
Children's "Kalpol": instructions for use, price, dosage and feedback about syrup

Why do children prescribe the drug "Kalpol"? Instructions for the use of the drug, its composition, side effects and contraindications will be presented below. Also we will tell you about the price of this drug in pharmacies and what the patients say about it.

Form release, packaging and composition of children's medicine

The drug "Kalpol" (children's), reviews about which are mostly positive, is released as a suspension for oral administration. In view of the fact that this medication is intended for children, it has a pleasant strawberry flavor and pink color.

The active substance of this agent is paracetamol. It also includes auxiliary components in the form of sugar syrup, glycerol, sorbitol (70% solution), flavor, gum, purified water, methylparahydroxybenzoate and carmoizine.

The preparation "Калпол" which price will be presented further, goes on sale in bottles made of dark glass (on 100 and 70 ml). Also included is a measuring spoon for 5 and 2.5 ml.

Pharmacodynamics of children's medicine

What is the preparation "Kalpol"? Instruction for use contains information that the product is an analgesic-antipyretic. According to the statements of pharmacists, it has antipyretic and analgesic properties.

The principle of action of the drug in question is related to the inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins. In this case it should be specially noted that paracetamol, which is part of the drug, does not affect the electrolyte and water balance in any way . In addition, it does not lead to fluid retention and sodium in the body, and also does not have an irritant effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Pharmacokinetics of the medicine

How long does the absorption of the preparation "Kalpol" take? Instructions for use say that after taking the medication inside it, the highest concentration is reached after about 35-90 minutes.

The active component of the drug is metabolized only in the liver. In this case, several intermediate products of metabolism are formed. In newborn babies (from two days), as well as children aged from three to ten years, the main metabolite is paracetamol sulfate. As for adolescents over 13 years old, the main substance is conjugated glucuronide.

With a shortage of glutathione, these substances can help block the enzyme systems of hepatocytes, and also cause necrosis.

During the day, along with urine, about 85-95% paracetamol is excreted. The half-life of the drug is 1.6-2.6 hours.


What is the purpose of the drug "Kalpol"? The instruction for the use of the remedy states that it is prescribed to children between the ages of three months to six years. Use medicament as:

  • Analgesic for neuralgia, moderate or mild pain, including dental, muscular and headache, discomfort after burns and injuries;
  • Antipyretic drug for postvaccinal reactions, acute respiratory infections, as well as influenza, childhood infections and other conditions that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

It should also be said that the question of the possible use of the "Kalpol" medication for the presented indications in children aged one to three months should be decided individually by the attending physician.


In what cases is it forbidden to use the medicine "Kalpol" (children's)? The instruction says that the following conditions are contraindications to its use:

  • Blood diseases;
  • Severe liver disorders;
  • Shortage of G6PD;
  • Severe impairment of kidney function;
  • Children's age up to one month;
  • Heightened sensitivity of the child to substances in the composition of the drug.

It should also be noted that this medication is used with caution in the syndrome of Rotor, Dubin-Johnson and Gilbert.

The drug "Kalpol" (for children): instructions for use

How should I use the drug in question? Suspension of "Kalpol" is given to the child only inside. Do this only 2 hours after eating. Drink the medicine with plenty of water. Multiplicity of its reception is 3 times a day with an interval of not less than 4 hours.

It should be specially noted that the drug suspension is not required to be diluted. For accuracy of dosing and convenience, experts recommend using the attached measuring spoon.

Medication Kalpol: dosage for children

The dosage of the drug for children should be determined only by the pediatrician. Otherwise, you can use the attached instruction, which contains the following information:

  • Children from three months to one year should be given 60-120 mg of paracetamol, that is, approximately 2.5-5 ml of the suspension.
  • Children from one to six years are given 120-240 mg of paracetamol, that is, approximately 5-10 ml of the suspension.

Duration of treatment with this drug is 3 days. But this is only if the drug was used as an antipyretic. To achieve an analgesic effect, it is used for 5 days.

Overdose of medicament

What are the expected consequences after incorrect intake of the preparation "Kalpol"? Dosage for children should be strictly observed by the parents. Otherwise, the child may experience the following signs of an overdose: pallor of the skin , severe pain in the stomach, increased separation of sweat, nausea and vomiting. In two days, there may be symptoms of liver damage. In more severe cases, the child may develop liver failure, encephalopathy, hepatonecrosis or even a coma.

As a treatment, the baby is washed with a stomach, given methionine, enterosorbents ("Polyphepan" or activated charcoal) and intravenously injected with the antidote N-acetylcysteine.

It should also be noted that when symptoms of an overdose occur, the patient should immediately stop taking the medication and contact the doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Now you know what the preparation "Kalpol" is intended for. The dosage and methods of administration of the medicament have been described above. Now I want to tell you about whether it can be used simultaneously with other medicines.

When combined with anticonvulsant drugs (eg "phenytoin"), barbiturates, ethanol, antidepressants (tricyclics), rifampicin and phenylbutazone, the risk of developing a hepatotoxic effect of the active substance, ie paracetamol, is significantly increased.

With simultaneous administration with salicylates, the nephrotoxic effect of paracetamol increases.

Sharing of the drug with chloramphenicol leads to an increase in the toxic properties of the latter.

Paracetamol is able to enhance the effect of anticoagulants and to weaken the effect of uricosuric medicines.

Side effects of a medical device

Are there any side effects of the "Kalpol" medication? The instruction on the use of this drug says that in general it is tolerated by patients relatively well. However, in some cases, such abnormalities as nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, allergies in the form of Quincke edema and skin rash, hives and itching are possible.

It should also be noted that very rarely patients develop anemia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia.

With long-term use of the drug in high dosages, nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic effects are possible, as well as the occurrence of methemoglobinemia and pancytopenia.

Special instructions for taking medication

It is necessary to avoid taking Kalpol medication at the same time as other paracetamol-containing drugs, as this can easily lead to an overdose of the said substance.

When using the presented medicine for more than 5-7 days, it is required to monitor the liver function parameters, as well as the peripheral blood picture.

The child suspension "Kalpol", which you can read below, contains sugar. This fact should be taken into account when prescribing the drug to patients with diabetes mellitus.

The active substance of the drug (ie paracetamol) is able to distort the results of laboratory tests that are aimed at determining the content of uric acid and glucose in the blood plasma.

It is necessary to warn the parents of a small patient about the need to consult a doctor if the fever is kept for more than three days and the painful syndrome is more than five days.

Terms and conditions of storage

The product should only be stored in a dark place. In this case, the temperature in it should not be above 25 degrees. Shelf life of the drug is 3 years. After this time, use of medicines is prohibited.

Reviews about the drug and its price

What do moms say about such a child's drug, like "Kalpol"? Their comments are mostly positive. Most parents say that after a short course of treatment, the baby almost immediately lowers body temperature, and the general condition of the body improves noticeably. Although in some cases, the child has side effects. But they are so insignificant and rare that most parents do not even pay attention to them.

In addition to effectiveness, this preparation has other positive properties. For example, parents appreciate its value. It is not very high and amounts to about 90 Russian rubles per 100 ml of suspension. Agree, this is a fairly low price for your own peace and a healthy state of your child.

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