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Fuscus bladder - a panacea of excess weight?

Fuscus bladder - a panacea of excess weight?

In the north of Russia, near the coastal strip of the White Sea, near the Solovetsky Islands, there is a large number of seaweed. The most common among them is the fusiform bubbly. And this is not surprising, because the northern sea coast of our country is the birthplace of this medicinal plant. In addition to the White Sea coast, this alga can be found in huge numbers on the coastal rocks of the Barents Sea and in the west of the Baltic Sea. Abroad, the fusiform bubbly grows on the stony shallows of the Atlantic and the Pacific.

Long ago these perennial algae, being in special natural conditions, concentrated in their olive-green or yellow-brown ribbon-like thallus branches the maximum quantity of the most valuable components from sea water. Fusiform vesicles are long, reaching one or even one and a half meters, floating on the surface of the sea branches of brown algae with a rigid central vein and paired air bubbles. Scientists, examining these plants, identified in them about 50 useful micro- and macroelements that can improve the work of the human body. Continuing to study this amazing seaweed, the researchers came to the conclusion that the salt structure of the bubble ficus most closely matches the blood plasma of a person and his tissue fluid.

Among the northern peoples, the fuscus bubbly was called "hunchback fucus", "pork fucus" and "sea oak". It was produced from time immemorial with the help of nets, washed from the marine life that was packed in them and used in its diet. Used fucus in fresh form or dried. Used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. It was also noticed that his invigorating, tonic effect on the human body, which allowed to use fucus for weight loss.

In the future, physicians discovered the amazing abilities of the fucus bubble:

  • To prevent diseases of the thyroid gland due to organic bound iodine, which is necessary for her for the synthesis of hormones: thyroxine and triiodothyronine. With their help, the thyroid gland is able to normalize any metabolic process in the human body.

  • To show an active sorption function, to reduce the possibility of allergic reactions and the level of dense cholesterol with the unique polysaccharide fiber contained in it - alginates, laminaran, fucoidan and a large amount of mucus - bassarin. Alginates, getting into the stomach or intestines, repeatedly swell and give not only a feeling of full satiety, but also cleanse the intestines, which has a beneficial effect on weight loss.

  • Provide an accelerating effect on the cleavage of fats, activating their disintegration directly into the fatty cell, which allows, in addition to normalizing body weight, to defeat the most important companion of obesity - cellulite. This property makes algae for weight loss leaders in the struggle for an ideal figure.

  • To remove excess fluid from the body, reducing swelling, thanks to manitou.

  • Saturate the body with vitamins A, C, D, E and Group B, as well as mineral substances - zinc, iron, manganese, molybdenum and extremely rare in nature selenium. Many of the antioxidants are able to normalize metabolic processes in the body, prevent hair loss and aging of the skin.

  • Normalize the synthesis of female sex hormones, which can significantly reduce the risk of oncological diseases in women. In addition, fucus bubble regulates the menstrual cycle in the reproductive period of a woman's life, as well as the level of hormones in menopause.

  • Due to the high concentration of potassium, magnesium and calcium, strengthen the cardiovascular system, preventing the processes forming thrombi, as well as normalize the pressure in the circulatory system.

All these positive properties of the plant help to effectively use brown algae for weight loss. You can find them both in the composition of numerous dietary supplements, and in pharmacies in the form of powder from dried fucus bubble. It is added to the first dishes, salads or prepare infusions. Pour one teaspoon of fucus powder bubbly half a liter of boiling water, insist for about 20 minutes, then drink it in portions throughout the day. Sometimes before eating a teaspoon of fucus powder, you can drink warm boiled water. Doctors do not recommend eating fucus for weight loss all the time. After a two-week treatment, you need to take a break.

Fucus for weight loss is also used in cosmetology in the form of anti-cellulite wraps, patches, gels with concentrate of fucus and for SPA-procedures. It stimulates the body, tones and helps in the fight against excess weight a bath with infusion of algae.

Before using the fucus for weight loss consult an endocrinologist. If it turns out that you have hyperthyroidism or intolerance to algae, then such a diagnosis is a contraindication for the use of this type of algae.

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