
Than to wash off black oil from clothes? Effective and simple ways

Even serious contamination on clothes, such as stains from fuel oil, can be derived not only in dry cleaning, but also at home with the help of simple improvised means. Do not forget that it is easier to remove a fresh stain. Therefore, before you start cleaning, make sure that it is really fuel oil. This substance is oily, but do not rush to sprinkle the stain with salt, as we used to do with greasy soiling - in this case it does not help. It is better to try to return the clothes to cleanliness in the ways described below.

Method 1: Gasoline

Than to wash off black oil from clothes that the stain has not extended? We recommend using high-active gasoline. In this case, the area must be gently wiped off the edges. After gasoline copes with fuel oil, the remnants of the stain can be removed already when washing with a quality detergent.

Method 2: Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil also perfectly cleanses clothes from fuel oil. You need to soak a stain on it, and then wipe it several times with a rag, also soaked in this substance. After the fuel oil comes down, spread the thing with a strong detergent powder.

Method 3: caustic soda

This substance can be found in hardware stores. Dissolve the soda in water and wash the contamination site. Finally, the usual detergent powder will help to defeat the fuel oil . This way of cleaning will cost you cheaper than to wash off fuel oil from clothes in a dry cleaner.

Method 4: Car Cleaners

They are usually much stronger than household remedies and are able to remove specific stains. Fuel oil to such pollution, of course, can be attributed. Modern car cleaners refer to the fabric no less carefully than washing household powders, so you can not be afraid that the appearance of clothes will be ruined.

Method 5: Clay and Starch

How to wash the stain from fuel oil with dry clay and powdered starch? It is necessary to take these substances in equal proportions (for example, 1 teaspoon of clay and 1 teaspoon of starch in dry form), mix and rub the powder into the stain from fuel oil on clothing. Wait until the resulting composition dries, then remove from the clothing with a brush. Are dissatisfied with the result and again think about what to wash off fuel oil from clothes? Just repeat the procedure first!

Method 6: Margarine

An oily structure of fuel oil will help in some cases to win ... margarine! No margarine? Butter is also suitable! Anoint the stain and wait for a while. Fuel oil will mix with oil, and your clothes will become much cleaner. You will only have to get rid of the fat little spot with a warm soapy solution.

Method 7: Solvent

Acetone (or any other solvent-like solvent) is also effective against complex contaminants, such as a stain from fuel oil. First, wet a cotton pad in it, and then wipe the desired tissue area with it. But before you wash the mazut from the clothes in the way suggested, you know: acetone is not recommended for use on colored things, since it strongly removes the color from the fabric and can discolor it by spoiling the appearance of the clothes. If you still decided to resort to this method, try removing the stain from the wrong side first.


Unexpectedly to find out on favorite trousers or a coat the stain from mazut is unpleasant, but nobody is insured from similar small troubles. Now you know how to cope with this complex pollution at home, and so do not hesitate for a long time about how to wash fuel oil with jeans or any other fabric!

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