EducationSecondary education and schools

How to write an essay on "What is good"?

An essay on "What is good?" Was written, written and written by all schoolchildren. And right. After all, this is not just an assignment. It is an opportunity to think about such a great feeling and quality as good. Which, unfortunately, disappears in the modern world. The writing on this topic helps to remember the great and reflect.


So, to make an essay on "What is good?" It turned out to be logical, structured and interesting, it is worth outline an approximate plan for its presentation. Do not need to paint points on the page. It will be sufficient to have short theses, which will become a "reminder" to the student about what he wanted to say in his work. This is a kind of reference point, making the process of work on the essay easier and faster.

It is necessary in the plan to indicate what will be written in the introduction (the first part), the content (the second) and the conclusion (the third). For junior students the structure is exactly this. The students of the senior school, in addition to all of the above, will have to think about the epigraph (the quote on the topic with which the essay begins), the arguments and the evidence (according to the scheme: the statement was approved - prove its truthfulness), and also how to state at the end Their own, the author's opinion. In principle, if you work thoughtfully, then the essay on "What is good?" Can be written quickly.

1 part

Entry - what should it be? As short as possible (several lines), but meaningful, without "water". In fact, this is an abstract. That is, phrases that tell the reader what will happen next. The introduction can be written as follows: "Many people have forgotten about such a concept as good. Unfortunately, in our modern, almost fully automated world, it has become very small. People ceased to do nice things to each other, to treat one another with understanding and compassion. Many became stale and selfish. Wicked. Everyday worries, problems, crisis - it piles on everyone with a heavy stone. However, this is not a reason to be evil and break down on those who are not guilty. On the contrary, by doing good deeds, it will be possible to put into practice a ray of light. " That's enough. It immediately becomes clear that this is an essay on "What is good?". Then you can go to the main part.

Part 2

In the main part, there must be statements, justifications and reasoning. Preferably without the addition of "water". It is not necessary to abound with beautiful expressions, statements, quotations or even terms. Everything should be in moderation. The work about a good person can be continued as follows: "They say that it is easier for merciful people who do good things to do good things. Probably because they try to make the existence of others more enjoyable. This quality would be worth learning to many of us. There is even a technique for people wishing to become kinder. In a day - for one good cause. Let it be a trifle, but useful for someone. Take, for example, and take out to the entrance a bowl of milk and call street cats. Or crush the old bread for birds. The most banal is to transfer the old man across the road. Or seeing someone lonely standing at a stop and freezing in anticipation of a minibus, offer a ride. It does not require much effort and time - no one forces you to work for free or to sacrifice millions. But there is a benefit from this. As they say - a trifle, but nice. "

Part 3

It was written above how the main part of the essay can look. And in general, the principle is clear. And what about the ending? What should be the completion of the work entitled "What is good"? Composition-reasoning should have a concise and successfully fitting into the general text of the ending. For example, if it were necessary to write a conclusion to the above example, it would look like this: "In general, as one could understand, in order to be kind, one should not exert too much effort. If you do nice things every day, it will become a habit and, in the end, a person can not live without it. And it's hard not to agree - the habit is good. "

That's all. Briefly, in a capacious and without superfluous reasoning. This is exactly what the ending should be.

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