Food and drinkBeverages

How to make moonshine from apples

In general, our people know how to make moonshine from everything. There are even anecdotes about this. One of them concerns the question of how to make a brew for forcing out moonshine. So, experts, supposedly, offer an original recipe called "stool".

Of course, this is a Russian joke, like the one in the fairy tale about the soup from the ax. But moonshine from apple and other fruits, berries, jam, sweets, sugar, beets, both forage and red, tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkin, bread, flour (people use any food carbohydrate-containing product) people have learned to do perfectly.

In order to have less loss of carbohydrates, it should be before the brew for moonshine is delivered, the ingredients boil in the water. That is, the syrup or compote will be fermenting - this will accelerate the very process of fermentation, and will allow more fully to use carbohydrates from the suspension.

It is worth noting that brewed beetroot from beets has an unpleasant aftertaste, which is difficult to repel with cleaning and flavoring additives. But beets are the cheapest product, which in rural areas is easily grown and is available in large quantities in every house. But moonshine from apples practically does not require any seasoning.

For greater economy, you can make a brag not from whole apples, but from apple waste. This is especially true if the landlady cooks a lot of jelly or jam in a large quantity, cutting out the apple core.

Every villager knows how to supply a barge. Water, sugar and yeast in a warm place begin to wander. With the proper observance of the proportions after two weeks, an excellent alcohol-containing suspension is obtained, which can be distilled into moonshine.

To reduce the amount of sugar used, we put the mash on fruit or vegetable broths, we dissolve in the water fermented jam or written off after the expiration of the caramel's implementation - this has already been said above.

However, there are several nuances, the so-called moonshine secrets. They should be remembered for every moonshiner, regardless of whether it prepares moonshine from apples or from other products.

First, the broom should be as little as possible to contact with oxygen, since alcohol evaporates, and in part it is oxidized. As a result during distillation in vodka can get a certain amount of vinegar, which spoils the taste of the product and can have a harmful effect on the body.

Secondly, if the oxidation process could not be avoided, the broom strongly foamed and acquired a sour smell and taste, then it is possible to correct the situation a little. In the tank with the brew a few hours before distillation, fresh milk is poured in. The acid immediately interacts with milk, curdling it, carbon dioxide goes into the air, and alcohol remains. However, moonshine in this case can acquire a white, unclear shade.

So, we decided to make moonshine from apples. The recipes say that 3 liters of water for brags need to put a kilogram of sugar. And how much sugar is required if we use apples?

The task acquires a certain complexity, because the content of carbohydrates in different varieties of apples is different. Therefore, you should choose the best option by using your taste buds. And speaking in Russian - trying the must for the drink and adding sugar to taste.

Of course, for comparison, you first need to dilute one portion of the "sample" exactly according to the prescription, and then "customize" our compote under it, trying and comparing. It is not necessary to plant exactly one kilogram of sugar in three liters. It can be done in small proportions, for example, take half a liter of water (the sixth part of a given volume) and, respectively, a sixth of a kilogram of sugar (1000 g: 6 = 167 g)

Yeast for braga is best used "alive". But you can also use baking granules. You need to put them in the calculation of 100 grams per four liters of the mixture.

It is recommended to dissolve the yeast in warm water and dissolve the sugar separately, and then mix the ingredients. Wandering brags from 9 days or more - this depends on the composition of the mixture, and on the temperature surrounding the capacity with the brag. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the process, peering inside and stirring the liquid.

To overtake should be the day when the fermentation process will stop. After forcing, moonshine is purified by dissolving activated carbon or manganese in it. After two to three days it can be filtered and thrown into a jar with contents of a crust of orange or lemon, a branch of mint or balm for "perfume." Although for moonshine from apples it is absolutely not necessary - the smell of the drink and so it will be simply stunning!

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