
Why do not chrysanthemums bloom at home?

Chrysanthemum is considered one of the most popular indoor plants. It can be grown with equal success in the garden and at home on the windowsill. It does not require special care, but with the observance of the minimum requirements it will always please the eye with its beauty. After reading today's article, you will understand why chrysanthemums do not bloom.

Features of indoor plants

To date, many species of this flower are known. It can be grown not only in the open, but also in a closed ground. And the domestic varieties do not differ from garden ones. The only significant difference is in size. Home-grown varieties are smaller.

Chrysanthemum is easy to recognize by beautiful light green notch, jagged or dissected leaves. The shape of its flowers is somewhat like a basket. Also, the chrysanthemum has a ramified root system that develops parallel to the ground surface.

General care advice

So that you do not have any questions as to why the chrysanthemums do not blossom, you need to adhere to several basic rules. First of all, remember that they prefer a short light day. They need a high level of humidity and coolness. In addition, room varieties need to be constantly pinching. Otherwise, instead of a compact bush of them, an asymmetric elongated plant will result.

For those who are wondering why the indoor chrysanthemum does not bloom , remember that it is quite demanding on the quality of the soil. It is desirable to plant it in a nutritious, loose substrate, which contains coarse-grained sand, peat and humus. In the hot summer months, a pot with a green pet can be put on a shaded, cool balcony.

Basic requirements for lighting and temperature conditions

Pots with indoor plants should preferably be placed on window sills located on the west or east side. Then you will not have a question: "Why do not chrysanthemums bloom?" This is due to the fact that on southern windows they will receive an excessive amount of light and heat. Alternatively, you can place a pot with a plant on a normally lit and cool balcony.

As for the temperature, ideally it should be no less than fifteen and not more than eighteen degrees. In more hot conditions, the leaves of the plant quickly turn yellow, and gardeners start to wonder why the chrysanthemum does not bloom in the pot. In general, room varieties are desirable to provide a cool room and a short light day, the duration of which is not more than ten hours.

Spraying and watering

This plant is not one that likes excessive moisture. They should not be filled with water or placed on pallets filled with liquid. Otherwise, you again have to be lost in conjecture, why the domestic chrysanthemum does not bloom . Ideally, it should be watered only after the top layer of the soil has dried.

Do not forget that this plant was originally a garden. Therefore, the flower loves strongly moistened air. Otherwise, it begins to wilt and wither right before your eyes. To prevent this from happening, it is important to constantly maintain the required humidity level. To do this, it is desirable to systematically spray the plant or place near it glassware with water. Also for these purposes, you can use an air humidifier.

Top dressing

That in the future you do not have any questions about why the chrysanthemum does not bloom at home, you need to regularly fertilize it. The fact is that the plant in the pot quickly pulls out of the soil all the necessary nutrients. To fill this deficit, it is necessary to systematically introduce special fertilizing in the soil. Only in this way you will be able to ensure the full growth and abundant flowering of the beautiful chrysanthemum.

Most often, mineral fertilizers such as monophosphate potassium solution are used for these purposes. It is also recommended to periodically add multicomponent additives to the soil, in which nitrogen is present.

During the whole vegetation period, the plant needs to be fed with liquid organic substances. And do it preferably at least once every ten days. If the indoor chrysanthemum is planted in poor soil, then fertilizer should be applied every four days. To feed such plants it is necessary before the beginning of flowering by a solution of the mullein in the ratio 1:10. To avoid the spread of an unpleasant smell, it is better to carry the pot on the balcony.


Young plants are desirable to subject this procedure annually. Since chrysanthemum does not tolerate acidic soil, for it, experienced flower growers recommend purchasing a garden soil mixed with sand and peat.

Transplantation is carried out by transshipment of an earthen coma into a larger vase. So that you do not have to wonder why the chrysanthemums do not bloom at home, it is desirable to add some bird droppings to the ground. For preventive purposes, the soil is previously disinfected by watering it with boiling water.

Formation of a bush

Improper pruning can lead to some problems. Therefore, it is important to do this in a timely manner and with technology. Then you do not have to reflect on why the chrysanthemum stretches up and does not bloom. It is advisable to spend prishchip not more often two or three times during the whole period of vegetation. The last time it is done two weeks before the beginning of flowering.

Pruning, consisting in removal of the upper part of the stem, contributes to slowing growth and accelerating the development of the root system. This procedure starts to appear lateral shoots. Start pruning is recommended not earlier than ten days after planting. From the stem remove the top with three or four leaves. Make it convenient with a pruner or sharp knife. Immediately after the procedure, nitrogen fertilizer can be introduced into the soil. If everything is done correctly, then two or three weeks later shoots will form in the leaf axils.

Instead of concluding

From all of the above, it becomes clear that chrysanthemum is an unpretentious indoor plant that does not require complex care. To stimulate it to a prolonged abundant flowering, you need to follow a few simple recommendations.

First of all, it is important to control the light regime. For a good vegetative growth, it is necessary to provide chrysanthemum conditions that are as close to natural as possible.

Do not forget that this plant does not require frequent watering. The soil in which it is planted should not be damp. Before the beginning of flowering chrysanthemum it is important to provide a twelve-hour light day. In the period of throwing buds, the plant should be moved to a cool room. The air temperature at this time should not exceed sixteen degrees. In more hot conditions, the formation of a flower can be disturbed.

It is recommended that all small buds and buds be removed from the stem. It is desirable to do this while they are still small. On each stem it is necessary to leave one large bud. To keep the freshness of flowers longer , chrysanthemum should be watered abundantly.

To give scope to the root system, the plant should be periodically transplanted into vases of larger diameter. Due to this, chrysanthemum can receive more moisture and nutrients, increasing the intensity and duration of flowering.

In spring, after the appearance of green shoots, it is desirable to replace the soil in which the plant is located. To do this, the chrysanthemum is carefully removed from the flowerpot, a clean earth is put in it, the flower is returned to its place and watered. After carrying out this procedure, it is recommended to add fertilizing to the soil. Before the appearance of the first buds it is expedient to use nitrogen fertilizers, after - nitrate. Those who faithfully follow all the advice, do not have to ask the experts about why the chrysanthemums do not bloom.

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