
The drug 'Ultop', instructions for use

The medicine "Ultop", capsules, instruction indicates, is issued in two colors. Inside are granules, the active ingredient of which is omeprazole in the amount of 10 mg, 20 mg or 40 mg, depending on the size of the form of the drug. The drug "Ultop" is a part of the clinico-pharmacological group of antiulcer drugs. Pharmaceutical action is provided by the inhibition of H + -K + -ATPase in the stomach cells responsible for the formation of hydrochloric acid. As a result, the aggressiveness of the intragastric medium decreases, which protects the mucosa from irritation.

Ultop medicine, application

The drug is prescribed:

  • With gastric ulcer in the period of exacerbation, to prevent relapses;
  • With duodenal ulcer during the period of exacerbation, to prevent recurrence;
  • With peptic esophagitis;
  • With erosive and ulcerative pathology of the digestive system;
  • With Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

The doctor doses the drug depending on the diagnosis and condition of the patient.

The drug "Ultop", instruction, side effects

Side effects that occur during the administration of the drug are of a short-term, reversible nature.

Disturbances in the digestive system are manifested by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, flatulence, dry mouth. There may be changes in taste sensations, an increased concentration of hepatic enzymes in blood plasma analyzes. Patients who survived previous hepatitis, are at risk of exacerbating liver disease.

Disturbances in the work of the nervous system are rarely caused by headaches, dizziness, agitation, drowsiness or insomnia, paresthesia, brief depressions, hallucinations.

Violations in the musculoskeletal system are manifested by muscle weakness, myalgia, and arthralgia.

Disorders in the hematopoietic system are manifested by leukopenia, thrombocytopenia; In single patients - agranulocytosis, pancytopenia.

Allergic reactions are rarely manifested by urticaria, angioedema, bronchospasm, interstitial nephritis, anaphylactic shock, changes in body temperature.

Other disorders in the body manifest pathology of vision, swelling of the extremities, increased sweating, gynecomastia. Occasionally, as a result of prolonged use of the drug, gastric cysts respond to treatment

Medication Ultop, instructions for contraindications

Do not prescribe the drug to children and pregnant women, during lactation and with increased sensitivity to the chemical compounds that make up the medicinal product.

The doctor should take special care when prescribing the Ulthop medication to patients suffering from renal or hepatic insufficiency.

The drug "Ultop", the instruction to special instructions

Before the appointment, research is conducted to exclude the possibility of developing a malignant process in the patient.

For those patients who have certain difficulties with swallowing an entire capsule, it is allowed to pour the contents into a spoon and take without a gelatinous body. In particularly difficult cases, the granules of the drug can be poured into acidified liquid, such as yogurt or juice, all mixed and drunk. The prepared slurry remains usable for half an hour.

The course of treatment does not affect the ability of the patient to drive a car, engage in a business that requires increased concentration.

In case of an overdose of omeprazole, there are signs of drowsiness, confusion, visual impairment, sweating. Patients complain of dry mouth, nausea and vomiting. There is no specific antidote for the treatment of drug poisoning. Therapy is prescribed depending on the symptomatology that has arisen.

The drug "Ultop", the instruction indicates, you can buy in a pharmacy on prescription.

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