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What are the specific features of Ilya Muromets' speech in the epics?

Bylina is an amazing part of folklore. Tales of the heroes, Mother Russia, true friendship and honor are sometimes more interesting than the confusing legends and myths of Western Europe. And everyone knows the names of the defenders of the Russian land: Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets - they are the first to remember when it comes to bogatyrs. Each of the trinity has its own functions, but together they are invincible, as invincible and Rus under the protection of their heroes.

To reveal the character's image is fuller not only their actions, but also words. And often it is the individual phrases that make it possible to understand the hero much better. What is special about the speech of Ilya Muromets, the elder of the heroes? How is it characterized by words spoken to them? Let's try to find out.


First you need to understand who Ilya Muromets is. As they say in the epics, he was partially paralyzed, he lay for thirty years on the stove, and then he was healed by the elderly gophers passing through his native village of Karacharovo. They gave the man a heroic strength, told how to properly raise a horse, which will withstand any tests, and assured Ilya that death in battle does not threaten him.

On the advice of his parents, the newly-made knight went to Kiev, where he became the head of all the heroes of the Russians. Ever since, Ilya Muromets has stood guard over the borders of Russia and served faithfully Prince Vladimir, despite all the intrigues of the latter.

Curious is the fact that many researchers consider the epic hero to be the embodiment of St. Ilya of Pechersky, whose relics rest in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. In all the legends, he is an authority not only among the heroes, he allows himself to object even to the prince (here emphasis is placed on the fact that Vladimir Ilya can not disobey himself only because of the contradiction of the order to his Christian principles). The constant confrontation between the hero and the prince is what distinguishes the speech of Ilya Muromets particularly brightly. No one in all of Russia could say a word against Vladimir's will, but the elder of the Knights not only challenges the orders, but also allows himself to insult the Baptist of Russia: in the epic about Ilya Muromets and Kalina Tsar he says that "for the dog- Then, Prince Vladimir, let me not get out of the cellar! "Another feature of Ilya Muromets's speech is the constant teaching of others, but not aggressive, but rather friendly: the hero earnestly wants to help those around him. Undoubtedly, Ilya Muromets can be called the most peace-loving, but at the same time, irreconcilable defender of the Russian land.


In the first part of the tales of Ilya Murom, the future hero appears before the reader as a sick man, who for thirty years could not make a single step. Healed him from the illness passing elderly pilgrims, transmitting to the protagonist a huge force and giving farewells to the service of the prince.

What is the specificity of Ilya Muromets' speech in this bylina? He uses repetitions in order to better convey his thoughts ("sit sitting"), and even diminutive-affectionate suffixes ("great silk") - is a feature of all the goodies epic. And even though he is above the elders by social status , treats them respectfully and warmly thanks them for healing.

Even according to a couple of remarks pronounced by the hero in this legend, one can understand that Ilya Muromets's speech in the epics is extremely courteous, he treats with respect to those who are weaker than him, and knows how to be grateful.

Nightingale the Robber

The second most famous legend tells of the battle of Ilya with the Nightingale the Robber. The epic begins with the already noted feature of the speech by Ilya Muromets - courtesy (his dialogue with peasants from Chernigov). But then, with an indirect encounter with the Nightingale, when the horse, having heard the villain's whistle, stopped and refused to go before, the warrior uses and scolds ("herb bag", "wolf syat"), and orderly tone. You can also note a large number of repetitions (for example, when describing his journey to Kiev, the hero makes several excuses "by" several times, listing all known places through which he managed to pass).


At the very beginning of the epic about the battle with Kalin-tsar, the words of the hero differ sharply from his original image. Speech by Ilya of Murom, when he wants to get food and water free of charge in the tavern, does not at all resemble a request, even with an explanation, it is more like an order. The truth in the monologue of the knight before the heroes again appears a reference to his Christian prototype: Ilya insists that they should defend not so much Prince Vladimir from the threat as to stand up for the temples and for the faith. In addition, in this legend he acts as a true peacemaker, forbidding his comrades-in-arms to kill the captured enemy. Of the additional features can be noted the abundance of prepositions and diminutive-affectionate suffixes (when meeting with other knights, he emphasizes his kind attitude).


So, what is the specificity of Ilya Muromets' speech? He uses a large number of repetitions and diminutive-affectionate suffixes in speech, however, this is characteristic of all epic heroes. At the same time, his words are filled with wisdom and peace. This hero is one of the brightest images of Russian literature.

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