

Tinea is classified as a viral infection. For the disease characteristic is the development of a rash accompanied by a severe pain syndrome. Shingles can appear on any part of the human body. Most often the rash looks like a strip of bubbles. A characteristic feature of it is the "girdling" of the body half from the sternum to the middle of the back.

The causative agent of the disease is a virus that causes varicella. After the chickenpox that was transferred once, it remains in the person in the nervous tissue. After years, it can manifest itself again. Shingles do not belong to deadly diseases, but it is very painful. Therefore, timely access to help allows not only to accelerate recovery, but also to eliminate the risk of adverse consequences.

Shingles can be caused by a stressful situation, the aging of the body, the use of steroids for a prolonged period, weakening the immune system with ailments (leukemia, HIV), radiotherapy or chemotherapy (for malignant tumors), the use of drugs after transplantation.

The spread of the virus by airborne droplets does not occur. However, with direct contact with the liquid from the vesicles in a person who has not previously had chickenpox, it can develop. After touching the patient, as a rule, shingles do not appear.

Infection is accompanied by increased sensitivity or pain in the area of the skin on one side of the body. In addition, the patient may experience a variety of sensations, such as itching, tingling, or burning. Pain can be aching or acute and intermittent.

When the symptoms on the face, in particular in the ophthalmic region, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. Together with painful sensations the patient can feel nonspecific manifestations of the disease in the form of chills, fever. After one to three days after the manifestation of soreness, a red rash develops on the body at approximately the same site. With the course of the disease, the bubbles are filled with pus, after ten to twelve days they are covered with crusts. Absence of a rash with painful sensations is noted in extremely rare cases. Pimples disappear after the crust disappears within two to three weeks. As a result, scars may occur.

Possible complications of herpes zoster may be very severe: complete loss of vision (or moderate severity), skin infection.

In a number of cases, soreness persists even after the rash has disappeared. This condition is typical for 15% of patients. As a rule, people are more exposed to him after fifty years. This syndrome is called postherpetic neuralgia. In this condition, the patient is prescribed painkillers, anticonvulsants or antidepressants.

The development of the disease in the eye area can provoke an infection leading to a complete loss of vision.

How to treat herpes zoster?

As a rule, special therapy to eliminate the disease is not applied. However, it should be noted that manifestations of the disease can be greatly facilitated if treatment is started in the early stages.

The maximum therapeutic effect is achieved with the use of medication no later than 72 hours from the time of the first rash. In this case, as a rule, oral antiviral agents are prescribed.

Analgesics in the form of gel, cream or transdermal patch are used as analgesic medications. In addition, tricyclic antidepressants and anticonvulsants are prescribed.

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