Health, Preparations
Means "Gelomirtol". Instructions for use
The medicine "Gelomirtol" belongs to the category of expectorants. As an active ingredient in the preparation, there is standardized myrtole, an essential vegetable oil. The drug has a secretolitic and secretory effect. Due to the activity of the drug, sputum is liquefied, mucolitic epithelium is activated. As a result, the intensity of its release increases. In large doses, the drug has vasodilatation, antispasmodic, immunomodulating and antimicrobial action.
Tablets "Gelomirtol". Indications
The drug is prescribed in conjunction with other medications for the treatment of chronic and acute bronchitis, as well as inflammatory pathologies in the paranasal sinuses.
Dosing regimen
The drug is recommended to drink half an hour before meals. On the basis of the acute manifestation of an inflammatory disease, two tablets are prescribed four to five times a day. To ensure a better night's rest, the last daily intake should be done before bedtime. Against the backdrop of inflammation of a chronic type, the drug "Gelomirtol" instruction recommends taking 2 tab. Three times a day. This scheme is also prescribed for long-term treatment. To facilitate the departure of sputum in the morning for chronic bronchitis appoint two tablets of the drug before bedtime. For children from three to ten years, not more than half the dose recommended by an adult is prescribed. The Helomirtol tool recommends that you take the entire period of symptoms of the disease and within two to four days after their disappearance.
Contraindications for taking medication
The tool "Helomirtol" instruction does not recommend appointing with increased sensitivity to the substances in the composition of the drug. The drug should not be administered to patients under the age of three. Despite the fact that during the studies there was no teratogenic effect of the medication on the fetus and the condition of the mother during pregnancy, the use of these tablets is only determined by the doctor. If you need to take the medicine during lactation, you may have to decide whether to stop breastfeeding for the duration of treatment.
The drug "Gelomirtol" . Instructions. Adverse Reactions
If the prescriptions of the doctor are observed, the negative consequences of treatment with this drug are unlikely. In rare cases, there may be discomfort and soreness in the organs of the digestive tract, exacerbation of urolithic or cholelithiasis. Some patients may experience an allergic reaction (itching, burning, hyperemia). The last side effects, as a rule, are due to the presence of hypersensitivity to the components.
additional information
In practice, there are no significant, from the clinical point of view, cases of interaction of the drug with other drugs. Cases of overdose were also not recorded. The drug has no effect on the speed of the reaction of a psychomotor nature. The agent can be administered to patients of any profession. Store the medicine in a dry place.
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