Health, Diseases and Conditions
OCD: treatment and classification
Some people, struggling with obsessive doubts, are able to arrange multiple cross-checks. And they can be connected with various aspects of life: security, daily duties at work or at home. In an effort to eliminate uncertainty, such people return several times to check if the gas is off, is the tap closed well, is the door locked? Such a condition is characterized in medicine as OCD. Treatment and characterization of this ailment requires more detailed study.
Description of the pathology
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is also called the obsessive -compulsive disorder . This disease is a complex set of behavioral manifestations.
For such ailments are characterized by all kinds of regularly repetitive actions, obsessive thoughts. They cause a lot of inconvenience in everyday life. That is why a person who is diagnosed with OCD, treatment is extremely necessary.
Pathology can start suddenly. This ailment can manifest in any person, regardless of age and sex. The risk group includes people who have an increased level of intelligence. They have a complicated mental processes. As a result, the conceptual apparatus grows. And this leads to the complication of conscious control over many processes.
Obsessive frustration is known since ancient times. Approximately in the 4th century BC. E. OCD was called melancholy. In the Middle Ages such a disease was called obsession. OCD was referred to schizophrenia, paranoia, psychopathy, manic-depressive disorders. Today, the disease is considered a type of psychosis.
Main reasons
What mechanisms are the basis for the development of this violation, is not fully established. However, doctors put forward several hypotheses that can lead to OCD. Treatment, which is based on the elimination of presumed factors, brings patients quite effective relief.
So, the appearance of ROC can lead to biological causes:
- Pathology in the autonomic nervous system;
- Birth trauma;
- TBI in history;
- Features of impulse transmission to the brain;
- Disturbed metabolism, which reduced the concentration of dopamine and increased serotonin levels;
- drug addiction;
- Brain damage (meningitis);
- Chronic alcoholism;
- Infectious processes with complications;
- Genetic predisposition.
In the development of pathology, not the least role is played by psychological and socio-social factors:
- Stress, dictated by the threat to life;
- Hyperopece of parents;
- Psychological trauma, transferred in childhood;
- Strict education on religious grounds;
- Family psychological trauma;
- Work under stressful conditions.
Classification of the disease
Many researchers did not consider it necessary to distinguish manifestations of pathology. They argued that it is rather difficult to classify an obsession. After all, they are joined by phobias and compulsions. And yet there are several classifications of OCD, whose treatment to date is quite successful. Consider them.
According to the peculiarities of the course of the disease, the pathology is delineated as follows:
- Disease with a single seizure. Duration of the disease can last from 1 week to several years.
- Recurrent disease. Characteristic alternation of moments of full recovery and repeated attacks.
- Continuous disease. The pathology proceeds constantly, in due course the symptomatology amplifies.
If we consider the classification of the ICD-10, then the following types are distinguished:
- Obsessive thoughts, thoughts (obsessions) - F42.0.
- Annoying rituals, compulsive actions - F42.1.
- Mixed persistent actions and thoughts - F42.2.
- Other obsessive-compulsive disorders - F42.8.
- Unspecified ROC - F42.9.
An obsessive sense of fear manifests itself in a variety of ways. It is called phobia. This condition is accompanied by vegetative disorders (pulse rate increases, sweating appears) and inadequate behavior. A person understands the obsession of fear, but can not cope with it.
The most common phobias are:
- Claustrophobia - phobia of the enclosed space;
- Agoraphobia - fear of open spaces;
- Hypsophobia - fear of heights;
- Misophobia - fear of pollution;
- Xenophobia - fear of strangers;
- Social phobia - fear of communication.
There are many different types of personality disorders that are characterized by inadequate behavior. Some people constantly expect danger, fear failures. Others all the time come back and experience the earlier events. The obsessive state can be extremely stable, and sometimes even criminogenic.
Before considering the treatment of OCD, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the main signs of the disease. As a rule, they arise at the age of ten and are formed by the 30-year boundary.
The main symptoms are:
- Obsessive painful thoughts. Such reflections can be of the nature of blasphemy, sexual perversion, fear of reprisal, thoughts of death, diseases, loss of material wealth. Such meditations are terrifying. He realizes their groundlessness, but can not cope with them.
- Anxiety. The patient is constantly experiencing an internal struggle.
- Duplicate actions, movements. They can appear as a constant recount of steps, frequent washing of hands, rearrangement of objects in any order. Some people form their own system of storage of things and follow it faithfully. Compulsive checks can manifest as a multiple return home to check if gas is off, light, doors are closed.
