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Scoliotic posture: signs, causes, treatment and prevention

Everyone hears from the very childhood about the need to properly hold the posture. This is important not only for beauty, but also for health. After all, only in this case the load on the spine will be distributed evenly, which will avoid violations in the work of internal organs and the development of various pathologies of the spinal column. Scoliotic posture often appears in children and adolescents. The ailment is pretty well amenable to adjustment. It is important to find out the problem in time and contact a specialist to solve it.

Correct posture - what is it?

Posture is the position of the body, in which the person can effortlessly hold the head and body evenly. Shoulders should be slightly retracted and lowered, and the stomach tightened. A distinctive feature of proper posture is the symmetry of the shoulder blades and buttocks.

A healthy spine is the key to proper posture formation. The cause of the appearance of defects can be both external and internal factors. Most violations are acquired and appear at an early age. What if the child has a curvature of the spine? Which doctor should I consult for advice? An effective and professional help in this case can be rendered only by an orthopedist. During the therapy, you may also need the help of a massage therapist. The method of treatment will depend on the degree of development of the disease.

What is a scoliotic posture?

It should be noted immediately that it is incorrect to call scoliotic posture scoliosis. If in the first case the deformation disappears when the position of the body changes, then in the second case a stable curvature is observed, which does not go away when the spine is straightened.

The pathological phenomenon begins to develop in school-age children who do not sit properly at the desk or regularly wear a heavy briefcase on one shoulder. According to the research results, more than 53% of children between the ages of 7 and 17 have a scoliotic posture. The frontal displacement of the vertebrae is considered a sufficiently dangerous change, which can lead to a disruption in the functionality of internal organs and systems.


Scoliotic posture in a child is usually an acquired ailment. However, there are often cases when pathology begins to develop against the background of congenital disorders of the spinal column.

The main causes of the pathology also include:

  • Weakness of the muscular corset;
  • Severe diseases of the spine;
  • Complications after surgical intervention;
  • The lack of minerals and trace elements necessary for the proper development of bone and cartilaginous tissue;
  • Flat feet;
  • Long stay in a sitting position.

Clinical manifestations

You can see pathological changes with the naked eye. In children of junior and school age, the first sign is the stoop - bulging belly, knees bent at the knees, rounded back. At this stage, the situation can be easily remedied.

The pain in the back, which occurs when you are sitting for a long time, is another alarm bell, which you should pay attention to. Scoliotic posture causes overstrain of some muscles. In the normal position of the body, the load on the spine and muscle tissue is distributed evenly, and there is no discomfort.

In the absence of treatment at a young age, the situation will only worsen. At present, experts call a common hump a pathological phenomenon. This is a severe consequence of scoliosis, caused by the curvature of the spinal column. The hump is a consolidation of the muscle tissue. It is formed on the side into which the spine has arched.

Against the background of the curvature of the spine, respiratory diseases develop more often, headaches develop, and the digestive process is disrupted.

Types of scoliotic posture

A left-sided scoliotic posture is diagnosed in rare cases. Most often, the right side comes under attack. Changes begin already in the younger school age, when the child is forced for a long time in a sitting position.

The first degree of impaired posture is characterized by minor changes, which can be corrected by concentrating the child's attention on the need to properly hold the back. At the second stage of the development of pathology, clinical manifestations intensify. Symptoms of the disease completely disappear only if the child takes a horizontal position.

At the third degree of development of scoliotic posture in children, there are some signs of scoliosis.


Currently, scoliotic posture is diagnosed in many children and is often found in adult patients. To get rid of the pathological phenomenon and restore health to the spine, it is necessary, first of all, to contact an experienced specialist. The orthopedic doctor will determine the degree of development of the disease and select the appropriate method of treatment. In most cases, a comprehensive impact on the problem is required.

To eliminate the symptoms of scoliotic posture, the following methods are used:

  • Exercise therapy (a set of physical exercises and the level of load is determined on an individual basis);
  • Therapeutic massage (it is better to combine with therapeutic gymnastics);
  • Wearing orthopedic corsets;
  • Manual therapy;
  • Constant control over the correct position of the body.

Effective exercise

Gymnastics for posture - the most effective method of getting rid of the problem. The complex of exercises should be appointed by a specialist after establishing an accurate diagnosis. Therapeutic physical training allows to strengthen the muscular corset and the spine itself.

What exercises do you need to perform? When the posture is disturbed, walking is especially beneficial. As a warm-up, you can walk on all fours. Exercise should be done within 2-3 minutes. After that, it should be like socks and on the heels.

Having assumed a position lying on the stomach, it is necessary to try to tear off the shoulders and head from the floor so that the trunk remains motionless. In this case, the hands should be divorced in the sides. An effective exercise is pulling the body up with a backbone deflection back. Hands are used as a support.

To return a beautiful posture will help gymnastic stick. It must be held on the shoulder blades with the help of the arms bent in the elbows, carrying the slopes forward. Specialists-rehabilitologists recommend to get your hands with a stick behind your back and return to the starting position.

Gymnastics for posture is performed for 30-40 minutes daily. The obligatory physical exercises are "bicycle", "scissors" and squats. Proper physical activity in most cases helps to completely eliminate the signs of scoliotic posture. Most often this method of therapy is prescribed for children.

Who will help the corset?

Saddle and scoliotic posture is not just an incorrect position of the body, but also a bad habit that can lead to serious illness in the future. To prevent the development of severe consequences, doctors recommend wearing special orthopedic devices called correctors.

Reduce the load on the spine and prevent its further deformity will help the corset for the posture of the back. Adults and children's options differ not only in size, but also in design features.

Usually this method is used in childhood, when you can get rid of the problem quickly enough. Correctors of posture are recommended to be worn by children during a period of intensive growth, when there is a huge risk of developing scoliosis. For therapeutic purposes, adaptations are assigned to babies who have congenital pathologies of the spine.

How to choose a corset for an adult?

Adult patients are usually required to wear medical correctors for body position. They help to prevent the progression of the pathological condition and prevent the occurrence of pain.

The corset for adult posture should be purchased only after diagnosis and determining the type and degree of curvature of the spine. For minor violations it is recommended to use an elastic corset. It allows you to fix the spine in the correct position and relieve the lumbar region. With more serious violations, only a rigid form of posture correctors will help. In the ribbons of such a device, rigid plates are sewn, which prevent the body from adopting a "beloved" pose.

Magnet correctors, which relieve muscle fatigue, stoop, and pain in all parts of the spine are popular. In the presence of pronounced pathological processes, orthopedic doctors recommend that adults wear reklinators. The device looks like two straps that intersect on the back in the area of the shoulder blades. The device helps to keep the shoulders at the same height from the floor.

Choose a corset for your child's posture

A child's corrector for back can be preventative and curative. Use an orthopedic device is recommended for scoliotic posture, the first degree of scoliosis, stoop. The product must be made of natural materials and have a size corresponding to the child's parameters.

The stiffness of the corrector is selected depending on the degree of curvature of the spine. Corset for posture (for children) can have the form of a vest. This kind of orthopedic products is used when there are problems in the upper part of the spine. Reklinators children can wear no more than 4 hours a day.

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