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Who is the Pirp of Surinamese?

Surinamese pimp is a frog that lives in South America and has a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle. It can be found in Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Suriname, Brazil or Colombia. Most of the life of the frog spends in water bodies, only occasionally appearing on land during torrential rains, then it is very clumsily moving through a flooded tropical forest. It is noteworthy that even during a severe drought, it does not come out of the water, preferring to wait out the heat in small and almost dried puddles.

Despite the fact that this amphibian rough horny skin and perfectly developed lungs are signs of a terrestrial form of existence, it does not like land. This frog prefers natural ponds with muddy bottom and turbid water. Surinamese pike is most often found in ponds and rivers with slow currents related to the Amazon basin. Sometimes it can be seen in the irrigation canals of plantations.


Many people do not like and even fear ordinary frogs. But the Surinamese pip has a special appearance. Those who like to shave can say that this frog looks like it came under a skating rink. She is really very frail. A gray or brown, almost flat body with a triangular head, fixed eyes and a pair of tentacles at the mouth. The abdomen is light, sometimes with a black strip or several white spots. The length of an adult frog can reach 20 cm.

The front legs are almost without membranes with long fingers, on the tips of which you can see very sensitive star-like appendages. Because of them, a frog is called a starfish. Another interesting anatomical feature of this animal is the absence of tongue and teeth. Pipa Surinamese usually looks for food at the bottom, fingering the forelegs with mud. The hind legs are long and strong, their fingers are connected by membranes, which allows the frog to move perfectly in the water. It should be noted that in addition to such an ugly appearance, pipa has a sharp, very unpleasant smell, reminiscent of sulfuric. And yet, many lovers of amphibians prefer to keep this exotic animal at home in an aquarium. What is the cause of this desire?


Pirp Surinamese is a wonderful mother, and it's very interesting to watch how she wears babies. Mating occurs only during the rainy season. It all begins with the marriage dance. The male makes a metallic clicking sound, calling the female. Soon she begins to throw eggs, and the male to fertilize and press them with the help of the chest and hind legs to the back of the female, laboriously distributing the eggs in the cells. That's where little pip will live and develop for two and a half months.

The cells themselves are deep - about 1.5 cm, and the size of the eggs is up to 7 mm. The partitions in the cells contain a huge number of blood vessels. The protruding part of each egg is covered with a dense stratum corneum. Mating can last a day, then the male finds his mission accomplished and leaves. Tadpoles for 11-12 weeks will be in such a "kindergarten", where everything is provided - protection, nutrition and an ideal temperature regime.


The Surinamese pipa, whose reproduction is much different from the spawning of other frogs, can lay more than 100 eggs and then carry them all for about 85 days. The total weight of oviposition is approximately 385 grams.

For a frog, this is a pretty big indicator. At the end of the period, fully formed young pip leave their cells. Remnants of skin frog removes. For this, she rubs her back against plants or stones. Soon after molting, a new skin appears.

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To make this a miracle of nature at home, you need to carefully prepare. For this frog you need an aquarium with a volume of at least 100 liters, but it is better to buy at 200-300 liters. The next step is to select a filter. The water in the aquarium should be warm (about 26 degrees) and well aerated.

On the bottom you can pour small gravel, and the aquarium decorate with live or artificial algae. Feed the Surinamese pip easy. For this purpose, the bloodworm, earthworms and small fishes are perfect. Lovers who want to breed such unusual animals, you should know that puberty in these frogs comes at the age of 6 years.


Once, seeing for the first time, in an unusual way the Suriname pipa takes care of its offspring, Zakhoder Boris wrote a beautiful poem dedicated to her motherly feeling. So this frog has become famous.

Many admire the maternal instincts of a cat or dog, but nature not only rewarded them with excellent parental qualities. And let the male of the Surinamese pipa not care about his offspring, like a leaf-litter frog, for example, the female copes alone alone, providing her kids with all the essentials.

In the end I want to note, no matter what kind of mother it may seem - beautiful or ugly, for her children, it still remains the most wonderful and beloved.

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