- Obsessive slowness. A man does his daily work very leisurely.
- The severity of pathology increases in places with a large number of people. There is disgust, fear of infection, nervousness, fear of losing things. Such people often avoid the crowd.
- Decreased self-esteem. Such violations usually occur in hypochondriacs. Such people try to keep everything under control. However, they can not overcome their fears.
Possible complications
What is dangerous for OCD? A disease whose treatment is not started in a timely manner can lead to such consequences:
- Depression;
- Increased anxiety;
- Isolation;
- Excessive predilection for tranquilizers, hypnotics;
- Suicidal behavior ;
- alcoholism;
- Conflict behavior in professional activities and personal life;
- Violations in eating behavior;
- Deterioration of quality of life.
Features of pathology in children
Infringements can appear at the child.
Symptomatic symptoms in children:
- Repetitive movements: tics, twitching of the shoulders, sniffing of the nose, wrinkling of the forehead, coughing;
- Feeling of fear of stitching objects, closed space, fear of staining clothes;
- Fear of death, illness, loss of a native person;
- Contrast obsessions, cruelty, rudeness, immorality.
If OCD is diagnosed in a timely manner in children, treatment can completely eliminate negative symptoms. Disease in the child has a reversible character.
Methods of fighting with pathology
The ROC treatment in Moscow, in many clinics, is successfully carried out successfully. Regardless of the institution chosen, the main points of therapy are:
- psychotherapy;
- Drug treatment.
Psychological approach
Behavioral therapy has an effect on human actions. Cognitive-behavioral influences the thought process and rituals.
For the treatment of ROC, the following methods are used:
- Preventive actions. They are aimed at a gradual confrontation of fears, obsessive thoughts. The patient is trained not to succumb to the need to commit bothersome acts. Such therapy is often more effective than the technique of stress management.
- Switching thoughts. The patient is trained to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
- Therapy of disgust. To get rid of obsessive behavior, use pain stimuli.
- Implosion. This is a method in which a patient repeatedly interacts (examines, touches) an object that provokes his fear.
- Stop unpleasant thoughts. Man is taught the art of stopping the flow of negative thoughts.
Medication Therapy
Without the connection of medicines, it is practically impossible for a pathology such as OCD, treatment. Drugs that are part of the therapy are selected exclusively by a doctor, taking into account the degree of progression of the disease.
The medication may include:
- Antipsychotic drugs. These drugs are "Risperidone", "Quetiapine", "Haloperidol", "Olanzapine", "Aripiprazole", "Clomipramine."
- SSRI. This group includes antidepressants "Fevarin", "Prozac", "Serlift", "Serenata", "Zoloft", "Thorin", "Plizil", "Paxil", "Rexetin", "Cipramil", "Cipralex", " Elytseya "," Selektra "," Lenuksin ".
- With an easy degree of anxiety can prescribe drugs "Mebikar", "Etiphoksin."
Is it possible to fight with pathology on their own? How effective will it be with such a disease as OCD, treatment? It is quite difficult to fight independently, without the help of competent specialists.
But if the pathology does not progress, good results will give a change in the way of life:
- Reduce consumption of alcohol and caffeine.
- Eat regularly.
- Go in for sports.
- Take a course of massage.
- Quit smoking.
- Normalize the rest and sleep.
Folk remedies
Before resorting to such therapy, check with the attending physician. Treatment of OCD by folk remedies can bring an excellent result.
To combat the disease, the following recipes are used:
- Roots of zamanichi pour alcohol (70%) in the proportion of 1:10. Infuse the agent for a week. Use 2-3 times a day for 30-40 drops before eating. The drug is effective in neurasthenia, depression.
- Leaves and dried roots of ginseng pour boiling water in the proportion: 1:10. Use 3-4 times a day for 1 tbsp. L. The drug calms, tones up the nervous system, fights against depressive conditions.
- Herbal infusions are useful: chamomile, linden, valerian, cones of hops, oats, ginseng.
Patient Reviews
Many people who are faced with unpleasant manifestations of the disease, interfering with full-fledged life, seek to find effective treatment of OCD. Reviews of some patients who have pathology at the initial stages, show that you can cope with the disease yourself. To do this, they force themselves to eliminate repetitive motions, to remove obsessive thoughts from their heads. In addition, people who testify to positive results, connect medication.
Patients who have a pronounced form of OCD, argue that without the help of a psychologist cope with the disease is almost impossible. To eliminate the unpleasant symptomatology, such people are helped only by an integrated approach. A favorable effect is provided by psychological help, drug therapy and folk remedies.
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