
The drug "Flebodia". Instructions for use.

"Flebodia" is a medicine that is widely used for venous insufficiency, varicose veins, lymphovenous insufficiency, uncomplicated hemorrhoids, and microcirculation disorders.

The agent "Flebodia" comes in the form of round biconvex tablets of 600 mg, covered with a pink film wrap. The package contains 15 or 30 pieces of "Flebodia" tablets. Instructions for use are enclosed.

The active substance of the drug - diosmin improves the tone of the veins, prevents their stretching, reduces stagnation in the veins. In addition, lymphatic pressure decreases, lymphatic vessels tone and frequency of their contractions increase. The drug improves microcirculation, has anti-inflammatory properties, increases vasoconstriction.

The preparation includes: stearic acid, silicon dioxide, talc, opagloss, dyes, microcrystalline cellulose.

The preparation "Flebodia", the instruction to which must be necessarily studied, is taken only according to the doctor's prescription.

To treat the mild form of lymphovenous and venous insufficiency, which is expressed in the severity of the legs, it is recommended to drink 1 tablet per day on an empty stomach in the morning for two months.

If the disease has an average severity - pain, swelling, seizures, then prescribe the drug for three months.

In severe forms of the disease, when the process of the formation of trophic ulcers began, a long-term use of the drug is required - 6 months.

In the case of hemorrhoids, take one tablet twice a day for a week, and then - one tablet a day for one to two months.

On the dosage of the drug "Flebodia" instructions for use in detail tells.

For the treatment of lymphovenous edema in pregnant women, one tablet is prescribed per day. Two to three weeks before the birth of the drug should be stopped. If one or more of the techniques were omitted, then continue in the usual dose.

The agent "Flebodia" has practically no side effects. Most often it is a reaction from the digestive system and a headache, which quickly passes and does not require discontinuation of the drug. Less common are allergic manifestations associated with intolerance to the components of the drug. In the latter case, it will have to be canceled.

The drug "Flebodia" is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age, breastfeeding mothers, patients who do not tolerate diosmin or its other components.

Clinical studies have shown that Flebodia can be used by pregnant women for more than 12 weeks. Until now, there are no known cases of any side effects in a pregnant woman while taking the drug.

When breastfeeding the drug is not prescribed, since there is no data on the penetration of the drug into breast milk. Studies have not revealed any action of the drug on the fetus, leading to deformities and malformations.

The incompatibility of the drug "Flebodia" with other drugs, when they were taken together, was not detected.

About the preparation "Flebodia" instructions for use contains special instructions.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, the drug is not the only medicine, but it is always used in combination with other drugs. If reception does not bring a quick result, it is necessary to conduct an additional examination and change the treatment.

The drug can be used as a means of preventing bleeding when using an intrauterine device and after plastic surgery that removes veins. There is information about the effective use of the "Flebodia" in fetoplacental insufficiency.

There is no evidence of a negative effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms.

Cases of drug overdose are not known.

The agent "Flebodia" should be stored in a dark place inaccessible to children. Storage temperature should not exceed + 27 ° C. Shelf life of the drug is two years.

Before taking the drug "Flebodia" instructions for use should be carefully studied.

The analogue of the preparation "Flebodia" is Detralex, which has a similar composition, has the same medicinal effect and is intended for the treatment of the same diseases.

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