
"Chemi Spray": instructions for use and feedback

"Chemie Spray" is a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory antibacterial agent. Can be used for the milestones of species of domestic animals. In the article, we will talk about the spray, its composition and application, and also whether the hearing is true that they can be treated with pressure ulcers in humans.

Briefly about the preparation

"Chemie Spray" appeared on the shelves of veterinary pharmacies relatively recently. But it already has a lot of positive feedback, and it has become used not only in veterinary medicine, but also in medicine. A positive effect of the spray is known for the treatment and prophylaxis of bedsores in bedridden patients.

The preparation is a suspension of violet color. It is produced in balloons with sprayers, which makes application of the tool very convenient.

The main active substance of the drug is chlortetracycline hypochloride. This antibacterial component kills many microorganisms, disinfecting and relieving inflammation. Spray is used to treat injuries, care for postoperative wounds.

"Chemi Spray": instructions

The drug is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. It is active in relation to a wide range of bacteria and microorganisms. Gentian violet in the composition intensifies the disinfecting effect and gives the spray its rich purple hue. Indications for use in animals:

  • Treatment and disinfection of abrasions and scratches, traumatic and postoperative wounds;
  • Necrobacteriosis of the skin and hooves in animals (chronic disease caused by a gram-negative anaerobic bacterium resistant to many antibiotics);
  • Open abscesses;
  • Ulcers.

"Cemi Spray", reviews about which are positive, has practically no contraindications and side effects. It is possible (as in the case of any other drug), an allergic reaction or an individual intolerance to the components. At the stage of healing, the agent can overdry the skin, which leads to a slow manifestation of the effect. Therefore, you need to monitor the process and know when to stop using it.

Caution: it is necessary to conduct treatment in a room that is well ventilated. By the way, this applies to absolutely all sprays and aerosols. Also it is necessary to be careful of getting the product in the eyes. If this happens, the sensations will be very unpleasant, from lacrimation to severe burning. You need to protect not only your eyes, but also the animal that you treat with this remedy.

"Cemi Spray" for animals is a local antiseptic. It is used for disinfection and for treatment of purulent wounds.

The spray is used for all types of farm animals.

Usually appoint one or three treatments a day. Before applying the spray, it is necessary to rinse and clean the wound from pus or exudate (preferably hydrogen peroxide or "Chlorhexidine").

Use the drug for longer than 7-10 days is not desirable. If this measure is forced, you need to consult a veterinarian.

Application for animals

"Cemi Spray" for animals is easy to use, thanks to the aerosol form. Application precise, even and without unnecessary painful touch to the wound.

You can use the remedy for all kinds of pets, like cows and horses, and cats after an unsuccessful appointment "with a lady of the heart."

As mentioned above, the drug has virtually no contraindications and side effects. But when processing, make sure that the spray does not strike the eye either to you or to your four-legged patient. In addition, the preparation is not intended for mucous membranes. Moreover, when hit on them, it can cause ulcers.

"Cemi Spray" for humans

It turns out that this tool has found its use not only for the treatment of animals.

With such an unpleasant phenomenon as bedsores, not only bedridden patients are familiar. In the risk group - people with excess weight, diabetics.

Bedsores are necrotic or ischemic skin lesions. By the way, the latter usually turn into the first. These are areas of the skin that, due to a number of reasons, are undernourished. Blood does not go into them well and carries few nutrients. As a result, the process of dying begins in these tissues.

Will the remedy save bedsores?

Has found its application also for the treatment of human ailments "Cemi Spray". From bedsores who first came up with its use is unknown. But even if you take into account the effectiveness of the drug, then what about the bed or linen of patients? Gentian violet will give these things a rich violet shade, which can not be got rid of by any means for washing.

In what cases will the drug help the patient recover from pressure sores? To begin with, the tool can not do this. But if you apply it along with the healing ointment, the result will be if the patient's skin is prone to fat and already infected.

What in that case will make "Chemi Spray"? He will kill disease-causing bacteria, which, of course, is very good. But for the healing of decubitus (especially in the secondary stages), this is completely inadequate. To get rid of this unpleasant disease, complex therapy is needed, including aseptic dressings, massages, air access, antibacterial and healing ointments. In addition, this spray can seriously dry the skin, which will lead to the addition of unpleasant sensations. And if you add the coloring of the bed and linen in purple, then the benefits of the money go to the background. Do not forget that the skin of animals at times is more protected by natural lubrication, it is more oily. The use of "Chemie Spray" for the treatment of decubitus is permissible only in an extreme situation, when nothing else is on hand and it is necessary to stop the infection immediately.


"Chemie Spray" (feedback on the drug in most positive) - a good tool to treat traumatic or operating wounds in animals. Side effects are almost not revealed, the effect is rather mild. To spray are sensitive many dangerous bacteria. The plus is also its ergonomic and convenient packaging.

Has found its application "Cemi Spray" for man. Reviews, however, in this area about him rather ambiguous. There are people who say that the remedy helped with bedsores. Perhaps this is so, but in their cases, it is likely that they were talking about superficial lesions or not at all about them. The effectiveness of "Chemie Spray" for the treatment of pressure sores is not proven. Do not experiment with your loved ones, see your doctor.

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