
Just about 'Kapoten': indications for use

High blood pressure does not add to the heart, so you need to fight it. Many simply lose weight and reduce the amount of salt consumed, but not all patients are ready to bear the burden of low-calorie, low-salt, diets. In this situation, it is often easier to prescribe a pressure reducing drug "Kapoten".

Indications for use include mild and moderate arterial hypertension. Usually, against the background of such a disease, thiazide diuretics are prescribed, but not all of them have enough of their effect. Therefore, in order to strengthen their influence, additionally prescribe the drug "Kapoten."

Indications for use still include severe hypertension. If the standard therapy is ineffective, the doctor must prescribe this remedy. It is very well combined with other medicines for pressure, but only the experienced doctor can correctly select the dosage, so it is by no means a preparation for self-medication.

How does the "Kapoten" work? Its application is related to the effect of the action on substances synthesized by the kidney. Usually the contribution of this body to the regulation of pressure is quite significant, so if you want to reduce pressure, then most often this system is exposed to pressure medications. Is it always justified? As a temporary measure, yes, but it is better to eliminate other factors of increased pressure (lifestyle factors), such as overweight and consumption of large amounts of salt. And then the drug "Kapoten" will not be needed.

Indications for use also include heart failure. Of course, in the treatment of this disease, not only this drug is important, but also, for example, digitalis preparations. It is also very important to choose diuretics correctly for this diagnosis.

Tablets "Kapoten" very significantly reduce the stress on the circulatory system, and especially on the heart. In the vessels of this organ improves their own blood supply, the same can be said about the kidneys, their condition is rapidly improving. Often, with a very high load, the muscular wall of the main "worker" - the heart, increases, which is considered not a good sign. However, this is the case if the drug "Kapoten" is prescribed.

Indications for use are usually limited to these three diagnoses, although sometimes in difficult cases the doctor can prescribe this medication and with formally other diagnoses.

The drug "Kapoten" is better than other drugs, since it does not cause a rapid heartbeat, against the background of its use, the heart begins to use oxygen more efficiently. An hour later, the patient already feels the positive effect of the medicine, that is, it is not an ambulance, but at the same time, one does not have to wait for the effect for days. The effect of the drug depends on the dose, the optimal amount can usually be picked up in a few weeks.

More than 50 mg per day is not prescribed if hypertension is classified as moderate and mild, with a heavy dose much more - 150 mg. With heart failure, the highest dose is the same as with severe hypertension. But a "tiny" dose of 12.5 mg helps a lot. In general, the doctor tries to ensure that the amount of the drug is minimal, but at the same time provides the effect.

For the elderly, the "Kapoten" is prescribed taking into account their changing state, preferably in the hospital, where you can keep the situation under control. Children are rarely prescribed this medication, only with very serious indications and the dose is very small, because the kidneys of babies are not able to excrete this remedy well from the body.

Those whose kidneys are not in very good condition should undergo their examination every month for the time that the "Kapoten" preparation is prescribed.

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