
When planting thuya for rapid growth

This coniferous tree belongs to the Cypress family and is found only in North America in the wild. However, everyone knows that the frost-resistant plant is well established on the streets of Eurasia, in particular Russia and the CIS countries. When planting thuja and what you need to do for the rapid growth of the tree - suggest experienced gardeners.

A huge number of decorative varieties was artificially derived to increase winter hardiness, resistance to urban smog and prolong the overall life of the plant. Tuya, grown from seeds, feels well both in the sun and in a small penumbra. But it is worth remembering that a tree planted in an open area may suffer from heat in the summer or from the frosty wind in winter. Not getting enough moisture, thuja can dry up and die in one season. The best place will be a shaded corner, protected from a sharp wind.

When planting a thui is a newcomer, you should thoroughly approach the choice of soil. The soil is mixed from turf ground, sand and compulsory peat, in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. Surrounding soil can be marshy, clayey, dry or peaty - its type is practically not important, the main thing is to add about 0.5 kg of mineral fertilizing per plant to the prepared mixture. The distance between trees should not be less than 0,5 m and more than 3 m. If it is a hedge planting, the interval between thujas is 0.4-0.5 m. The root neck during landing should not be below ground level, and The hole is dug to a depth of 70-80 cm. The size of the pit is selected to whom the seedling lands. Decide when to plant thuja, it is necessary separately for each region, but most often the planting is carried out in September-October, so that the plant has time to take root and settle down before the onset of winter and cold weather.

Two years later, in the spring, it is worth adding, for example, "Kemira universal" in the amount of 110 g per one square meter of soil. If the land dries up, the crowns of the coniferous trees will begin to thin out and lose their decorativeness. Therefore, the stock circle is regularly loosened, but shallow, only 10 cm, so as not to damage the root system. You can carry out the procedure of mulching the soil with wet peat or ordinary sawdust, the layer of "blankets" should be at least 7 cm. When planting thuya in an unfavorable place, you need to take care of the regular summer moistening of the crown from a hose with a weak pressure of water.

Buy more than 120 species of garden varieties of this tree seedlings is very difficult, as many of them are grown only in closed foreign nurseries. However, considering how to multiply rare rare varieties, the gardeners found out that it grows well from seeds. First, a young shoot in the pot is sprouted, and then, gradually transplanting it into a large container, get strong viable seedlings in 1-2 years. The soil will be the same as for an open cultivation method, and also it will be possible to create unique home compositions in the style of bonsai. The main condition is not to dry the ground in the garden or in the pot. It will take a minimum of 10-40 buckets of water only in the first month after landing on one plant, however, it is only necessary to moisturize once a week.

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