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How long does the turtle really live?

How long does the turtle live? It depends on what form it refers to. For example, a giant tortoise lives longer than any vertebrate - more than a century. And small, like European marsh - from 20 to 25 years. And the conditions practically do not affect the duration of their life. The turtles are very slow Metabolism, in this regard, they can for a long time not to eat and not even drink. In addition, due to the effective functioning of the immune system, these animals are very resistant to infections of various origins, quickly recover from injuries and are extremely hardy. They can completely stop their heartbeat, and then resume it. All turtles have one, and the ground ancestor is a cotylosaurus. But in the course of evolution, many of his descendants were able to adapt to life in the water, both salty and fresh.

In general, the answer to the question of how much the turtle lives is quite extensive, since some facts contradict everything else. For example, on the island of Galapagos still alive turtle, which the discoverers of this land noticed more than 300 years ago. But, perhaps, this is a bike, as scientists believe that Giant turtles (namely, the notorious long-liver belongs to this species) can survive a maximum of 180 years. In any case, how much the turtle lives, in our time depends largely on the person, since by its vital activity it destroys the habitual habitat of the parareptiles. Attempts to migrate turtles during the construction of their ancestral lands were not successful. Also, a man destroys these animals in large quantities for the sake of skin, shell and meat. Most of this soup turtle suffered.

To date, about 290 species of these animals are known, 7 of them inhabit the territory of Russia. They inhabit land and water areas in temperate zones and in the tropics. According to the mode of existence, the turtles are subdivided into terrestrial and marine. The first, in turn, - on freshwater and land. The size of the turtles is different. Marine - larger than all others. For example, leathery have a shell length of up to 2 meters, and weigh more than half a ton. How much water turtles live also depends on the species, habitat and many other factors.

Small animals are caught in large quantities for captive keeping. They have no chance to give offspring or return to their natural habitat. A total of 1 million turtles are caught per year for sale. It is believed that under adequate conditions of detention, they can live longer in captivity than in nature. But this is not so. If we talk about how many live turtles live, it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer. Certainly, much depends on the conditions of detention, but this is always only a very approximate semblance of natural circumstances, and therefore animals die before their due date. Basically - from anguish, stress and hypodynamia.

So how long does the turtle live? First of all, the duration of her life depends on the comfort of existence, a full-fledged diet, the correspondence of the environment to the necessary standards, and most importantly - full-fledged existence.

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