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We write the composition: "Was there a different path for Katerina from the play" The Storm "by AN Ostrovsky?"

Katerina - the central image in the play "Thunderstorm". The fate of this heroine is tragic. Therefore, the composition "Was there a different path for Katerina?" Is one of the most common written works on Ostrovsky's work. What was the conflict of this character with other characters in the play?

Childhood and adolescence

In order to understand what was the conflict between Katerina and the so-called dark kingdom, one should know her general ideas about life. To demonstrate the nature of her character, Ostrovsky presented some information about her childhood and adolescence. The composition "Was there a different path for Katerina?" Should, of course, begin with the characterization of this heroine. And you can understand the inner world of a person, having an idea of his upbringing and the society in which he spent his early years.

In some episodes, Katerina remembers her father's house. The main feature of her childhood was complete freedom. It can not be called permissiveness. Rather, this freedom was due to the love and care of the parents. The atmosphere in which she spent her first years of life Katerina is an example of a patriarchal way of life, in the best sense of this word combination. In the essay "Was there another way for Katerina?" You can add some quotes from the recollections of the main character. So, for example, Katerina remembers that she loved to wake up early at the parents' house, then washed with water from the spring and went on Sundays together with her mother to the church. In the lifestyle that the girl led in her parents' home, there is no significant difference from the one she leads in her husband's house. The joy with which she surrenders to recollection, says, rather about her loneliness.

In the world in which the heroine stayed before marriage, there was no coercion and violence. Therefore, it was her idyllic picture of such patriarchal life that became her moral ideal. In the Kabanovs' house everything is different. Here reigns psychological tyranny. The mother-in-law has a depressing pressure on Catherine. And the young woman does not have the strength to resist him.

The world of Kabanihi

Katerina got married, being very young. The future husband was found by her parents. She did not oppose, because as in the patriarchal world it was so instituted. Katerina is ready to read my mother-in-law. The husband in her understanding is a mentor and a support. But Tikhon is unable to become the head of the family. This role is played by his mother. The composition "Was there a different path for Katerina?" You can start with the characteristics of Kabanikhi. It is this image that creates the opposite of the main thing. And it is the mother-in-law with her obsolete and overly imperious views that has a harmful effect on Catherine.


No matter how much Katerina wanted to love and respect her husband, she does not succeed. It causes only pity in her soul. When the heroine meets a young man who has arrived, the heart opens up for a feeling that was previously unknown to her. Could she have acted differently? Was there a different path for Katerina? The composition of Ostrovsky's play is intended to give answers to these questions.

The characterization of Boris in writing written work on the topic to which this article is devoted does not play an important role. Essential value has the image of her husband. Tikhon is a spineless person, soft-bodied. Even after the tragedy occurred, which has become the culmination of the play, he fears to contradict his mother. Tikhon loves his young wife. But this feeling is much weaker than the fear of Kabanikha. However, many women in a small provincial town tremble before this lady.


At the beginning of the play, reminiscing about her childhood, Katerina with joy and warmth tells of a visit to the church. It should be said that piety is its characteristic feature. It was the realization of perfect sin that led her into fear and a sense of despair. But at the same time, faith in God did not deter her from an act that, according to Christian concepts, is the most terrible.

"Was there another way for Katerina?" - an essay in which one must certainly include a description of the Kabanikhi world. Since Katerina crossed the threshold of her house, harmony in her soul began to collapse. Therefore, it became more difficult for her to do daily business and attend church.

Deception and hypocrisy

Was there a different path for Katerina? The composition "Thunderstorm" is a tragic story of a girl who could not adapt to the manners and way of dominion in her husband's house. By nature, this young woman can not lie. She can not live in deception and hypocrisy. But in another way it is impossible to exist in the Kabanikh's house. She endures with the latest strength, finds salvation in dreams and dreams. But a vulgar and rude reality brings her back to earth. And there - humiliation and suffering.

Sin and confession

Katerina makes a mistake. She falls in love with Boris and changes her husband. Composition "Was there a different path from Katerina from the play" Groza "? - a written work, the plan of which can be ironed thus:

  • The image of Katerina.
  • Characteristics of the Kabanikhi.
  • Opposing Boris Tikhon.
  • An irresistible tragedy.

After it becomes clear what the Kabanikha is and what the atmosphere reigns in her house, the feelings of the main character become clear. A girl who grew up in love and affection could never get along in this house. She is not used to cruelty and hypocrisy and feels not only unhappy, but also extremely lonely in the world of Kabaniha. Boris is a man who impressed her only because he did not resemble any representative of the "dark kingdom". If in life Katerina present at least a weak hope for happiness, she would not have committed treason.

Composition "Was there a different path for Katerina?" (Ostrovsky, "Storm") - a task that requires independent reflection. Can an honest person get used to the world of lies? Is he able to hide his misdeeds and live on after the sin? In the case of the heroine of Ostrovsky's play, the answer is unambiguous. Katerina had no other choice.

She was killed by the lying world of Kabaniha, loneliness, lack of understanding and support from her husband. She could have overcome all this if she had been more experienced. But the peculiarity of the patriarchal way is that the girl, leaving her father's house, has no idea of life. And so we can say that the tragedy of Katerina was inevitable.

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