Education, Secondary education and schools
Verbal participles are ... Suffixes of gerunds
The gerundive ... What a special part of speech! Or the verb form? Or something else? But in fact, until now, scientists are arguing heatedly about what the same gerunds. This resulted in the formation of several points of view on this issue. We will try to find out what kind of a "fruit" such a gerund, understand with its varieties, and also learn the suffixes of gerunds.
Verb form or part of speech?
Today, among linguists there is no common opinion on what should be attributed gerundance. Consider the views of prominent linguists on this issue.
1. The well-known linguist Bogoroditsky VA relates the gerundance to ... adverbs! But in fact, there is a similarity! For example: I answered FAST (an adverb) and I answered NOT THINKING (gospel) to answer the same question - HOW?
It would seem that without thinking - the usual adverb of the mode of action, but still it contains a sign of the process, as if adding the main action of the verb ANSWERED.
Very ambiguous point of view, but everything has a place to be.
2. Such linguists as Shansky NM and Babaitsev VV consider de-participle to be an independent part of speech, although with the "special" reservation. It, like a noun or an adjective, has a number of features that other parts of speech do not have. It is used independently in sentences, has its own word formation schemes. So why not take it to parts of speech?
3. Shvedova N. Yu., One of the compilers of the "Grammar-80", and with her and Gvozdev AN, consider the gerundive of one of the forms of the verb, unchangeable and unbendable. And here we can not disagree: the "papa" of the gerund is a verb. He gave him his signs, his question, gave him a sign of action, albeit an additional one.
Here are the main points of view of experienced linguists. And each of them is right in its own way, since gerunds are a contentious complex form. Not surprisingly, many are confused about this issue. In schools, depending on the program, he studies the 7th form of the gerundive, and refers it to a special verbal form or to a part of speech, immediately stating that there is no exact opinion until now.
Signs of the verb in the verbal participles
The most important similarity of gerunds with a verb is expressed in the fact that the latter are formed from them. That is, every verbal participle is formed only from verbs and nothing else, and also means an action, only not the basic, but an additional one.
Morphological signs, which took the gerundive from the verbs:
- Returnability (the presence of postfix -YA).
Decide - decide, move - moving.
- Kind (perfect and imperfect).
Running (nesov.vid) - running (nesovid form);
Think (Sov.vid) - thinking (owl kind).
- Transitivity (combination with the verb in the accusative case without a preposition):
Cross the street (wine pad., No pretext), caress the dog (wine pad, no pretext).
What has been adopted by adverbs from adverbs?
As we have already explained, the "father" of the verbal participles is the verb. But the "mother" can be called an adverb, from these parts of speech it took signs.
From the adverb adverbial got:
- The most important thing is immutability. Just like the ancestor, it does not bow and does not conjugate, and therefore has no end, even zero.
Speak loudly (an adverb) - speak by shouting (gir.).
- Adjunction - both forms have only such a syntactic connection.
How verbal participles of imperfect type were formed
The form takes such verbal participles from the verb, too, of course, the ness. Type, and the suffixes are already attached to it. The suffix A (H) forms a gerundive of the imperfect type:
Watch - looking, running - running, grumbling - grumbling.
In the case when the verb has the suffix -VA, such a gerundive will be formed from the infinitive of the verb:
Justify - justifying, punishing - punishing, wringing - wringing.
Some verbs form imperfect verbal participles can not:
- Imperfect verbs having the suffix -NU: extinguish, scream;
- Monosyllabic verbs, the basis of which ends in A or I: beat, sleep;
- Some verbs simply do not have a verbal participle of the perfect kind: prick, call, go and others.
Very rarely we can meet the suffixes of gerunds-KUCHI or -YUCHI. It is already an outdated form, but nevertheless it is sometimes used in speech.
Being - being, playing - is playful.
Verbal participles, having a perfect appearance
Such a form is formed not from verbs in the present tense, but from an infinitive. To it are added the suffixes -B or -VSHI or -SHI:
To make - having made, to rewrite - to rewrite, to eat - to eat, to bring - to bring.
From the return verbs having the suffix -VSI, only the reciprocal perfect gerundive is formed.
Role in the proposal
The gerunds, like adverbs, always play the role of the circumstance in the sentences:
After playing, I went home. He sat quietly in the room, without interfering.
It is worth mentioning about such an important construction in the Russian language, which is formed from the gerund. This is a participial turn. In turn , a verbal participle with words dependent on it is called a turn .
For example, the gerundive making itself a solitary, having nothing in subordination. But doing a job is already a gyre-parting turn, because now by the word doing , the dependent word has joined the work .
The students used the text while doing the work.
It is customary to isolate (denote) the decoupled part of the market with commas on both sides. Regardless of the position of the main word to which it refers. By the way, the main word for the entire turnover will be the verb. But the main task of gerunding is to supplement the action of the main verb.
The verbal participle, being a very expressive construction, is often used in fiction, decorating speech. In colloquial speech, for some reason, this turnaround did not take root. Probably because of its color. In life, we try to use simpler sentences.
The gerunds are a very mysterious thing in the Russian language. We still can not call it a part of speech, nor a verb form. But now, knowing all the features, you can choose a more suitable for each view of the scientist. The gospel adorns our speech, makes it more perfect, correct. And the use of participial turns turns any boring text into a real literary work.
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