
Secrets of choosing fur coats. The warmest coats from which fur?

Fur coats in its original form appeared at the dawn of human existence. Ancient people used the skins of dead animals instead of clothes. Even then they understood that the natural fur of animals warms the body in the best way.

The symbol of prosperity

Now fur garments have the glory of the warmest outer clothing. But if in the distant past "coats" were given to people at the cost of many lives, today this price is measured in several thousand, and even millions.

This is understandable, since from the time when society began to divide into classes, furs are considered a symbol of wealth and wealth. In addition, in a natural fur coat is incredibly warm and comfortable in the cold season. Although in the West, the wealthiest ladies wear their smart fur coats even in the warm season, sometimes under shoes or on a summer dress, to flaunt their wealth!

Now women are increasingly trying to purchase natural fur coats, even without fabulous money. Sometimes they postpone it for a long time. After all, everyone knows that a fur coat is much warmer than a down jacket, coat or sheepskin coats. Also it is worn long enough - at times till 20 seasons! Therefore, such a purchase will pay off with time. A happy owner of a fur coat will acquire not only a quality and beautiful goods, but also receive a lot of positive emotions. But how to determine the quality and natural goods? And most importantly, what is the warmest coat, from what animal is it made?

How to choose?

It is clear that when a fair-sex woman enters the "realm of fur", she loses her head from the incredible abundance of models, styles and colors. Fur coats can be long, short, fitted or manto, with long sleeves or sleeveless jackets. Variety makes you think. Girls are thinking about which model to choose. What is the warmest coat? What is it made of?

The choice should depend not only on the beauty and the price of the model. It is necessary to learn from the seller all the characteristics of the goods. How long will a woman serve the chosen product, how beautiful will it look on it? Here everything depends on the quality used for the fur coat. To understand all the subtleties and correctly assess the naturalness of the fur will help the following tips.

Tips for choosing

What are the warmest fur coats, what kind of fur are they made of and what characteristics are important for their purchase?

1. Buy best in a special store or salon, which has been operating in this business for quite some time and has earned a certain reputation, has good reviews. Such firms and organizations take too much care of their "face" in the market to sell low-quality products.
2. Since there are no special devices that could give a characterization of the fur, the buyer will have to do it visually. Good should be smooth and dense, does not require that it is constantly podpushivali and combing. Should not roll down and turn into "icicles". The fur coat should look shiny and with some luster.
3. Before putting on a fur coat for fitting, you must first iron the fur against the hair - the hairs should easily return to the place, do not break and do not bend. If you squeeze the fur with your hand, it should also straighten without flaws, do not stick together.
4. If all characteristics are positive - a fur coat can be tried on. By weight it should not be too easy. The natural animal fur, of course, should not be weightless. But the weight of the fur coat should be felt only in the hands, and not on the body.
5. It would be superfluous to make the following experiment: after taking the product in hand, it should be shaken a little. Attention! If the fur coat "rattles" when shaken, then it is better to leave such goods in the store. This is a sign of substandard, excessively hard cheap material, which they want to give away for an expensive thing. After all, a quality model should not crack and produce claps and other sounds.
6. Be sure to look at how fur is combed. Vorsinki should lie strictly in one direction. A good quality product always contains uniform fur along the entire length. Any bald patches are inadmissible.
7. The last and, perhaps, the most important way to determine the quality of a fur coat - you need to squeeze the fingers of a bundle of fur and pull it sharply enough. If the villi remained in place, and not in hand - you can safely buy such a fur coat, it is of high quality.

True, it is necessary to conduct such an experiment deliberately. It is unlikely that any seller will like it. On the other hand, if the fur coat does not survive the checks - the buyer will know that it is not worth purchasing, and the seller will have nothing to object to such an argument.

If high humidity ...

Any fur garment should be not only high-quality, long to be worn, but also be warm enough to keep your wearer warm in cold and frost. That is why there is no less urgent question: "Which fur coat is the most warm and practical?" Reviews of women are very diverse.

It is clear that every mistress of an expensive item wants her coat to last as long as possible and warm it more than one winter. It often happens that an unscrupulous producer, in order to save material when sewing, resorts to a blasphemous method of stretching precious skins. In this case, the fur loses its properties, and also wears out quickly. Especially quickly such a fur coat loses its chic appearance in a locality with high humidity. In these regions, even the best quality products quickly wear out, and there is nothing to say about second-rate goods. So what are the warmest fur coats? Which fur is better to choose models for this region?
To avoid being spoiled by the humid climate, you need to choose models from moisture resistant fur, beaver, wolverine, nutria, fur seal, otter. In addition, they are quite comfortable.

The warmest fur coats. What are they from?

So, we figured out how to recognize a quality fur item. Now let's talk about something else. What kind of fur is the warmest fur coat and how to choose it correctly?

As already mentioned, the main condition for choosing not only fur coat, but also any outer clothing - it should be comfortable, durable and warm. Especially this advice is relevant for residents of northern regions. There are ferocious colds, from which it is easy to hide in a fluffy warm "darling". Such conditions are the best test for any fur coat.

  1. So which products are best saved from winds and blizzards? The warmest coats from which fur? Of course, this is a fox of blue or white fox, a sheepskin (mouton coat), a small chinchilla, a red fox, a "royal" sable, a classic short-haired mink, an astrakhan, a raccoon, a beaver, a sea seal (seal) and even a domestic nutria. It is the furs of these animals that are particularly relevant at the present time. Fur coats from artificial materials inevitably recede into the background.
  2. Once again it must be recalled that for moist air it is necessary to choose a fur coat from the fur of animals, which themselves live in similar conditions. These are mainly waterfowl species - beaver, sea cat, wolverine, otter, nutria.
  3. Least warm, but still very expensive products are considered from the smartest ermine, a rare marmot and a cheaper cropped rabbit. And this is not accidental. Long fur is the best warm in winter. Hence, the cropped one is the coldest. Such fur coats are most often chosen by women of fashion who buy furs "for beauty". You can show off in such a coat only in a car or at a reception.

The best

As a result, it's easy to tell which fur is the warmest fur coat.

Such are the sable and mouton fur . In second place - Arctic Fox, Astrakhan, mink, chinchilla, beaver, nutria and fur seal. And the warmest fur coat in the world from which animal is made? From the fox. Her fur warms in the most severe frosts.

Determined with what kind of fur is used, when the warmest fur coat is sewn. Of whom are the coolest models manufactured? From marmot and ermine.

With regard to strength and longevity, the most noskie are otter coats. Slightly inferior to her raccoons, beavers, mink and arctic fox.

More budgetary models of rabbit, respectively, and worn for long, and require constant care, additional cleaning and very gentle socks.

Cheap can not be high-quality

The most important thing: do not buy a cheap fur coat. Then it is better to give up buying altogether. After all, quality fur can not be cheap. You should not succumb to the "sweet tales" of the seller that this is "a quality collection, but is discounted because it is from last season." No manufacturer will not allow too much to discount the price of an excellent product, even if the model is no longer in fashion. And so you should not spare money by buying the best. After all, as the well-known proverb says: "Only the rich buy cheap things."


Now you know everything about the warmest fur coats, from what kind of fur they are made. Also, the article gives advice on the choice of this thing. We hope that they will help you. And you yourself decide what the warmest fur coat of fur is right for you.

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