Beauty, Cosmetics
Castor oil for eyelashes as a life-giving balm
Not every representative of the weaker sex is the owner of thick and long eyelashes. There is no doubt that there are many cosmetic means to make the look expressive, but there is one magical natural remedy. It will help make the look fascinating without applying makeup. This is castor oil. For eyelashes it has been used for a long time.
Castor oil (castor oil) is a viscous oily substance that is yellowish in color. It is obtained from castor oil seeds, which have medicinal properties. The liquid is not very pleasant to taste, has a subtle smell, is well absorbed, has a healing and antiseptic effect. Current manufacturers have diversified the proposed range of castor oil by adding various ingredients that improve the effectiveness of this product. But, despite this, many prefer to use castor in their pure form.
Castor oil for the growth of eyelashes, more precisely, to stimulate their growth, is used very often. If you regularly apply it on your eyelashes, the result will be visible in a few weeks. In doing so, you should follow certain rules.
- You can use a conventional tampon by dipping it into butter. But there is no guarantee that all the cilia will be lubricated to a single one.
- A very suitable option is a brush for mascara. It can be thoroughly cleaned and used to apply an oily composition.
- You can simply apply oil with your finger, but castor oil can get into your eyes. And this causes not only unpleasant sensations, but also an allergic reaction.
When you use castor oil for eyelashes, try to apply it closer to the root. This will help to get the maximum effect. With a light massaging of the eyelids, the effect only increases. But here you also need to be careful. Not every skin of the eyelids will react calmly to this. In the case of an allergic reaction, the eyelashes should be lubricated even more carefully so that castor oil does not fall on the eyelids.
Experts believe that castor oil for eyelashes should be used for three weeks, then it's better to take a break. Apply castor oil to the eyelashes every evening, before the procedure carefully removing mascara and dirt. But before going to bed, you need to flush the remedy. It is desirable to keep the original mask of oil on eyelashes for about an hour. You can also use burdock oil. It is also necessary to wash it off before going to bed, otherwise you risk waking up with swollen eyes.
But it is much more effective to work on eyelashes mixture of oils. For example, in castor, burdock or other oil, you can add a couple drops of vitamins A and E in oil. You can also supplement the mixture with aloe juice, but then you will have to store the mask in the refrigerator so that it does not deteriorate and does not lose its healing properties. You can invent different combinations of mixtures of oils, it's not difficult.
But castor oil for eyelashes is the best option. It helps to quickly grow lashes, make them dense, fluffy and beautiful. In addition, it is a very affordable and natural remedy.
Here are some recipes for masks using castor oil:
- Combine castor oil and rum in a proportion of 50 to 50.
- Mix castor oil and rose oil in the proportion of 50 to 50.
- In castor oil, add aloe juice and crushed parsley, insist the formulation within 24 hours, and the mask is ready.
- You can combine castor oil with aloe juice, adding vitamin A, you can with burdock oil, adding not only vitamin A, but also E.
According to sociological research, young women who used castor oil for eyelashes, the reviews leave only positive. This is a simple, effective, affordable method of care for precious cilia. The main thing in this business is not to be lazy. You need to apply daily if you have already taken it, and you will be rewarded. The result will not take long.
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