
Instructions for use: "Diaskintest". Description of the preparation, analogues

"Diaskintest" - what is it? Reviews about this product and instructions for its use will be presented below. Also, you will find out whether this drug has analogs, what it is prescribed for and what contraindications to use it has.

Composition, form, description of the diagnostic tool

What is the aforementioned drug? What does the description and instructions for use tell about it? "Diaskintest" goes on sale in the form of a colorless and transparent solution intended for intradermal administration. Its main component is the recombinant ESAT6-CFP10 protein, which was produced by a genetically modified culture and diluted in isotonic buffered phosphate (sterile) solution with the addition of a preservative such as phenol.

In addition to the active ingredient, this medication contains additional substances: single-potassium phosphate, disubstituted dihydrate sodium phosphate, sodium chloride, water d / u, polysorbate 80.

To buy the preparation "Diaskintest", the instruction on which application is applied to each package, it is possible in glass bottles placed in contour cellular packs.

Mechanism of action of the drug

How does the medication in question work? What does the instruction for use say? "Diaskintest" is a tuberculous allergen in standard dilution. It contains two antigens that are present in strains of (virulent) mycobacterium tuberculosis and are absent in the BCG strain.

What is the effect of the "Diaskintest" medication? The instruction informs that this means reveals a cellular immune response to specific antigens of mycobacterium tuberculosis.

After intradermal administration of the drug to persons with tuberculosis infection, it causes a specific reaction to the skin, which is a peculiar manifestation of hypersensitivity of the delayed type.

Indications for use of the solution

What is the intended purpose of this tool? What indications does the instruction contain? "Diaskintest" is used for setting an intradermal test in people of different ages:

  • For the differential diagnosis of a disease such as tuberculosis;
  • Diagnosis of tuberculosis infection, as well as evaluation of the activity of the pathological process and identification of people at high risk of developing the disease;
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of tuberculosis therapy in combination with other methods;
  • Differential diagnosis of infectious, as well as postvaccinal allergy (that is, hypersensitivity of delayed type).

It should also be noted that the Diaskintest medication (instruction, reviews are important information that is recommended to be examined before use) is actively used for screening and individual diagnosis of tuberculosis infection. For this, the intradermal test is carried out only for the purpose of a specialist (phthisiatrician), and also with its full methodological support.

Who is prescribed the drug?

What type of patients are prescribed for the drug in question? What does the instruction for use tell us about this? "Diaskintest" for the identification of tuberculosis infection is administered to the following persons:

  • Related to high-risk groups for tuberculosis infection, taking into account social, medical and epidemiological risk factors;
  • Directed to the tuberculosis department of the medical institution for the purpose of additional examination for the activity and presence of tuberculosis infection;
  • Directed to specialists after receiving the results of mass tuberculin diagnostics.

Sample Rules

How is the diagnosis of tuberculosis diagnosed with Diaskintest? Instruction for use asserts that the intradermal test is carried out together with the radiographic and clinical-laboratory examination of the patient in a hospital.

To monitor patients who are registered with a phthisiatrician, with various symptoms of tuberculosis infection, the drug in question is administered at intervals of 3.5-6 months. At the same time, a control examination of all groups of dispensary patients is mandatory.

In view of the fact that this drug does not cause delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions that are associated with BCG, the intradermal sample can not replace the tuberculin test to select people for primary vaccination, as well as revaccination.

Prohibitions to use

Under what conditions can the patient not be able to diagnose tuberculosis with Diaskintest? The instruction (the manufacturer of this means - ZAO "Generium") speaks about the following contraindications:

  • Infectious diseases are chronic and acute (especially during an exacerbation period), except in cases of suspected tuberculosis;
  • Common skin diseases;
  • Somatic and other diseases (especially during the period of exacerbation);
  • Manifestations of allergy.

One can not help saying that in children's institutions, in which there is a quarantine for childhood infections, the intradermal test should be carried out only after it is removed.

Instructions for use

"Diaskintest" is used only for the doctor's prescription. The sample is carried out by trained medical staff, who has an admission to the tests.

The drug is administered only intradermally. To do this, use tuberculin syringes, as well as short and thin needles that have an oblique cut.

Before the immediate use of the drug should be sure to check the date of its release and expiration date.

How is the injection done? Two doses of the diagnostic agent (0.2 ml) are drawn by a syringe and then the solution is released into a sterile tampon to a mark of 0.1 ml.

During the introduction of the drug, the subject should be in a sitting position. Treating the skin area on the middle third of the forearm (inner surface) with 70% ethyl alcohol and slightly stretching the upper layers of the covers, 0.1 ml of the drug is administered.

After the test, a kind of papule, 7-10 mm in size, is formed on the skin of a person.


The results of the intradermal test should be assessed by a doctor or nurse after three days from the date of it. This process is carried out by measuring the transverse size of the infiltrate and the hyperemia of the papule using a transparent ruler.

There are the following assessments of the response:

  • Negative - accompanied by a complete absence of hyperemia and infiltration, as well as the presence of "knock-off reaction", the size of which does not exceed 2 mm.
  • Doubtful - characterized by the presence of hyperemia, but without infiltration.
  • Positive - is accompanied by the presence of an infiltrate of any size.

It should also be noted that the positive reactions to the drug in question are conventionally distinguished according to the following degrees of severity:

  • Moderate (the size of the infiltrate is 5-9 mm);
  • Slightly expressed (up to 5 mm);
  • Expressed (10-14 mm);
  • Reaction giperergicheskaya (15 mm and more).

People with a positive and questionable reaction to the drug are tested for tuberculosis.

Side effects

Can the intradermal test with Diaskintest cause negative reactions? The instruction (the allergy to this medicine, as a rule, does not arise) says that in some cases, patients may experience short-term malaise, fever and headache.

Drug interaction, overdose

Information on the overdose of the drug "Diaskintest" in the attached instructions is not provided.

Diagnosis of tuberculosis through the drug in question should be planned before the implementation of preventive vaccinations. If the latter have already been carried out, then the intradermal test is done no earlier than one month after the injections.

Analogues and reviews

Than the considered preparation replace at its inaccessibility or intolerance? According to experts, there are no analogues of this tool.

What do consumers say about this drug? Most patients, especially the parents of young children, refuse to do such tests. In their words, such injections can easily provoke the development of tuberculosis. However, experts say that such a tool, as "Diaskintest", is derived from genetically modified strains of Escherichia coli, so it can not contribute to the development of the disease.

Also, many doctors claim that the intradermal test performed through the drug in question is in most cases tolerated very well by patients. Although sometimes people can still experience a slight and short-term fever, slight malaise and a headache. As a rule, such pathological conditions pass independently and do not require separate treatment.

Using a "Diaskintest" medication in school facilities, doctors can prevent the development of tuberculosis. In this case, the refusal of the sample entails a great threat to the health of the child and the people around him.

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