
Mustard mustard: photo, cultivation, application, description, microscopy

One of the most acute condiments is considered to be mustard. Prepare it is quite simple, enough dried and worn seeds to brew in water and add vinegar of weak concentration (wine or apple) and various spices, for example cinnamon, pepper, bay leaf, tarragon, celery, onions and garlic to the swollen mass.

Mustard, which is used for cooking seasonings, is of three types:

  • White. In the traditional cuisine of England it is called English.
  • Black. Her seeds are used for the preparation of the famous Dijon mustard. There are over 20 ways of making this seasoning.
  • Mustard Sareptian, in Europe it is more known as Russian (it will be discussed in our article).


Mustard Sareptian is an annual herbaceous plant, reaching a height of 40-100 cm, with a rod, a relatively weak root. On the erect branching stem are the cauline leaves decreasing upward, while the plate is not strongly divided, and the petiole is shortened. At the bottom of the leaflets are regular, petiolate, as a rule, lyre-pubescent-separate, green in color, but on the very tip - solid, sessile, but not stemblecomplete and bluish shade.

The inflorescence of mustard mustard is a brush-shaped brush, which quickly lengthens during the flowering period. The four-dimensional perianth is formed by spaced sepals, golden-yellow corolla and petals, which rapidly narrowed into the nail. Sareptic mustard - 6 stamens, two of which are outer and shorter, with small honey glands at the base; Before the two long ones there is one large piece of iron. Pestle consists of a two-nested ovary and a head stigma.

Fruits of mustard in the form of a linear, thin, tuberculate pod with a length of 7 to 12 mm. The diameter of the seeds is about 1 mm, their color can be either black-gray, or brown or pale yellow. The flowering mustard mustard falls in May, and the ripening of fruits - in June.

Where does it occur?

Mustard Sareptsky absent-mindedly grows on the territory of Central Asia, Northern China, Mongolia and Southern Siberia. The plant can be found both in the steppe zone and in wastelands, near roads. It is rather difficult to distinguish between native and wild mustard. In Russia, the plant was accidentally brought with seeds of flax and millet brought to the Lower Volga region, but local residents managed to evaluate the oil properties of the plant, and they began to grow it. To date, Sareptian mustard occupies the third place among the oil crops in sown areas (use, grades and chemical composition are described in detail in this article). Not far from the village of Sarepta in 1810, the first mustard-and-oil plant was even opened.

Mustard mustard: microscopy

In a seed consisting of a peel and an embryo, there is practically no reserve nutrient tissue, or endosperm. On the transverse section, you can see several horseshoe-shaped cotyledons and a rounded root.

Mustard mustard (microscopy confirms this ) consists of four layers. Large colorless cells that contain mucus form an outer layer, or epidermis. It is followed by very large thin-walled cells, swelling at maceration and practically falling off in a dry seed.

Cells of the third, sclerenchymous layer of a very characteristic structure. In the transverse section, their wave-like character is noticeable, this is due to the unequal height, then uniformly increasing, then decreasing. This also determines the pitness of the seed surface.

Tangential elongated cells, which contain brown pigment, form the fourth layer - the skin, followed by the endosperm. But the tissue of the embryo is represented by thin-walled cells containing fatty oils and aleurone grains.

Chemical composition

Seeds of Mustard Mustard Seeds consist of ethereal and allyl mustard oil, potassium bisulphate and glycoside synigrin, which splits into glucose under the influence of the myrosin enzyme. From fermented seeds, an essential mustard oil can be obtained by distillation using water vapor. The product contains not more than 40% allyl-mustard oil and up to 50% crotonyl mustard, and also cyanallyl, traces of carbon disulphide and dimethyl sulphide. In addition, the presence of a weakly drying fatty oil consisting of erucic, oleic, linoleic, light-weight, linolenic, myristic and behenic acids, mucus and proteins has been noted in the etheric mustard oil. The leaves of the plant contain carotene, ascorbic acid, calcium and iron salts.

Mustard mustard: cultivation

The plant grows well in loose, fertile and well drained soil, in addition, access to sunlight is necessary. Propagated mustard mustard (description, microscopy, chemical composition are given above) seeds, sow in the open ground them preferably in the spring. As a rule, to grow plants choose areas with a warm climate.

