
Kalina ordinary is not at all ordinary

For the beauty of their carved leaves and unpretentiousness, and most importantly, for their curative qualities, Kalina is loved by the people. Legends were made about her, rituals were associated with her, her images are still found on objects of everyday life and clothes.

Kalina is a plant found in the moderate climate of the middle belt of many regions of Russia. It grows neatly branched bush or a small tree up to 3 meters high. The natural environment of growth - forest edges and banks of water bodies, because red viburnum loves moist, fatty soils. Our gardeners have long given her a place in their gardens and in their household plots. After all, it is beautiful at any time of the year: and in May-June - snow-white caps of its inflorescences, and in summer - exquisite carvings of its leaves, and in August-September, when the bunches of its berries ripen, and the leaves are painted in crimson color. Even in winter, strewn with snow and hoarfrost, through which bunch of berries appear, this mysterious beauty attracts attention with its exquisite snowy beauty. In Russia, juicy and fragrant berries of the viburnum, as a rule, were collected after the first frosts, in the snow, and cooked from them a wide variety of dishes and drinks. Typical bitterness leaves them after frost or processing with sugar or honey. Of the bark, flowers, leaves and, of course, berries were prepared medicinal drugs, which treated various ailments.

Kalina vulgaris was widely used in folk medicine. Virtually all parts of the plant are used in the preparation of medicinal infusions, tinctures or broths. They are used for colds, are used for skin problems, berries are used as a means to improve the performance of the cardiovascular system, which lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing hypertension. The healing properties of the cortex are recognized even by official medicine. It is part of the drugs for insomnia and respiratory infections. Kalina has sedative, astringent, diuretic and choleretic properties, is used as an anti-inflammatory, hypotensive and cardiostimulating agent.

Curative properties of viburnum are also used in cosmetology. Her juice is used to rejuvenate and whiten the skin of the face, they are lubricated by problem areas. For the production of lotion mix in equal parts the juice of viburnum and water. For a more oily skin, add 1/12 of the vodka. A mask made of juice with sour cream is used to remove freckles, and wrinkles are smoothed with a mask prepared from the juice of the viburnum (1 tablespoon), honey (1 teaspoon) and whipped protein.

Is it now possible, knowing so much about this magnificent plant, to walk past him for a walk in the park or on the forest edge? Do not you want that such a charm settled in your garden. After all, viburnum is an unpretentious and, at the same time, highly decorative plant. It multiplies by seeds, layers, cuttings or bush division. Likes a sunny, but humid place. Due to the powerful root system, it will help you to strengthen the steep slope in the garden area. It will look great both in group planting and in a separate tree or bush. Almost anywhere in the garden, the viburnum can find its place.

If you decide to have such a beauty, then remember: the best time for planting is early spring or late autumn. The shape of the cape of a viburnum takes, depending on the type of pruning, which it is expedient to spend every spring. For the formation of the tree crown, the only vertical trunk is left, from which a 1-meter-high stem is formed during the first years. To form a bush, the young seedling is pruned at a height of 10-12 centimeters to stimulate the appearance of new shoots. The next year, they choose 3-4 promising ones, and the rest are cut out. Do not notice how five years will pass, and your pet will bear the first fruits.

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