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White creeper: tincture. Its importance in folk medicine

The white steppe (otherwise "Adam's root") is a herbaceous perennial plant combining many useful trace elements in its composition, for which it has become widespread in folk medicine.

Tinctures and decoctions on its basis are used not only to relieve the symptoms of the disease, but also to eliminate its causes. In medicinal compounds, roots, leaves, stems, flowers, fruits of the plant are most often used.

External Description

The white steppe, belonging to the pumpkin family, is characterized by a thin stalk and very long (up to 3.5 meters), clinging shoots. The root is thick, fleshy, looks like a radish fruit, is characterized by white color. The leaves are long (about 10 cm), located on long petioles, alternately, are 5- and 7-lobed plates with a deep-hearted base. In the sinuses are spirally twisted tendrils, with the help of which the white clinger clings to the supports and neighboring plants. Flowers of female and male type, yellowish-green and pale yellow, respectively.

The fruits are small, they are black berries with ovoid seeds. Flowering occurs in June-September, the fruit ripens in July-September.

In natural conditions, the white steppe, the use of which is widely claimed by folk medicine, grows in river valleys, ravines, thickets of bushes and on river fringes. Near the settlements, the plant can be found at abandoned buildings and hedges. For medicinal purposes, it is most commonly used in Transcaucasia, where it has its local name - "Caucasian ginseng".

Rinsing of sick teeth and sore throat will show a good result, if the composition of the medicinal product contains a whitening white (root, tincture). Its importance in folk medicine is large enough, since the natural doctor is an effective assistant in the treatment of a large number of diseases.

The recipe for broth

To prepare the decoction, the root of the plant needs to be thoroughly rinsed and crushed. 2 cups of hot water should be poured a teaspoon of raw materials, boil for about 15 minutes over low heat and insist for about half an hour. Take the healing solution three times a day for ¼ cup for half an hour before meals. Receiving broth inside is effective when:

  • Constipation;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Inflammation of the inner ear;
  • Malaria;
  • Sore throat;
  • Diseases of the heart and joints.

Vodka tincture

Vodka tincture can be prepared from the aboveground parts of the plant and its roots. For every 10 grams of ground raw material take 100 ml of vodka or alcohol. The remedy is required to insist in a dark place for 10-14 days. Such a healing solution is effective in the treatment of bronchitis, it is successfully used as a diuretic, anthelmintic, hemostatic and decongestant. Daily dosage - 10 drops before meals in 3 divided doses.

How effective is the white transgression (root, tincture)? Its importance in folk medicine (photo demonstrates the species of plants in natural conditions) is quite large, as the Caucasian ginseng is rich in carbohydrates, essential oils, resins, alkaloids, tannins, phytosterols.

Tincture recipe on water

To prepare tinctures on a water basis, you need to put in a thermos 5 grams of chopped grass (flowers, fruits, leaves, stems) and pour a glass of boiling water. Liquid infuse for an hour, strain, dilute with boiled water to the initial volume. Dosage - 1 tbsp. Spoon after eating 3 times a day.

Caucasian ginseng in the form of tincture helps in the treatment of joint diseases, bronchitis, cough; Effective in the form of trays and lotions. Spreading of the joints, treatment of radiculitis, neuralgia, myositis is only a small part of what a modest plant such as the white steppe (root) is capable of. Vodka tincture, decoction, ointment - forms in which you can effectively use bryony (another name for a medicinal plant) for the treatment of various diseases.

An infusion of whitening is effective to rinse the aching teeth and sore throat. The dissolved root can be applied to abscesses, chirjam and deprive, to wash out skin rashes and ulcers.

How to make an ointment based on white

With skin diseases, an ointment based on fresh juice from the root part of the plant is effective. To prepare it you need to thoroughly wash the roots, boil 1-2 minutes in water, grind through a meat grinder, and then wring out. Next, take 20 ml of the juice obtained, combine with a cream or vegetable oil (40 grams), add 40 grams of Vaseline. The useful staff is ready. Keep it in the fridge.

Fresh root juice helps to remove warts and pigment spots on the skin. In a dry powdery form, they are sprinkled with wounds. Seeds of white whitening help as a laxative; Infused with salt water, improve hearing and visual acuity.

In medical practice, the white transient is one of the components of the complex preparation "Akofit", used in the treatment of plexitis, neuritis, acute radiculitis, sciatica. In addition to tincture of bryonia (so called Caucasian ginseng), the preparation contains a large number of other medicinal plants (mistletoe, rutu, aconite), metallic tellurium and white arsenic. It is highly not recommended to use "Akofit" without the appointment of a doctor.

In the old days, many people believed in the healing power of White's shift; Especially popular were the "tears" of the plant. To obtain it was required to loosen the soil around the plant, to separate the upper part of the root with a knife and to make a small depression in its pulp. The next day, it appeared "tear" - a healing liquid, which was required early in the morning to extract with a spoon and slowly drink. Collect the "tears" should it was the patient.

Contraindications for use

The white stepper (root, tincture) is able to cure a large number of diseases, but is considered a poisonous plant, therefore, when using it, the exact dosage should be observed. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting jade - a complex kidney disease. When poisoning begins to hurt the stomach, vomiting is observed, diarrhea with blood opens, blood pressure drops sharply, down to loss of consciousness.

Features of the correct collection and storage of white

To save your healing power, the white whip must be able to properly collect and store. The above-ground part must be harvested in sunny, clear weather at the time when the plant blooms. Shoots should be cut into pieces and well dried in the shade. The root part should be stocked prior to the beginning of flowering, since it is during this period that the highest content of nutrients is observed. The roots need to be shaken off the ground, rinsed well, divided into small parts. Raw materials need to be dried and placed in a glass, tightly closed container. Shelf life - no more than 2 years.

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