Seeding of leaf mustard is carried out as early as possible. Flowering plants occur in June-July, as well as other representatives of the cabbage family. With an earlier sowing, the rosette of leaves appears before the days of the long solstice come, in addition, shoots will be protected from cruciferous fleas.

To grow mustard, it is not necessary to single out individual beds, it grows well in the aisles. Seeds are sown to a depth of not more than 1 cm. As soon as the first leaves appear, the shoots need to be thinned so that a distance of 5 to 8 cm remains between them. After that, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizer and watering will be required. After about 20 days, the mustard in the Sareptian reaches a height of 10-15 cm and will be ready for use.

Close cultural relatives of the plant are cabbage, watercress, radish, turnip, rutabaga, radish, rape, winter and spring rape. This must be taken into account when planning the planting of seeds. Are not suitable for the cultivation of mustard areas where before it grew flax oil, millet, sunflower or beet.

How to collect and harvest raw materials?

Mustard Sareptian, or rather its seeds, is ready to harvest when the pods are ripe in the lower and middle parts of the plant, with the dying of the lower leaves beginning.

The grass must first be dried and gently threshed and the seeds cleaned. Then they are scattered a thin layer on the pallet and dried in a well-ventilated room. To raw material is better dried, it can be turned over or stirred.

Dried mustard seeds are transferred to tissue bags. Store raw materials are recommended in a suspended state in a ventilated and dry room to avoid mustiness.

The shelf life of mustard seeds is 2 years, so try to use them for this period of time. If the raw materials are still left, they will have to be thrown away. Overdue seeds are not recommended for use.

Mustard as a fertilizer

As a fresh plant mass, which is embedded in the soil to enrich it with organic substances, canard mustard is used. Siderat this:

  • Is able to clear the site of weed grass, especially for cultivated soils.
  • Due to the chic phytosanitary properties it protects against slugs, wireworm and pea moth, prevents the appearance of late blight and scab on potatoes.
  • Rapidly increasing biomass, as a result of which the soil replenishes with useful substances.
  • Improves soil structure. The roots of mustard, reaching a length of 1.5-3 meters, loosely loosen and drain the soil, which provides excellent moisture resistance and air capacity.
  • Delays nitrogen in the soil and converts other nutrients into organic, not allowing them to go into the deeper layer.
  • Under the influence of snow, the plant from siderata turns into mulch, which, in turn, protects the soil from frost in the autumn-winter period.

Mustard varieties

In the register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation, 9 varieties of Mustard mustard were registered, approved for use:

  • Freckles are early-ripening, with a semi-sprouting rosette, reaching 25-28 cm in height. From the appearance of shoots to cuttings, the greens take from 25 to 30 days.
  • Mustard Sareptian wave. Technical ripeness comes in a month. An early-ripening variety with a slightly sprawling, large, erect rosette, in diameter reaching 25-32 cm. Mustard, the Sareptian wave is rapidly growing its green mass.
  • Arigato.
  • Ladushka. Technical ripeness comes in 58-60 days.
  • The Mustang is a medium-ripening variety, plants in height reach 25-27 cm.
  • Sadko.
  • Charming. Greens can be collected on the 18-20th day after emergence.
  • Prima.
  • Vigorous.

Use in the kitchen

Mustard Sareptian application found in cooking. It produces an excellent spicy seasoning, enhancing the taste of many dishes. Powder of mustard is used in the preparation of mayonnaise, various sauces and dressings. Shredded seeds give a special flavor to sausages and other products.

Canned foods, topped with mustard powder, last longer. Table mustard is usually served as an addition to dishes from fish and meat, as well as smoked products.

Fat mustard oil due to good taste qualities is used not only in cooking, but also in the production of bakery products and canning. According to the culinary experts of many countries, this is an excellent seasoning for salads, bean dishes, meat and sauces.

Mustard powder is a part of domestic-made sauces: "Kubansky", "Amateur" and "Southern". Young greens of mustard when added to salads not only enriches them with vitamin C, but improves the taste.

Other areas of use

Mustard Sareptian application found not only in home cooking, but also in medicine. Rubbing with oil from the seeds of the plant is used for colds, inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, peripheral nerve, pleurisy, rheumatism, myositis and radiculitis.

Mustard oil cake is used as raw material for the production of phytin, which is prescribed in the treatment of neurasthenia, scrofululosis, vascular hypotension and diathesis. Good results are given by the drug with sexual weakness and loss of appetite.

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