
Detailed scheme of pear pruning in spring

Pear is an excellent fruit plant, which every year you will enjoy tasty and healthy fruits. The scheme of pruning a pear in the spring is a pledge of good and regular harvests. This tree is valued not only for its excellent taste qualities, but also for the presence of vitamins and dietary properties. The fruits of the pear will improve digestion and improve kidney function. But in order for the tree to yield a good harvest, you must carefully look after it.

Why is pruning best in the spring?

Summer residents do not recommend cutting pear branches in autumn, because in winter the tree can freeze. The scheme of pruning a pear in the spring is to get rid of dry and damaged branches. Start pruning is when the snow melts, and on the thermometer will be about five degrees above zero. It is very important to have time to trim before the kidneys begin to bud in the tree. So you will make the crown more compact, and the fruits will receive more sunlight.

Do not cut the pear in the summer. So you break all life cycles of a tree, and it will receive less useful substances. Correct pruning of a pear in the spring is a pledge of a strong crown and large harvests.

Trimming rules

Gardeners recommend pruning annually, starting from the second year after planting. Pruning a pear in the spring of 3 years has its very important features.

To begin, shorten the main central branch - the trunk is one-fourth of the entire length. From the neighboring branches form a ring, cutting them at an unequal distance. Leave four or five side branches. They will be the basis of the crown. All the other branches twist and tie with a rope to the trunk.

Pruning a pear in the spring of 3 years implies normalizing the branches of the second order. Cut them so that they do not block new central shoots. If you notice that there are new branches that grow inside the crown, then get rid of them, as they will interfere with the penetration of sunlight.

Set of tools

For a successful procedure of trimming pear branches, you will need special garden tools. With their help, you will easily and quickly carry out all the garden work. To prune young trees, you should buy a pruner and a garden shears. With their help you can easily cope with young and thin shoots. But for cutting old trees you can not do without a block and saw.

Watch for serviceability of tools and keep them clean. The blades must be sharp, otherwise you will not be able to trim the branches neatly. This not only looks unaesthetic, but also damages the tree itself.

A few nuances of proper trimming

Wait for the right weather. Do not trim at minus temperature. Every year you will spend less time on this procedure. This is due to the fact that young shoots grow more slowly and slowly. Every three to four years, a rejuvenating pruning is carried out from the inside of the crown.

All work should be done very carefully, as the pear restores its strength for a long time. If you still cut a branch, then do not leave it just like that. Thoroughly grease with a special paint or garden varnish .

How to trim an adult tree

The scheme of pruning a pear in the spring is slightly different in an adult and a young tree. When forming the crown, do not be afraid to cut off unnecessary branches. So you let your tree breathe, and the fruit - get enough sunlight. Now cut off the young branches growing parallel to the central trunk. Each shoot can be cut to one third. This will help the new branches grow and develop faster. The correct pruning of the pear (photo you can see in the article) will help to accelerate the process of fruiting.

Types of trimming

The pear tree needs different kinds of pruning. Observing the right technology, you will have healthy plants and large yields of delicious fruits. There are several types of trimming that will keep your tree toned:

  1. Forming pruning. With its help, you will properly form a young tree and prepare it for further fruit bearing.
  2. Control pruning. It consists in removing all dry branches. This type of pruning is very important, since it directs all the forces of the tree to active growth.
  3. Support pruning. It is able to support the pear in perfect condition. During it, large branches are cut off. This is done so that the plant is not overloaded with fruits.

How to crop an old pear

The scheme of pruning a pear in the spring is applicable to old trees. If you do not have the opportunity to plant a young garden, and it's a shame to get rid of old trees, then just cut them properly. And then they will please you for many years to come. However, this procedure is not an easy one. Prepare tools such as a ladder, a rope and a saw, and preferably find an assistant.

Cut the top branches first. In this case, young shoots should not be pitied. Do not be afraid to overdo it. The old tree can be cut in half. Do not worry. You will not spoil the tree, but the fruits will get big and tasty.

The correct pruning of the pear in the spring (the scheme is the key to success) includes cutting the lower branches as well. Below you can leave up to seven skeletal branches. Try to leave a distance of about one meter between each tier. If this is not possible, then partially cut off the middle branches. Leave those that are at right angles to the post. Carefully dilute the crown. Deliver the old pear from the shoots growing inwards.

Secrets of productivity

Pear is a plant that is formed for a long time. Fruiting can come only after ten years. But to accelerate this process, you need to carry out regular pruning. With its help, you will get a harvest a few years earlier.

Due to pruning, the flow of oxygen and sunlight increases, and the tree invests all its forces in the fruits, and not in the growth of new shoots. To do this, regularly sponge the points of sprouting on young shoots. Thanks to this procedure, flower buds are laid much earlier.

If you want your pear to always cheer you up with huge crops, take care of it. Do not forget to water it, feed it, and, of course, carry out pruning.

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