News and Society, Culture
Happiness is the desired state of mind
Every person wants to be happy and healthy. But life is not a continuous holiday, and no one promised to cheer us up all the time. Do you feel yourself a happy person? Do you know the term happiness? Happiness is a state of mind. Rarely does not want such a state for themselves or their loved ones.
Happiness is the state of the soul to which many seek, but only the chosen ones reach it. A person in search of inner satisfaction uses different methods and approaches. For example, some seek happiness through religion, self-improvement, leadership, power. Sometimes a person seeks a given state of the soul through love. A carnal love can also become a source of inspiration and satisfaction. Love is a feeling that can lift up to the heavens themselves, but it can also overthrow it. Therefore, it is not always a source of happiness. In general, any external sources can both raise your spirits and deprive us of it. It is best not to depend on the impact of the outside world. And try to find inner satisfaction, in oneself, in that it will not depend on any life circumstances.
No wonder they say that every smith of his happiness. This saying reminds us once again that our life, our happiness depends only on ourselves. Give the warmth of your smiles, pleasant affectionate words to others and soon notice that the world around has become lighter and rosy! The happier a person is, the more joy and good he will be able to give to others and, accordingly, the better will be our world.
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