Health, Healthy Eating
Bormental diet: principles and description of the technique
The diet of Dr. Bormental is a joint development of psychotherapists and nutritionists, which was patented in 2001. In fact, the technique is not a clean recommendation for proper nutrition, in it, on the contrary, food is given a secondary role. Diet is a kind of complex that includes various psychotherapeutic techniques, dietary recommendations, massage and beauty treatments.
The Bormental diet is based on the notion that the original cause of excess weight is not overeating or changing metabolism, but the lack of skills to control appetite and misconceptions about hunger. It is known that many people, after receiving a little stress, try to seize him with a piece of cake.
It turns out that the person does not perceive the absence of positive emotions as the effect of hunger, and the body wants to increase the number of hormones of joy by an inappropriate eating. The Bormental diet is aimed specifically at correcting and eliminating food habits. Psychotherapeutic methods are used, which include respiratory gymnastics, neurolinguistic programming, meditation and autogenous training.
The technique is aimed at developing a person's habit of taking a small amount of food, but at the same time saturate. The main principle of the technology is to reduce the calories that the body receives with food. The developers are sure that a woman for weight loss is 1,000 kilocalories per day.
The diet of Bormental indicates that a proper diet will require a kitchen scale and a calorie table of foods. You should calculate and weigh portions of food to understand the need to get rid of more high-calorie foods. The Bormental diet speaks about the possibility of replacing, for example, white bread with black, sausages for boiled meat, skimmed products may become an alternative to dairy products, and boiled potatoes should be replaced with braised cabbage.
The main rule of the method is the obligatory presence in the ration of meat, low-fat cottage cheese and egg whites. At least one of these foods should be taken at least once a day. Another strict rule is that the last meal should be made no later than 4 hours before bedtime. The menu of the person should also include a great variety and quantity of vegetable products, a moderate amount of fruit.
In addition to a clear calculation of the number of calories, the Bormental diet says that it is necessary to include one or two days off per week, which must be arranged regardless of the calorie counting required.
The technique allows a fat person to gain a normal weight, and after going to the supporting stage, begin to gradually increase the calorie content of their diet.
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