Sports and Fitness, Fitness
Tibetan monks and their lives
Since ancient times, Tibet from all corners of the world attracted mystics and scientists. It is believed that Buddhism is the most peaceful religion of the world. After all, according to history, the followers of the Buddha - the Tibetan monks - never impose their faith on anyone, did not arrange campaigns for the sake of their religion. However, despite this, different nations follow a religion that was created on the basis of the Hindu Vedas by Prince Gautama.
The way of life of the inhabitants of the Tibetan monasteries is measured and closed. Communication with the outside world is possible only with the arrival of a caravan with food. Every day Tibetan monks begin and end with prayers, between which they perform work on the territory of the monastery, necessary for its existence, and also meditate.
In addition to prayers in the monastery, it is impossible to hear a single superfluous word. The main difference between the monks is their extraordinary isolation. With them you can talk for hours, however, you will only have to speak, and they will be patient listeners.
The Tibetan monks, by their silence of the incoming interlocutor, are checked for perseverance, as they are sure: in order to achieve a higher understanding, one must have patience. The secrets of Tibet will be open only to those who have come to improve their knowledge and their soul. The five exercises of the Tibetan monks, which are called the "Eye of Revival", provide an opportunity to achieve this patience and significantly improve their health, especially the joints. In addition, perform these exercises on the forces of the busiest person, as it will be enough and five minutes a day.
Now let's go directly to the exercises, which we perform three times a week, the second week - five, and so increase to the 21st time. Also between the exercises do not pause.
1. The starting position (IP) - we get straight, hands are bred to the sides at shoulder level. We rotate them three times clockwise. It is important that the eyes are open. This is necessary in order not to crash, and in order not to fall, concentrate your attention on one point.
2. IP - we lay down on the floor, hands are located along the trunk, the palms are pressed against the rug, and the fingers are connected together. Now, pressing tightly your chin to your body, raise your legs upwards, which you can not bend in your knees, just like pulling a hose from the floor. Then we release the head and legs on the floor, relaxing all the muscles of the body. Repeat three times. Note that this exercise is not always obtained the first time, however, persistent training and a drop of patience, endowed with Tibetan monks, you will help.
3. IP - we kneel, legs are shoulder-width apart, hips are vertical, palms are placed under the ass and thus we create an emphasis. Then we tilt our head forward and press the chin of the chest. Then we throw our heads back, at the same time we rest our hands on our feet. We return to the starting position.
4. IP - we sit on the floor, legs are in front of us, the feet should be on the width of the shoulders, the chin is pressed to the chest, the back is straight, and the palms are placed on the sides with the fingers upwards. Exhale and throw your head back. Now deeply inhale and lift the body to a horizontal position, forming a "bridge", and simultaneously tighten the muscles for a couple of seconds. Then relax, return to the FE and exhale. Note that the exercise should be done on a delay in breathing.
5. The last exercise of Tibetan monks is familiar to those engaged in yoga. IP - we rely on the palms and toes that we have on the width of the shoulders. Neither knees nor belly of the floor should touch. We take a deep breath and throw our head back and up. Then raise the ass as high as possible and slowly lower your head, pressing your chin to your chest. Pay attention to the hands and feet should be all the time straight. We return to the starting position.
It is worth noting that in carrying out the exercises of Tibetan monks, it is necessary to follow all the time for the correctness of their breathing, since it plays the most important role in the entire process.
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