
Solar marigolds (Calendula) - useful properties and medicinal qualities

For a long time mankind used the natural blessings from the world of plants for food, for the treatment of various ailments. The main basis for the application of plants for treatment was folk wisdom and sensitive human observation. Trade facilitation, social development, knowledge sharing - all this contributed to the creation of a large-scale, impressive arsenal of many medicines from a variety of plants. One of them is calendula.

Calendula - a plant cold and unpretentious. It grows in thickets of bushes, on rocks, along coastlines, in fields. There are many species and subspecies of this plant. And new varieties (decorative) are bred in flower gardens.

Calendula, useful properties of which are unique and universal, has received a very wide application in folk healing and in official medicine. It is often used as strong tinctures for rinsing the nasopharynx and the oral cavity during inflammatory processes, and also for the treatment of severe abscesses, ulcers and wounds; Helps with total fatigue, insomnia, headache. This medicinal plant can also be used as a bright food coloring (oil extract from reed flowers), and also as a condiment for sauces and soups in some national cuisines.

Traditional medicine uses calendula inflorescences that are collected during the flowering phase: in other words, from June to November. In pharmacies, you can purchase a ready-made dry kit, but it is better, of course, to prepare each individual petal yourself. The extract of the flowers of the herb is contained in a large number of compositions of various cosmetics and good regenerating creams that affect the skin beneficially and give it elasticity.

The properties of calendula are used in medicines, which are made on its basis. They have a pronounced antibacterial action against pathogens, especially streptococci and staphylococci. Recommended for severe cardiovascular diseases, which are accompanied by heart rhythm disorders, as well as diseases of the biliary tract, liver, duodenal ulcer and stomach, gastritis, menopause, hypertension.

Many herbalists are looking forward to when the marigold begins to blossom. Useful properties of this plant are widely used in ointments, for rinsing, lotions, douches and patches.

The healing properties of calendula help to heal serious wounds, great rid of boils and hated teen acne. Calendula is also useful in the treatment of eczema, face whitening, lightening of freckles or pigment spots. Widely used plant for burns, cracks, abrasions, scratches, wounds and ulcers.

Nails are even used for malignant tumors, with fever, sciatica, alopecia. They cure conjunctivitis, mastitis, pustular diseases.

Calendula is also known for its diuretic, expectorant and sweating actions.

Calendula perfectly helps with edema and dyspnea, with headaches, remembers memory reminis- sively, quickly relieves irritation, stops frequent nosebleeds. Tincture of the juice of calendula is used to remove pain. When ingested, soothes and provides a restful sleep, normalizes breathing and heart rhythm.

In Europe, marigolds are used to color oil and cheeses. Also used widely in cooking, add to delicious dishes from various stewed vegetables, soups and salads.

Here's a wonderful marigold! The useful properties of these colors will help you get rid of many health problems and prevent their appearance.

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