Health, Diseases and Conditions
How to prevent complications after a sore throat in toddlers
Angina is an infectious disease, accompanied by inflammation, and as a result, an increase in palatine tonsils. With tonsillitis tonsillitis covered with whitish plaques, the culprit is streptococcus. The disease, which began with a high temperature, develops rapidly - after a few hours the child complains of a sore throat. Tightening of the tonsils makes it difficult to swallow food. Runny nose and cough are absent, unless complications after angina have certainly begun. The earliest complication is the formation of suppuration in the tonsils, accompanied by a strong swelling of nearby tissues. This condition is extremely dangerous because of the chances of developing suffocation.
With angina, the tonsils can be just inflamed and swollen - it's a catarrhal angina. If you see whitish points on the tonsils - the child has a follicular sore throat, and if the dots are in the deepening of the tonsils, then lacunar.
It should be remembered that repeated cases of angina do not always bring only harm, the body learns to fight the pathogen, developing its own immune response. If ever the question arises about the removal of tonsils, the doctor will first inquire about the number of angina transferred. The more it is, the stronger the doctor will be inclined toward canceling the operation. Exceptions are children with a genetic predisposition. In children, one of whose parents is sick with rheumatism, the risk of complications after angina is high, so the operation should not be delayed. Consultation of a specialist with angina is mandatory, this is not a case with a common cold. Before the arrival of a doctor, it is necessary to limit the motor activity of the child, strict adherence to bed rest will reduce the likelihood of complications after angina.
Particular danger of complications is for four-year-old children, because during this period, in children, the own immune system can react violently to the causative agent and begin to develop autoimmune cells against itself. Late complications include focal nephritis, autoimmune disease - lupus erythematosus, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis mentioned earlier. If the body's immune system can not fully resist the disease, then chronic tonsillitis develops, due to which the child's tonsils are constantly loose, impregnated with pus. This focus of infection is the cause of persistent headaches, infectious-allergic myocarditis. To prevent complications, after a sore throat, a control swab from the throat is taken from the children and a consultation of a cardiologist and rheumatologist is prescribed.
If the child complains of pain in the "bones", do not leave the complaint without attention, this may be one of the signs of complication after angina - the beginning rheumatism. Do not take any action without consulting a doctor who will examine the child and identify the cause of the pain: either it's started rheumatism, or the body's reaction to high fever. Cough after angina may serve as another sign of the complication that has begun. The interrelation and close location of the ENT organs can provoke the development of otitis, sinusitis. Another serious complication after angina is meningitis. On the development of complications after angina indicate the following signs: a feeling of fatigue, which appeared when walking breath, thin bluish lipstick, pale skin, puffiness. Any of the listed signs should become an occasion for visiting the doctor. Angina is a fairly aggressive disease for the child's body, but if you do not engage in self-medication, follow the recommendations of the treating doctor during the treatment of the disease and be observed after, it will pass without consequences!
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