Health, Preparations
Rinonorm: instructions for use
What is the "Rinonorm" spray? The instruction on the use of this drug explains that "Rinonorm" is a compound developed for the treatment of ENT diseases in children.
Dosage nasal spray is easy to use, inexpensive, causes a minimum amount of adverse side effects.
The main active substance of the medicine "Rinonorm", the instruction for use explains, is xylometazoline hydrochloride. In addition to it, water, citric acid, glycerol and citrate sodium dehydrate are included.
How does the "Rinonorm" drug work? The spray narrows the arterioles, quickly removes the swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, reduces its inflammation. The medicine well reduces the amount of discharge from the nose.
The solution of "Rinonorm", the instruction for use, this emphasizes, begins to act sensibly already after 5-6 minutes after nasal irrigation. It lasts for 8 hours. It is very important that the alpha-adrenomimetic "Rinonorm", the instruction explains this, not only facilitates breathing. It restores the patency of the eustachian tubes, sinuses, nasal apertures, providing enhanced access to air in them. It is this ability of the medication that prevents complications that may appear against the stasis of a mucous secretion.
The plus of the drug is that xylometazoline, having a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes, is not absorbed by the body and does not enter the blood.
Usually, the "Renonorm", the instruction for use indicates, use no more than three times a day.
It is important to remember that the use of the drug for more than a week in a row loses its usefulness: it is addictive, the drug no longer copes with the symptoms.
With more frequent use can, firstly, become addictive, and secondly, more severe consequences are possible.
When an overdose of the drug "Rinonorm", the instruction for use warns, a sudden arrhythmia may develop, which can lead to loss of consciousness or a rapid increase in pressure. In these cases, the intervention of doctors is necessary. As an aid in overdosing, they should prescribe symptomatic treatment: washing, taking activated charcoal, laxative, as necessary, intubation or connect the patient to the ventilator.
Sometimes the drug "Rinonorm" can, together with the therapeutic effect, produce undesirable side effects. From the use of the medicine may appear burning or itching in the nasopharynx, possibly the development of edema, reddening of the mucosa. From too frequent application of the spray, individual parts of the mucosa can atrophy, which, in turn, can lead to very unpleasant consequences.
Sometimes when treating with a spray tachycardia appears, fatigue, sleep disturbance, headache may appear. Occasionally, the pressure rises.
So when do you prescribe the medicine "Rinonorm"? The instructions for use notify that it is advisable to prescribe it when preparing the patient for surgical intervention on the nasopharynx or other manipulations. The drug is used to treat acute diseases: sinusitis, otitis media, bacterial or viral rhinitis, rhinitis allergic.
Analogues of the drug "Rinonorm" are the means "Galazolin", "Grippostad Reno", "Briisolin", drops "Tonic", "Xylen", "Influrin". The active substance of all these agents is also xylometazoline. However, replacing one medicine with another without a doctor's recommendation is not recommended. The composition of drugs other than the therapeutic substance includes other components that can provoke an undesirable reaction. It must be remembered that from side effects, it is even more difficult to get rid of than the symptoms of the underlying disease.
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