
Reproduction of cyclamen leaf at home. Cyclamen flower: photo

Cyclamen flower, a photo and description of which you can see later in this article, is a very beautiful indoor plant with original and vivid colors. It blossoms mainly in winter, and in the spring leaves fall on it (this is typical of its Persian variety).

Cyclamen stands in line with the most popular indoor flowers in our country, because he is handsome and at the same time unpretentious in his care, does not require much attention.

There are two varieties of this plant: cyclamen Persian and European. Differences and similarities of these species you can learn by looking at their main characteristics.

European Cyclamen

The tubers of this cyclamen are about 10 cm in diameter, the shape is spherical or irregular: elongated, flattened, elongated. On their surface there are roots, stolons and daughter nodules. From the tubers shoots grow with leaves, which subsequently form a rosette.

The leaves of the cyclamen of European dark green color, have a round-sertsevidnuyu form. Above, they are covered with a silvery pattern, and from below a plate of dark red color.

The flowers are pink, have a pleasant smell. This species blooms in the spring-summer period. Reproduction of the cyclamen by leaf in this species is possible, though with difficulty.

Cyclamen Persian

It is also a herbaceous plant. The tuber is spherical, about 15 cm in diameter. The roots are located mainly at the bottom of the tuber.

The leaves of the Persian cyclamen are large (14 cm in diameter), green on the underside, and a silver pattern on top. The flowers of this species have a very pleasant aroma, and the coloring, unlike the European one, is different: all shades from light pink to white, as well as pale mauve and light violet.

The flowering time of the Persian cyclamen is also different: it blooms mainly in the winter, and in summer it rests. In the spring his leaves fall off and the roots wither. In autumn the flower is transplanted, and it comes to life again.

Unlike the European, in this species the reproduction of the cyclamen leaf is impossible.

Reproduction of the cyclamen by tubers

When reproducing the described colors, the main thing is to take good care of the planting material. Transplant them with tubers can only after the flowering is over. The transplant itself occurs in several stages:

  • First, the bulb is pulled out from the soil and the tuber is dried.
  • The bulb is cut with a sharp knife, leaving at each part at least one kidney and several roots.
  • After this, it must be left in a dark place so that the cut is dried.
  • Then the slice is sprinkled with charcoal (crushed activated or woody). This prevents infection and pathogens.
  • In the pot for planting, it is necessary to make drainage. For this purpose, for example, expanded clay.
  • The soil must be special. You can buy or prepare it yourself. For this, peat, humus, turf and leaf land are taken in equal proportions. All you need to mix and pour.

After planting the tub the pot must be removed from direct sunlight - the light should be scattered. The most optimal temperature is 14-16 ° C.

Watering should be regular, but not excessive. Well, if there are holes at the bottom of the pot for draining excess water - this will protect the roots of the flower from decay.

Propagation of the cyclamen by seeds

Very often the flower is propagated at home with seeds. To achieve the best result, it is important to choose the right seed material:

  • Pay attention to the variety;
  • Check the integrity of the seeds;
  • When buying seeds in the store you need to check the expiration date and the integrity of the package.

Collect the seeds can and from an adult flower - they are usually orange.

For sowing seeds, a shallow, wide container with a special soil is needed. It makes a shallow groove, after which the earth is slightly moistened with water. The distance between the seeds during sowing should be about 3 cm. On top, they should be sprinkled with soil.

After that, the sown cyclamen in the pot must be put in a dark place and regularly watered, not allowing the drying of the soil. The first sprouts appear in about 30-50 days. After their appearance, the seedlings can be fertilized with mineral fertilizers. The optimum temperature for seed emergence is 18 degrees.

When the plants have 2-3 real leaves, the seedlings can be dived. In this case the tubers are completely covered with earth. And six months later, young plants can be planted in small pots. Here, the tubers do not need to be completely covered with earth (about 2/3). Bloom cyclamen only after six months.

Cyclamen multiplication by rosettes

This method of reproduction is considered the most effective.

Rosettes (horns) are usually called shoots on tubers. In old cyclamen they grow quite long. This horn should be torn from the tuber and planted in a damp ground. After that, the flower should be placed in a cellophane bag, or under a transparent glass jar. After 2-3 weeks, the rosette already has rootlets. The temperature should be at least 20-22 ° C. Further care for the cyclomene will be the same as for an adult flower.

It is important to remember that you can not tear off all horns. Only one can be taken at a time, otherwise the plant may die.

This method of reproduction is relevant for the European cyclamen. Rosettes of the Persian species take root very rarely. None of the ten shoots can survive.

Reproduction of the cyclamen leaf

Some growers try to replicate cyclamen with cut leaves. They put them in water or put them in a damp ground in order for them to start rootlets. As already mentioned above, for the European cyclamen this method is possible, but the leaves take root very rarely. Usually the leaves rot or turn yellow and dry out. To increase the chances of germination of the leaf, it must be cut with scissors or a knife or tear along with a small piece of the bulb.

After that, the leaves need to be put in water, where they will have small roots. A sheet with roots is already planted in a damp soil and covered with a jar. After 2-3 weeks, if the plant will take root, the roots will expand and a new shoot will appear.

But this method rarely brings results - the leaves usually do not get accustomed. A Persian cyclamen from the sheet does not divorce at all - the described method is not suitable for him.

Difficulties in diluting the cyclamen

And now we will tell you how to make Flower cyclamen, photo and description of which we presented in the article, was healthy.

  1. The leaves turn yellow. This occurs at a high air temperature in the room and in dry air. It is necessary to put the flower in a cooler place and 1-2 times a week to spray the flower.
  2. Rotten petioles of leaves. This happens because of too raw a soil. It is necessary to put a pot on a tray with pebbles or expanded clay. Next, moisten the pebbles, and watering from the top to temporarily stop.
  3. Deformation of leaves. This is a sign that a flower has a cyclamen tick. This pest is very small, and it can be confused with dust on the leaves. Because of it, the flower stops growing and leaves are folded. In this case, the infected leaves should be removed, and the plant itself treated with insecticides.

Cyclamen flower: photo

Thus, it can be concluded that cyclamen reproduce in various ways. The most popular are the reproduction of tubers, seeds and rosettes. Reproduction of the cyclamen by the leaf is much less common because of poor adhesion of leaflets. If you consider all the recommendations for the cultivation of this flower, the cyclamen can be grown without problems, and it will be abundant and beautiful blossom.

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