HealthHealthy Eating

How tasty is low-calorie cheese?

Products with low fat content are very popular. It's only on the shelves that you can rarely find a product that perfectly combines both taste and naturalness. Most often the fat-free products either consist of chemical additives and preservatives, or their taste leaves much to be desired.

Here, for example, low-calorie cheese - what is it? Is it natural, delicious and really low-fat? Is it possible to use it for those who are on a diet? And in what quantity? And what is the lowest calorie cheese?

The benefits of cheese can be spoken endlessly. This sour-milk product according to canons of cheese making should consist of milk with addition of starter and other ingredients, for example, salt. Let us leave unscrupulous producers in peace, on whose conscience release the so-called cheese product, to which low-calorie cheese, like others, have nothing to do.

In addition to certain benefits, cheese is very tasty. In this case, a large number of its species can please any taste. Many mothers know that kids who turn their nostrils from any "milk" often do not refuse a piece of cheese. Low-calorie cheese in this case is the best solution for children's stomach.

Low-fat cheeses are great. And even a product that we call cereal curd, in England and in some other countries is called "village cheese". The most low-fat cheese, probably, is soy. It is also called tofu. It is allowed even to people who are allergic to lactose.

In addition to it, there are other low-calorie cheeses in the world market. For example, ricotta, strongly resembling the curd that is familiar to the Russian consumer. Also here you can include mozzarella, feta, and brynza. But with one condition - if the above products are made of low-fat milk. And even better - out of fat. However, any cheese maker with experience will tell you that this is blasphemy! If the cheese from time immemorial brewed from the most delicious and fatty milk, then so be it! Let's not argue, everyone has their own truth.

Low-calorie cheese can be easily prepared at home by yourself. If you suddenly stopped trusting the manufacturer or think that the most delicious you can make only with your own hand, or just want to try something new - cook the cheese yourself!

It will take 500 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, half a glass of fat-free milk, half an egg, a half teaspoon of salt, a quarter of a teaspoon of soda, a couple of teaspoons of vegetable oil.

Cottage cheese put in a saucepan, pour milk, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring. Throw the resulting mass into a strainer or colander, padded with gauze. When the serum drains, transfer the mass back to the pan, add the egg, salt, soda, butter and simmer for another ten minutes until the mass becomes homogeneous. Quickly transfer it to a greased container and place in a cool place.

This, of course, low-calorie cheese can not be called "real" cheese, but the product is tasty, and most importantly - natural and non-fat. However, it is worth remembering that even low-calorie cheeses contain, as a rule, a lot of salt, so you should not get involved with them.

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