
No-shpa preparation before childbirth

Most women expecting a child are afraid to take any kind of medication, for fear of harming the baby. Indeed, to do this is only on the advice of a specialist who examines the future mother before the birth of a child. The drug "No-shpa" before delivery is prescribed by a doctor with the aim of reducing the tone of smooth muscles and their motor activity, and also for the widening of the blood vessels of the parturient woman.

Quite often, experts advise women waiting for a child to keep this antispasmodic drug at hand and use it for abdominal pain. But-shpa before delivery does not have a negative effect on the fetus, which compares favorably with other medicines.

This preparation is of vegetable origin. In a day you can take up to six tablets (usually two or three times a day with severe pain in the lower abdomen, with complaints of hard and dense uterus).

The drug "No-shpa" before delivery is also prescribed because it helps stabilize the cardiac activity of the fetus in the womb and reduces the risk of rupture of the uterus (which is especially important for women with an impaired elasticity due to cauterization of erosion). This drug helps to reduce the pain of the mother in childbirth, and also normalizes the contractile activity of the uterine musculature.

The preparation "No-shpa" before delivery is accepted only in case that there is a recommendation of the attending physician. Otherwise, use this tool alone is not recommended, because it has contraindications: acute hepatic, renal, cardiac, or isthmico-cervical (violation of the cervical dysfunction) insufficiency. Also, no-shpu should be carefully taken to those women who have low blood pressure. If such pathologies were not identified, the harm to the health of both the mother and the child will not bring the indicated remedy.

But still, we should not forget that the drug "No-shpa" for pregnant women is also a medicine. And it is necessary to take it only when absolutely necessary. In this case, it can be considered as an emergency aid before contacting a doctor. In the instructions to the drug it is indicated that in the period of gestation the fetus should be taken with extreme caution.

But-spa, the composition of which determines its antispasmodic effect, can cause the following side effects:

- allergic reactions;

- nausea;

- Constipation;

- dizziness and headaches;

- rapid pulse ;

- fast fatigue weakness;

- loss of appetite.

The main active substance of the drug, drotaverin, effectively relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus, which reduces pain, but can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. That is why in the second and third semesters of pregnancy this drug is used as a last resort.

Sometimes this medication is injected intramuscularly, and in some situations, the drug "No-shpa" in tablets is prescribed by a specialist together with papaverine in suppositories (they have a similar algorithm of action, but simultaneous use enhances the therapeutic effect). Only the doctor decides whether a future mother needs a combination of drugs.

Despite the clinically proven safety of the drug described above, its use for pregnant women is prohibited in England and Germany (since there is evidence of the effect of this drug on the development of the child's speech device), and in the US it can not be found in pharmacies, since it is not used as a medicine in general. As for Russia, here the drug "No-shpa" is the main means for a quick and painless removal of the tonus of the uterus of a future mother.

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