Food and drinkRecipes

Delicious sprats sprat at home

This fish, due to its prevalence, probably is one of the most popular fish delicacies in the post-Soviet space. Earlier, in the years of the USSR, it could be freely found on the shelves of fish shops. Yes, and now fresh-frozen, it often occurs in the relevant departments of supermarkets and is relatively inexpensive. So it's time to cook such a delicious dish, like sprat sprat at home. Especially to make it, special wisdom is not required. It is only necessary to observe a few nuances, and the habit, familiar from childhood, is ready. So let's try it!

Little tricks and secrets

Sprat sprat at home will be especially tasty if you use the "grandmother's" secrets, formed on the basis of the experience of more than one generation. Nothing, in principle, complicated. What are these subtleties, which it is recommended to heal, so that the sprats sprat at home are good?

  1. Salt is taken only stone and large. It is known that the small kitchenette negates many of the owner's efforts. And the more iodized. Some highly recommend taking sea, natural. It is the most natural for sprat living in salt water. But we'll talk about this a little later.
  2. Before salting, the fish can be gutted, and it is possible not to do this in a similar manner and, if desired, salting along with its insides.
  3. Clean small fry before salting is not required.

Sprat of spicy salting. Recipe # 1

And now, having prepared the products, you can proceed directly to the salting process. We believe in our strength and remember that there is nothing difficult in the preparation of fish in this way. And our mothers and grandmothers cooked such a treat many times. So you, of course, should get sprat spicy salting at home.


  • Sprat in kilograms.
  • Black pepper freshly ground.
  • A glass of salt is large.
  • A couple of buds of cloves are dry.
  • Black peas pepper (a few things).
  • A pinch of coriander.
  • Three Lavra.
  • A pinch of ground ginger.

Cooking spicy fish step by step

  1. How to make a sprat spice? The bought sprat should be just freshly frozen. We look at her eyes. If the whitish - it is not worth taking, as the fish, most likely, was already defrosted and again was frozen. The skin should sit tightly on the sprat's body, there should not be any incomprehensible spots and other nuances, according to which it can be judged that the storage of fish was not carried out according to the rules.
  2. Then, the weed is defrosted according to all the rules. This is done as follows. Do not use hot water. You can in the cold, but wrapped in polyethylene bags (several), so that the juices of the fish during defrosting, and with them all the usefulness, did not go into the water. It is best to unfreeze the fish at the bottom of the refrigerator, where the positive temperature (at night put - by the morning is ready completely for further procedures). Yes, if you are lucky, and you just bought a fresh one - we omit this stage.
  3. We wash fish (we decided not to gut) and let excess water drain. You can even wipe the carcass with a paper napkin, and you can put a rest in a colander, and then in the appropriate dishes.
  4. In the stupa, grind the clove with pepper, but do not make them too small. Add all the other seasonings and mix, plus salt.
  5. We fill the fish in a bowl with the mixture obtained and mix it so that the sprat is fully covered.
  6. On the fish put a small plaque, and on the plank - a load (for example, a stone or a dumbbell). We put the dishes down the refrigerator, to where the temperature is positive, the clock is 12 times shorter. Then we remove and clean from excessive spices: the sprat of spicy salting has turned out. The recipe, as you can see, is quite simple. But delicious - lick your fingers.
  7. Fish, cooked in this way, necessarily let the juices. You can store it in a glass jar or plastic bag, covered with lids, in this very juice mixed with salt and spices. The only condition - we add another spoon, another salt and put it in the refrigerator at a plus temperature (or near zero). But in this way Baltic sprat sprats can not be stored for too long, so it's better to eat it as soon as possible. As a rule, it is not stored in the refrigerator for a long time and is eaten almost instantly.

Recipe for sprats sprat at home № 2

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that the sprat is a rather small fish. However, sometimes in the current supermarkets there is a variety of fish, quite large, which can also be salted with pleasure (and fairly quickly), without being frightened of unusual sizes. So, before you a recipe for salting fish, if you are lucky, and you bought large enough copies.


  • Sprat is large - 1 kilogram.
  • Freshly ground black pepper - 10 grams.
  • Half a cup of salt.
  • Bunches of carnations - 5 pieces.
  • A packet of white peppercorn.
  • Coriander, rosemary, nutmeg and cinnamon with ginger - all at the tip of the knife.
  • A glass of sugar.
  • Some for fidelity add sodium benzoate - literally a couple of grams.

The process of ambassador itself

  1. It, in principle, is similar in many respects to the previous recipe. How to make a spruce spicy ambassador? We'll get down and mix all the spices plus sugar and salt. We take a wooden small barrel or a bowl of enamel.
  2. Put a thin layer of spices on the bottom of the keg. On top lay a layer of prepared fish.
  3. Then we alternate: a layer of fish, a layer of spices, until our dishes are full. But it is advisable not to score to the top, since it is also supposed to organize oppression.
  4. How to pickle a sprat spice? We put the load on top of the received structure and put it in a cold place (preferably in a cellar, if it is available, but you can also use a refrigerated cabinet). There the fish should stay at least 12 hours. After which it can be eaten with pleasure. Store in the same cask in the juice. However, it is necessary to eat such a delicacy within a month, otherwise the fish starts to deteriorate and rust. But, as a rule, problems do not arise with this!

In brine

Spicy salting sprat in the brine is also prepared quickly and fairly simply. But first we will need to prepare the marinade itself. It is not difficult to do this.

  1. For a kilo of sprats (fresh or frozen) take a liter and a half water, a glass of sea salt (not iodized in an artificial way, but natural), half a glass of sugar, ten small leaves of laurel, a pea of sweet and black pepper - two small spoons, a teaspoon of cloves, Spoon of coriander.
  2. We bring water to a boil and dissolve sugar and salt there. Then we throw there spices and remove immediately from the fire (do not boil, as spices can lose some of their qualities). Cover the pan with a lid and let it brew. Then let the brine cool down to room temperature.
  3. At this time we are preparing the fish. It must be defrosted and cleaned properly.
  4. How to salt a sprat spice in a marinade? Fold it in prepared dishes and fill it with brine. Sprat should be completely covered with liquid. First we leave it to marinate at room temperature for the night, for example. And then we remove it to the bottom of the refrigerator. In a day you can eat. We store it in the same place in the brine (this can be preserved for a long time).

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