
Sugar beet: features of cultivation and technology of cultivation

Sugar beet is one of the main crops, giving root crops rich in carbohydrates, from which sugar is subsequently obtained. It contains 16 to 20 percent sucrose. With a high yield of beet roots (40t / ha and more), the production of sugar from them may amount to more than 8t / ha.

Sugar beet in agriculture occupies significant areas that are in Russia, Ukraine, China and Poland. In general, European countries produce up to 80 percent of beet sugar from the total collection in the world.

Growing of sugar beet from seeds

The first agrotechnical method is to soil the soil with ring-toothed rollers after seeding the seeds of the culture in question. This method contributes to their uniform laying, crumbles large clumps of soil and prevents the evaporation of moisture from it.

On the fifth day after sowing the soil loosen the harrow perpendicular to the direction of sowing. By this time the beet seeds have not yet gone into growth, and the weeds are already entering the seedling phase. As a result of harrowing, 80 percent of the weeds are destroyed, and the soil is saturated with oxygen, which speeds up the emergence process.

After the sugar beet has thrown out the first pair of leaves, produce repeated harrowing already on the shoots. At the initial stage of vegetable development, this technique is very effective in combating weeds.

If there is a hard crust on the surface of the soil, it is loosened using a rotary hoe.

The density of beet plantations is formed according to various thinning schemes depending on the degree of clogging of the fields, and also on the state of the shoots. The bouquet (mechanical thinning) is carried out by the cultivators perpendicular to the rows according to the scheme, which should ensure the conservation of the bush from several plants in rows at the same distance. Beetroot breakage is carried out after three days, while leaving in each bush several plants.

Cultivation of sugar beet during irrigation

Agrotechnics in this case has some features. In conditions of irrigation, crop rotation loses value as a method of regulating water balance. At the same time, its importance in preventing the decrease in the agrophysical composition of the soil, as well as in preventing the mass development of diseases, pests and weeds, increases several times.

An important factor in the cultivation of sugar beet by irrigation is the presence of perennial plants and grasses in the crop rotation. The best predecessor of sugar beet is winter wheat in combination with herbs. The soil is usually treated with improved or semi-steam methods. When plowing is recommended to use a groove in the soil to 35 cm.

To combat weeds, effective herbicides are used, such as betanal and lontrelom. In the fall, you can conduct additional provocative watering, which causes the appearance of weeds. They are subsequently destroyed by loosening. Applying the method of irrigation, it is necessary to provide increased nutrition to plants through effective feeding. Irrigated sugar beet needs careful mechanized care.

Inter-row loosening (about 10 cm deep) should be an order of magnitude greater than in normal cultivation. When watering in the aisles it is necessary to make a splintering. Sugar beet will grow more intensively when the moisture content of the arable cover of the soil is not lower than the humidity of the capillary rupture.

In order to better accumulate sugar in the beet, about 14 days before harvesting, stop watering it.

Intensive technology of sugar beet cultivation

The main condition for intensification in the cultivation of this culture is the exclusion of manual labor in all production processes and the replacement of it with machinery.

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