
Means of 'Normase'. Instructions

The drug "Normase" (syrup) has a hypoammonemic and osmotic laxative effect. The composition of the drug includes lactulose (active substance) - a synthetic oligosaccharide - containing the remains of fructose and galactose.

In the human body, enzymes that are able to cleave the active component of the drug are not available. The structure of lactulose also does not change under the influence of alkaline medium in the duodenum and acidic medium in the stomach. Thus, the component reaches the large intestine unchanged. In the thick section, a specific microflora promotes the hydrolysis of lactulose and the formation of organic acids. The main product of the decomposition of the component is lactic acid, but among the metabolites, acetic and formic acid are also recovered .

Lactulose promotes an increase in osmotic pressure in the lumen of the large intestine. Due to the increase in the volume of the liquid (as a result of its transition from the blood), the volume of fecal matter also increases. As a result, intestinal peristalsis is stimulated.

Lactulose promotes the formation of an acidic environment, which, in turn, is favorable for the development of bifido- and lactobacilli. As a result, the active component of the drug "Normase" is involved in the restoration and maintenance of normal intestinal flora, provides absorption of the necessary substances, normalizes protein metabolism.

After oral administration of the drug therapeutic effect is noted after twenty-four to forty-eight hours.

The drug "Normase" recommends the instruction for constipation, including chronic, hepatic encephalopathy (including, for the prevention and treatment of the state of precoma and coma). The drug is indicated for disorders of the microflora of the large intestine, including against the background of the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The tool "Normase" instruction recommends the appointment for dysbacteriosis associated with the use of antibiotic drugs, as well as for errors in the diet. The drug is shown after and before surgery for hemorrhoids to regulate the stool. Assign a remedy also for hyperaemonia, with the syndrome of putrefactive dyspepsia in patients of early age, including food poisoning.

As part of the complex treatment, the drug "Normase" instruction recommends the use of vaginal candidiasis and dysbiosis, as well as osteoporosis.

The medicine is allowed for use during pregnancy. Breastfeeding is not a contraindication. After applying the drug "Normase" during pregnancy, the reviews are generally positive. Patients indicate high efficacy and good tolerability of the agent.

The medicine should be taken after meals, inside.

To eliminate constipation in the first three days of adults, the drug "Normase" instruction recommends taking fifteen to forty milliliters per day. After that, they switch to supporting therapy. The dose is from 10 to 25 milliliters per day. Patients older than six years during the first three days are recommended to 15 ml, then - maintaining a dosage - 10 ml per day. For children from one to six years, the amount of medication taken (in the first three days) is five or ten milliliters, for children up to a year, five milliliters per day.

Duration of use - from four weeks to three to four months.

As side effects may manifest allergic reactions, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea. A prolonged use of the "Normase" agent can trigger a water-salt balance disorder.

The drug is contraindicated for intestinal obstruction and bleeding, galactosemia, hypersensitivity to galactose, fructose or components of the drug, with suspicion of appendicitis.

With special care, the agent is prescribed for diabetes mellitus.

Despite the fact that the medicine is allowed for use in lactation and pregnancy, it is necessary to consult the doctor before use.

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