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Why do not we remember how we were born? Why do we remember childhood so badly?

Memories from deep childhood are inaccessible to people, as well as the memory of the moment of their birth. With what is it connected? Why do not we remember how we were born? After all, some vivid impressions seem to be imprinted in the subconscious and then remain there forever, and such a mentally and physically important moment as birth is simply erased from the "subcortex". Numerous theories from psychology, human physiology, as well as ideas derived from religion, will help to understand such a mysterious phenomenon.

Mystical Theories

World beliefs in the mysteries of the universe and the higher mind offer their own idea of why a person does not remember how he was born. It's all about the soul - it's it that keeps all the information about the days, emotions, successes and failures that the human brain, like its physical body, can not accept and, accordingly, decipher. On the 10th day of the existence of the embryo, the soul is populated in it, but only for a while, and 30-40 days before the birth, it is completely introduced into the mortal body. Why do not we remember how we were born? Because the body is not accessible to the perception of information, which has a soul. The energy clot seems to protect all the data from the brain, thus preventing the possibility of unraveling the mystery of the creation of man. The soul is immortal, the body is but a shell.

Scientific explanations

Why do not we remember how they were born? From the point of view of science, this phenomenon is explained by the strong stress that accompanies the birth process. Pain, changing parts of the body, progressing through the birth canal - all this is a difficult transition for a child from a warm, secure mother's womb into an unfamiliar world.

The formation of memory is directly related to the growth of the human body. The subconscious of an adult captures moments from life and stores them, and in children everything happens a little differently. Emotions and experiences, as well as the moments associated with them, remain in the "subcortex", but at the same time the previous memories are erased, because the children's brain, due to its lack of development, is simply unable to store an abundance of information. That's why we do not remember our childhood and how we were born. Approximately from six months to one and a half years the child has a memory: long-term and short-term. At this age, he begins to recognize his parents and close environment, finds objects on request, orientates himself in his home.

So why do not we remember how they were born? Another interpretation of the absence of early childhood memories is due to the fact that the infant can not yet associate certain events with words, since he can not speak and does not yet know about the existence of the words themselves. The lack of memories of childhood in psychology is called infantile amnesia.

According to the opinion of many scientists, the problem of children's memory is rather that they do not know how to create memories, but that the subconscious of the child keeps everything that he has experienced in short-term memory. This also explains why a person does not remember the moment of his birth, and that some of the brightest moments in his life are erased with time.

According to Freud

The world celebrity, thanks to which significant advances in medicine and psychology were made, created his own interpretation of why we so badly remember childhood. According to Freud's theory, a person blocks information about events from life when the age has not yet reached three to five years, due to sexual attachment to one of the parents of the opposite sex to the child, and aggression to the other. For example, a boy at an early age has a strong unconscious relationship with his mother, while jealous of her father and, as a result, hates him. Therefore, at a more conscious age, memories are blocked by the subconscious as negative and unnatural. However, the theory of Sigmund Freud did not gain recognition in the scientific community, it remained just a one-sided view of the Austrian psychologist for the lack of memories of childhood.

The Hark Houn Theory

Why a person does not remember his birth, according to the researches of this doctor, is directly related to the following: a child does not yet identify himself as a separate person. Therefore, memory can not survive, since children do not know what exactly is happening around is their personal experience, emotions and feelings, and what is the result of the life activity of strangers. For a small child, everything is the same.

Why do children determine where mom and dad, if they do not know how to speak and badly remember the moments from childhood

The child is easily oriented in his home and does not get confused when he is asked to show which of his parents is the mother and who is the father, thanks to the semantic memory. It is there that are stored important for the survival of a person's memories of the world around him. Due to the information contained in the long-term "storehouse", the child quickly finds where the favorite delicacy lies, in which room he is fed and given a drink, who is his mom or dad. Why do not we remember how we were born? This point can be explained by the fact that the subconscious of this event from life treats as an unnecessary and dangerous phenomenon for the psyche, preserving it in a short-term, rather than in a long-term memory.

A study of Canadian psychologists of the phenomenon of infantile amnesia

Participation in a survey conducted by doctors from Toronto, took 140 children, whose age was from three to thirteen years. The essence of the experiment was that all the participants were interviewed, offering to tell about the three earliest memories. The results of the research proved that younger children more clearly remember the moments from early childhood, and those whose age is older than 7-8 years can not recall the details of the life situations experienced previously reported.

Paul Frankland. Study of the hippocampus

The hippocampus is part of the limbic system of the brain. Its main function is the transportation and "archiving" of human memories. Canadian scientist P. Frankland became interested in his activity and role in preserving the memory of what is happening around. After examining this "archiver" of the brain in more detail, the scientist came to the conclusion that why we do not remember how we were born, and also what our childhood was before 2-3 years, is interpreted as follows: every person is born with an underdeveloped hippocampus , Which prevents the normal storage of the information received. In order for the hippocampus to function properly, it takes years - a person grows, and he develops. Up to this point, childhood memories are scattered throughout the back streets of the cerebral cortex.

Even when the hippocampus begins to work, it can not collect all the information from the memory corners and build a kind of bridge for it. Therefore, so many people who do not remember their childhood before the age of three, and so few of those who remember themselves younger than 2-3 years. This study explains why we do not remember how we were born and raised, to a conscious age.

The influence of the environment on preserving the memory of a child

Scientists have been found that, in addition to educational factors and genetic heredity, memories of childhood are influenced by the place where a person lives. During the experiment, which involved children from Canada and China from 8 to 14 years, a four-minute survey was conducted on their lives. As a result, small inhabitants of the Celestial Empire were able to tell less for the time allotted to them than the Canadian guys.

What memories are most strongly imprinted in the children's subconscious?

Children are less susceptible to the moments of life associated with sounds, for them, the events in which they could see and feel anything are more important. However, the fear and pain experienced by a person at a young age is often replaced with other, more positive memories. But it also happens that some individuals better remember pain, suffering and sadness than happiness and joy.

It is worth noting that in infancy, the child remembers more sounds than the outlines of objects. For example, hearing the voice of a mother, the crying baby instantly calms down.

Are there ways to draw memories of childhood from the depths of the subconscious?

Psychologists often resort to immersing their patients in a state of trance, in order to solve this or that problem, as they say, all our fears come from childhood. Getting into the past, a person during a hypnosis session, without knowing it himself, can tell about the most secret, deep memories. However, it is not possible to look at the earliest moments of life to everyone - according to numerous experiments, the subconscious mind seems to build an insurmountable wall that protects the emotions experienced by strangers.

Many esotericists also use hypnosis to help a person learn about his past lives, memories from childhood and even infancy. But this way of obtaining information is not scientifically confirmed, therefore the stories of some "lucky ones" who have learned the moment of their birth are often fictions and professional advertising.

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