HealthHealthy Eating

The Role of Proteins in Human Organism, Bada

Greetings, dear readers!

Today I will tell you about the role of proteins in the human body.

Any living organism can exist only in conditions when all the necessary nutrients are supplied to it (with food, water and air) and if it releases into the surrounding environment harmful and unnecessary substances (exhaled air, faeces, urine and later).

This is the exchange of substances between the body and its environment.

Most of the substances entering the body with food in terms of chemical structure and composition are significantly different from those of which the body tissues are composed. Only after complex chemical transformations can they be used by the body as a source of energy and as a "building material", through which continuous self-renewal of cells and tissues of the whole organism occurs, as well as the growth and development of the whole organism in childhood and adolescence.

The main condition for normal metabolism is the composition of food, in which our body receives all the nutrients it needs in the most optimal ratios for it. If this condition is met, the nutrition can be considered complete, since it covers all the needs of the body, promotes the proper functioning of the organs, ensures the preservation and strengthening of health, and promotes normal development, growth, child and adolescence.

Food is a complex mixture of different nutrients. These substances include carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, mineral salts and water.

The composition of food should include other nutrients. You can use natural dietary supplements, natural vitamins. All this contributes to the better absorption of proteins in the body. I want to recommend you an online store iHerb, there is a huge selection of natural products, natural vitamins, and eco-goods. Reviews about the IHerb store can be found here. So, further we will consider, why the organism can not do without these substances and in what food products they contain.

The most important part of all cells of the body are proteins. They are part of the enzymes and many hormones that play a big role in the body. Also proteins participate in the formation of antibodies, which increase the body's resistance to various infections.

Proteins are rather complex in chemical structure of matter. In the intestines, under the influence of digestive juices, they break down into amino acids.

Some amino acids can be synthesized in the human body, others, such as methionine, lysine and tryptophan, can not and therefore are essential amino acids. Such amino acids must be contained in our food.

In nature, a large number of proteins occur, and their composition includes various combinations of amino acids.

In proteins that are contained in products of animal origin, there are essential amino acids, and proteins in plant products, in most, are devoid of such amino acids or, they may contain, very few of them. Therefore, it is better that the demand for proteins is satisfied at least by half due to proteins of animal origin.

According to the protein content, in the essential amino acids, the most valuable products are eggs, milk, cottage cheese and cheese, meat, fish and their processed products.

Of vegetable products contain more valuable protein, potatoes, rice, buckwheat, white cabbage, but the amount of protein in these products is small. Relatively many proteins, but less valuable, are found in lentils and peas.

One gram of protein when processed in the body will give us the same number of calories as 1 gram of carbohydrates. However, the protein is valuable not only as a source of energy in the body, but also as a "building material", at whose expense, basically, there is a self-renewal of tissues and cells of the body. Therefore, protein can not be replaced by other nutrients and it should always be present in the diet. At the same time, excessive production of protein with food, for example, when consuming a large amount of meat, will not be of use, and may even have a detrimental effect on human health. But the lack of protein is even more harmful. That is why scientists have long paid much attention to the question of how much protein should be contained in food.

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