Homeliness, Gardening
7 Reasons why the violet does not bloom
The abundance of small corrugated, multicolored stars, collected in neat bouquets in small pots always attracted the attention of lovers of indoor flowers in the store or at a flower exhibition.
Many fans of these plants often ask: "Why does not violet flower?" It would seem that care is wonderful, the leaves are large and dark green, but buds are not visible for several months. Indeed, the violet is a whimsical plant. The more you try for him, the more it does us in defiance. So what kind of reasons are these? Perhaps we are doing something wrong to grow it successfully?
7 main reasons why the violet does not flower
- Violets are very sensitive to the composition of the soil. Planting a violet, you should know that the plant prefers a light, air-and water-permeable mixture. The optimal option is universal soil for all
Plants, but you can also purchase a special land for violets. - Watering the plant should be moderate, but regular. Usually poured into a pallet, but can also be watered and straight to the ground with a thin trickle and away from the middle of the rosette of leaves. You can not pour water on the leaves, they do not like it.
- Humidity. If you constantly dry air in the apartment and its humidity is below 30%, then do not be surprised why the violet does not bloom. Often open the windows, making active ventilation of the air, thereby increasing the humidity.
- Illumination. Violets like to grow and bloom on the north or west window, but not on the southern one. Active direct sunlight can burn delicate leaves of the plant and drain the buds. Scattered light promotes active and abundant flowering.
- The "residence" of the Umbra violet is in your house. Choose for your princess a small pot 7-9 cm in diameter. If the violet has a vast "possession", that is, a relatively large pot, then do not ask why the violet does not bloom. You created all conditions for intensive growth of leaves, but, alas, not buds.
- Fertilizers.
Often lovers of violets say that plants are regularly fertilized, but they do not want to please their flowers in any way. It would seem that very proper care and fertile land, but the lack of flowering indicates the presence of errors. Indeed, the more you "care" about fertilizer, the worse for a plant. The abundance of nitrogen fertilizers contributes to the intensive growth of green mass, where all the forces of the plant go, and the violet does not bloom. In order to fix this, you need to add phosphorus fertilizer to the dressing , which is responsible for the formation of buds. - Genetic predisposition. There are varieties of violets that produce a scant amount of buds, but look quite well-groomed. This is their natural features, genetic makings, go against it which does not work. That is, you can not make them bloom abundantly.
If you eliminate the above errors in the content of the vineyards of violets, then your plants will thank you with a colorful, abundant flowering. Proper agricultural technology helps maintain a healthy species of senpolia and the absence of disease.
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