HealthHealthy Eating

What to eat after training.

Any sporting activities already do not presuppose the absorption of various sweets. But there are other equally important points that must be taken into account. For those who want to learn what to eat after training, as well as before it, the following information is presented.

If the goal of your classes is to lose weight, then in this case, never starve. The organism perceives it in its own way and the opposite process begins, namely the accumulation of fatty mass in reserve. Adhere to the principles of fractional nutrition and always have breakfast.

To build the right meal schedule that will work for you, it is important to understand how the fats, carbohydrates and proteins work, getting to us in the body. In connection with the fact that carbohydrates have the main role as the main source of energy, in the diet of the training person, most of them should be consumed in the morning, preferably for breakfast. Fats in our body provide a normal metabolism. In addition, they take part in the assimilation of vitamins. Therefore, to exclude fats from their diet completely by no means impossible. As for proteins, their purpose is to build muscle.

With this issue figured out, and now directly about how to eat before and after training. Going to the gym, for a half - two hours, be sure to eat, regardless of whether you will perform strength exercises or carry out cardio. In this case, give preference to slow carbohydrates and proteins, but not fat. Let it be vegetables and whole grains. Avoid sweet rolls and other easily digestible carbohydrates, pasta, white rice, potatoes.

Here is an approximate list of products that can be consumed before the training:

• Oatmeal

• Bird meat

• an omelet made from proteins

• Brown rice

• buckwheat

If the purpose of your classes is to build muscle, then thirty minutes before they take place, eat one large fruit with a low glycemic index, for example, an apple, a pear or a strawberry, and then drink a protein cocktail.

Of course, during training you should not eat. But it is very important to periodically drink water according to the following pattern: before classes, drink one glass of water, then every fifteen to twenty minutes to drink a little liquid. The fact is that during the training, water takes an active part in the metabolism, and, importantly, stimulates thermoregulation.

And now we come close to the topic of our conversation and talk about what to eat after training. Consider two options. You choose the one that is closest to you, based on your final goals.

Option one - what to eat after training, if your main goal - to lose weight. In this case, at the conclusion of the classes, the food can not be taken for another two hours. After the specified time, eat something light and non-nutritious. It can be vegetables, dairy products, including kefir, as well as dried fruits. All these products relieve the feeling of hunger, and also very useful for our digestive system. In addition, within two hours, exclude from your diet all drinks containing caffeine, because it slows down the recovery processes, which leads to a deterioration in the effectiveness of classes.

Option two - what to eat after training, if you are pursuing the goal to build muscle. Here everything is a little different. Immediately after completing the exercises, use a special protein or protein cocktail. You can do cranberry or grape juice. Eat large protein foods.

That's basically all the recommendations on what you need to eat after training. They are absolutely simple. The main thing if you stick to these principles, your results will be more visible and will make themselves felt much faster.

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