regain your health. Be sure to try and check this effect on yourself.

Beet helps to improve brain function

Beets have a positive effect on brain function and help protect themselves from dementia. It is believed that the deterioration of cognitive abilities may be caused by deteriorated blood circulation, manifested with age. Nitric oxide improves blood circulation and can help strengthen brain health. Diet, stimulating the production of nitric oxide, has a positive effect on the brain. Among the foods rich in the right substances, beet is one of the best, so eat it regularly.

Beetroot is very easy to cook

Beetroot can be prepared in a variety of ways. Rub it raw into a salad to increase the number of antioxidants in your diet. Pickled beets can also be a great addition to a salad. Bake a vegetable with olive oil and pepper, and then serve with goat cheese. You can cook beets for a couple or bake in foil. Make juice is also very simple - you can try different combinations with fruits or vegetables. You can also make a variety of chips. There are a lot of options, just do not be afraid to experiment and look for new tastes. When buying beets, look for root crops without spots and scratches, through which the juice flows. Choose a dense root with a smooth skin. In addition, you can try not only purple beets.

There is not too much sugar in the beet

Since the nineteenth century, sugar has been made from beets. Because of this, many people think that this vegetable is full of sugar, and avoid it. This is a misconception. Yes, there are a little more carbohydrates in the beet, but this is because it is a root crop. The same is true for carrots, and for potatoes. Sugar is balanced with fiber and water, so the use of beets does not increase the level of glucose in the blood.

Beetroot has an unusual side effect

Beetroot is an unusual effect on some people: after its use, urine and feces can become bright red. This is a rather frightening effect, if you do not know about it. Some even think that they are dying! Do not contact an ambulance. This is a short-term effect that does not harm your body at all.

Eat beets!

Beetroot is a very useful product. If you do not like her, maybe you need to try other recipes! Cooking beets is easy, the price is affordable, but the composition is surprisingly useful. In the end, who does not want to feel less discomfort after training. In addition, strengthening the health of the heart and brain is always useful.

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