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When to start feeding the baby so that there are no problems?

Becoming parents, mom and dad worried about the question, when to start feeding a child. And it is no accident that they care about this topic, because it is necessary to approach the nutrition of the baby responsibly. This will determine the health of the child, his taste preferences. What advice should listen to the young mother, so as not to harm her young? Grandmothers advise one thing, doctors - another, girlfriends - the third. And where is the truth? When to start feeding a baby?

In the time of our grandmothers, the lure was significantly different from today's. Therefore, you do not need to listen to them. Quietly listen to their advice and notations, but do it your own way.

When to start the first lure? A healthy and normally gaining weight child, without allergies and other diseases begins to receive adult food at the age of 6 months. First of all, the baby needs to be introduced to vegetables, and only then with fruit. This should be done because the fruit has a more pleasant and sweet taste, and in the future the child may refuse useful vegetables.

So, how much to start lending a child, we already found out. In 6 months we try to give the following products: vegetable puree from potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, carrots. With the latter it is worth to be more careful, since it can cause allergies. And in general, be careful with products of bright color, it is better to choose white or green for the first meal. You can try and give broccoli, which is also extremely useful. It will be ideal if the vegetables are cooked in a double boiler and then ground with a blender in a puree.

On the question "how much to start feeding a child" once again answer - in 6 months. Until then, the baby receives the necessary substances and trace elements from breast milk or milk formula. Give the first products of the baby should be microdoses and a little bit. On the first day, you can give 1 teaspoon of mashed potatoes, in the second - a little more, in 10-20 days bring the portion volume to 120-125 g. Remember that salt and sugar are not needed until the year, do not overload them with the internal organs of the child. Following the vegetables, you can try fruits, you need to do the same. Choose apples are not red, but green, to avoid allergic reactions.

When to start giving the child a complementary meal of meat? From 7 months, you can try to give the baby meat from rabbit or veal. It will be perfectly combined and assimilated with vegetables. Remember that the food should be ground in a blender. At the same age, you can try to introduce a porridge into the baby's diet. It is better to start with gluten-free - buckwheat, corn, rice, oatmeal. Excellent, they will be combined with fruits, if you add them to the mush. Egg yolk can also be given at 7 months. ¼ of the boiled yolk should be added to the vegetable puree. To start feeding a yolk, you need a small dose the size of a match head.

Fruit juices can also diversify the baby's menu. In 8 months it's time to eat sour-milk products, for example, cottage cheese or natural yoghurt. You can give a bite of a baby cookie or a piece of apple, if there are several teeth.

When to start feeding a baby fish? From 9 months you can feed your baby with fish puree. Be careful when cleaning, remove all bones, if necessary, you can scroll it through a meat grinder, then grind with a blender.

Remember that the age when to start feeding a child should not be earlier than 6 months! On this depends the health of the baby.

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