HealthDiseases and Conditions

Cones on the neck. Causes and Treatment

Many people are frightened if they notice bumps on their necks. However, unfortunately, not everyone with a similar problem turns to the doctor. In general, most often, such formations do not cause a person practically no painful sensations or discomfort. It is for this reason that people are not rushing to the hospital, but are simply waiting for the bumps on their necks to pass by themselves. Do not do this, because the reason for the appearance of this kind of formation can be more than serious.

Let's talk first about the causes of tumorous formations in the neck area in humans. In most cases, this is an ordinary increase in the so-called lymph nodes. However, such increases are in turn caused by some viral infection of an infectious nature. Undoubtedly, this is the clinical manifestation of the disease. Cones on the neck can be observed if a person is sick with mononucleosis or measles, for example. In addition, quite often the same symptoms occur with an ordinary ARI. It is impossible not to say that the cones on the neck appear when the respiratory organs of a representative of modern society are affected by a disease such as tuberculosis. Lymph nodes increase if inflammation occurs from the side of the teeth or in the ear. Cones on the neck may differ in size from each other. Regardless of this, each of them should be examined by a specialist. Only an experienced doctor will be able to conduct an examination, and then put an accurate diagnosis. Most often as a result of this, next to a single cone, many other smaller nodules can be found.

According to statistics, in eighty percent of such cases there is a lump on the neck from the side. However, this kind of formation is localized in its various parts. It is worth paying special attention if there are bumps on the neck of the child. The fact is that young children are much more likely to have ARI and ARVI than adults. In addition, the lymph node in this state can stay for a sufficiently long time. This should worry the parents, because such symptoms indicate the presence in the body of a serious inflammatory process of a chronic type. Such ailments require compulsory treatment by a doctor.

Another reason that there are cones on the neck of a person may be a tumor, which is usually called a lipoma. Sometimes it is also called a fatty or greasy cyst. It should be noted that such a tumor most often develops rapidly, reaching a large size. The cause of this kind of pathology in most cases become various kinds of metabolic disorders. Some people who consider lipoma to be an ordinary wen, try to cope with it by a general cleansing of the body. However, this hypothesis has not yet been confirmed by science. From inflamed and enlarged lymph nodes, lipoma is distinguished by the fact that the ball is directly under the skin and moves easily when it is pressed against it. Lymph nodes never move with the skin. In addition, their increase is quite painful, which is not typical for sebaceous cysts.

When a cone appears on the neck, a specialist must first find out the cause of this formation. Depending on this, further treatment is prescribed. For example, the lipoma is most often removed. As for infectious diseases that promote the appearance of cones on the neck, their mandatory treatment with medicines is necessary. If you develop tumors in the neck, first consult a general practitioner. He will conduct an appropriate examination of the situation, and then send you further to the specialist who will be engaged in the main treatment. This is either a surgeon or an infectious disease specialist.

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