
Coenzyme Q10: benefit and harm. How to use coenzyme Q10?

To maintain the vital activity of the human body requires the constant participation of many compounds and elements. One of such irreplaceable participants of the most important processes in our body is coenzyme Q10. The second name is ubiquinone. In order to understand whether it is dangerous to health or not, then it is necessary to find out what function coenzyme Q10 performs. Benefits and harm will be described in the article.

Element Functions

Coenzyme Q10 is localized in the mitochondria (these are the structures of the cells that are responsible for converting energy into ATP molecules) and is a direct participant in the respiratory chain of electron transport. In other words, without this element, no process in our body is possible. Participation in such an exchange explains the fact that most of all coenzyme Q10 is localized in those organs of our body that, with their vital activity, spend the most energy. This heart, liver, kidney and pancreas. However, participation in the formation of ATP molecules is not the only function of ubiquinone.

The second most important role of this enzyme in the human body is its antioxidant function. This ability of ubiquinone is very high, and it is initially formed in our body. Coenzyme Q10, whose properties allow it to be a strong antioxidant, eliminates the negative effects of free radicals. The latter cause various pathologies, in particular diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are the main indication for the reception of this coenzyme, and oncological diseases.

With the aging of a person, the production of ubiquinone in the body is significantly reduced, therefore, in the lists of risk factors for the occurrence of various pathologies, it is often possible to find the item "age".

Where does coenzyme come from?

Coenzyme Q10, whose use is proven by specialists, is often called a vitamin-like substance. This is true, since a full-fledged vitamin is considered erroneous. In addition to the fact that ubiquinone comes from the outside with food, it is also synthesized in our body, namely in the liver. Synthesis of this coenzyme comes from tyrosine with the participation of B group vitamins and other elements. Consequently, with a lack of any participant in this multi-stage reaction, the lack of coenzyme Q10 also develops.

It also enters the body together with different foods. Most of it contains meat (especially liver and heart), brown rice, eggs, fruits and vegetables.

When there is a need

As already mentioned above, with age, human organs "wear out". The liver is no exception, so the coenzyme Q10 synthesized by her, the properties Which allows you to replenish the energy reserves, turns out to be worked out in insufficient quantity to meet the needs of the whole organism. At the same time, the heart suffers.

Also, the need for ubiquinone increases with increased physical exertion, persistent stress and colds, which is especially common in children. How in such situations to maintain the right amount of this enzyme in the body and avoid the development of various pathologies?

Unfortunately, the amount of coenzyme Q10 that is contained in food is not enough to fully provide the body that needs it. Its normal concentration in the blood is 1 mg / ml. To obtain the necessary effect, the element should be taken in an amount of 100 mg per day, which is practically impossible to achieve only due to the coenzyme contained in the food. Here, medicines are coming to the rescue, produced in various forms, which contain enough ubiquinone and perfectly cope with their tasks.

Coenzyme Q10: an application for the treatment of the heart and blood vessels

The range of application of these drugs is quite wide. Most often, they are prescribed for cardiovascular pathologies, for example, in the fight against coronary artery atherosclerosis. With this disease on the inner wall of these vessels, delivering blood to the heart, products of impaired fat metabolism, in particular cholesterol, are deposited. As a result, the lumen of the arteries narrows, therefore, delivery of oxygenated blood to the heart is hampered. Because of this, with physical and emotional stress, there are sharp pains and other unpleasant symptoms. Also, this disease is fraught with the formation of blood clots. And here can help coenzyme Q10, the benefit and harm of which are described in the instructions for use to the appropriate drugs.

Having broad antioxidant properties, preparations of coenzyme Q10 prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Also, coenzyme has the ability to reduce puffiness of the extremities and eliminate cyanosis, so it is also used for congestive forms of chronic heart failure.

Treatment of other diseases

Ubiquinone, according to many clinical studies, has the ability to normalize blood sugar levels and reduce high blood pressure, so it is prescribed for diabetes.

Positive feedback on the action of coenzyme Q10 was achieved by scientists in the field of oncology, neurology. And they all agree on one thing: in the aging process, taking this coenzyme will be useful even to healthy people.

Coenzyme Q10 is used for the skin. Its positive effect makes it possible to widely use this vitamin-like substance in cosmetology with the aim of combating aging. Creams containing this element ensure normal functioning of the mitochondria, increase the elasticity of the skin, fight its dryness by retaining hyaluronic acid, even reduce the depth of wrinkles. To achieve the maximum rejuvenating effect in cosmetology, it is the local application of coenzyme that is used.

Also it removes fatigue, improves the condition of the vessels, eliminates dry skin, bleeding gums.

Forms of release

By itself coenzyme Q10, benefit and harm Which is widely described in the medical literature, is a fat-soluble substance, so it is often prescribed in the composition of oily solutions. In this form, its assimilation improves at times.

If you take ubiquinone in the form of tablets or in the composition of powders, you need to remember that combining this method of medicine is necessary with fatty foods. This, of course, is less convenient and practical.

However, pharmacology does not stand still, and fat-soluble forms of drugs that require a combination with fatty foods have been translated into water-soluble. Moreover, it is much more convenient for the treatment of heart failure, ischemic heart disease, post-infarction states.

So what are the preparations containing this irreplaceable compound?

Drugs with coenzyme

An example of such a drug is the widely used drug "Kudesan". In addition to ubiquinone, it also contains vitamin E, which prevents the destruction of coenzyme from the outside.

In the application of the drug is very convenient: there are drops that can be added to any drink, tablets and even flavored chewing pastilles for children. Combined preparations "Kudesan" containing potassium and magnesium were also created.

All of the above forms do not require a combination with fatty foods, since they are water soluble, which is their undisputed advantage over other forms of coenzyme Q10. Yet the acceptance of fats is very harmful to the body, especially in the elderly, and it can, on the contrary, provoke the development of a variety of pathologies. This gives an answer to the question: which coenzyme Q10 is better. Reviews of doctors Evidence in favor of water-soluble drugs.

In addition to "Kudesan", there are many drugs containing such vitamin-like substances, for example, "Coenzyme Q10 Forte." It is produced in the form of a ready-made oil solution and also does not require simultaneous reception with fatty foods. One capsule of this drug contains a daily enzyme norm. It is recommended to take it for one month.

Coenzyme Q10: Harm

Side effects of coenzyme Q10 preparations have almost no, in rare cases, allergic reactions have been described.

In fact, it does not matter which brand the patients choose. It depends only on the form in which it is more convenient to take the medicine for each specific person.

Contraindications for taking coenzyme Q10 drugs are pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is noted in view of the insufficient number of studies. There is also no negative interaction of these drugs with other medicines in the literature.


So, in the article such an element as coenzyme Q10, the benefits and harms that it gives, is also described in detail. Summarizing, we can conclude that the use of additives that contain ubiquinone, will be useful for all people who are older than twenty years. After all, regardless of whether they suffer from heart disease or not, after this age the body will in any case be deficient in ubiquinone. However, before taking it, of course, you need to consult a doctor.

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