News and Society, Nature
Shrub - a reliable assistant landscape designer
Shrub sod is a favorite plant of landscape designers. Its name in Latin can be translated as "horn". The wood of the turf is very heavy and dense. In nature, its heat-loving species grow in southern countries: in Central Africa and Latin America. And more frost-resistant - everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. Both deciduous and evergreen, the bush of the turf is amazingly beautiful.
White sod (shrub): description and features
This is a very common species - in nature it grows throughout Russia, with the exception of the northern regions, in Korea, China. It reaches three meters in height. Shoots of the turf are dark red, brown or black with a reddish tint. This gives the bush more decorative. On young shoots, you can often see a matte grayish coating.
Agrotechnics of the turf
Shrub must be planted in groups. Between the specimens should remain a distance of sixty centimeters. Plant them preferably in soil, fertilized with compost and humus. In the top layer add sand or clay, depending on what the ground is not enough. You can do without drainage and without acidity control: as already mentioned, the turf is unpretentious and grows well on any soil. In the summer, the bush can be fertilized with compost, and in spring - with mineral fertilizers. Moderate watering involves half a bucket of water per adult plant every week. Care of the turf will be incomplete if you do not regularly cut this bush. The decimation of the crown should not be too intense. It must be produced in the spring. Too much circumcision can provoke uncontrolled growth of the bush.
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