Homeliness, Gardening
If you can go to the barbecue. And as this will help demountable braziers.
The choice and organization of leisure in this age of stone jungle, the Internet and the frenzied rhythm of life is a very important occupation. First you need to think about what we want from our leisure. It is better for residents of big cities to go out into the wild. And this does not necessarily have to be a wild terrain 1000 km from the house. It is enough to get out to a dacha in the suburbs, or to the nearest river with friends. Efforts such an exit will not require so much, but pleasure, a positive charge and your portion of oxygen, which we so lack in the city, you will get.
But before you go, you need to think through and collect a lot of things that may be unfamiliar to the wild city dweller. For the beginning of the means of insects, which at their small size can significantly spoil your entire rest and instead of a positive and a charge of vivacity you will bring home a bad mood and itch from bites. Take a few creams, or repellent repellents, which will help you avoid mosquito bites, midges and other petty blood-sucking dirty tricks. It will not hurt to take something antiallergic, similar to Suprastin. Because the bites of some insects can develop an allergic reaction.
If you are going to the forest in May-July, think about clothing that covers your hands and neck. Do not forget about the headdress. And after a walk through the forest, carefully examine the skin and clothes. In the woods there are mites. If you find a suspicious insect on your body, gently pull it with tweezers, put it in a jar and take it to the laboratory. Ticks can carry dangerous diseases that are amenable to treatment in the early stages.
In nature, appetite will certainly be played out. Therefore, in advance, think over the menu and products that you will take with you. Perishable food without a refrigerator bag is better not to take. It's not known how soon you will reach your destination. On the road there may be traffic jams, vehicle crashes, and unforeseen delays. Therefore, it is better to refuse tender boiled sausage. And from bacon too. If you can not imagine life without meat, take smoked sausage, or marinated meat. Nevertheless, shish kebabs for many years keep a confident superiority in the menu when going to the countryside. Since the departure is not supposed to be in the taiga distances, keep in mind that fuel can cause problems - no one will allow you to cut down trees, and dead people are surely picked up by quick people before you. Therefore, in order not to spend half of the precious rest time in the search for firewood, buy a pre-packaged coal package. It is now sold in almost every grocery store.
And the last thing: to build a fire on the ground is barbarism and the last century. In some places it is strictly forbidden and you can be fined for a large sum. In some it is simply a pity to leave for many years the scars of the fireplace. For this, for many years now, there is such a convenient form as portable braziers http: //xn----7sbk4bdbk0c2cf.xn--p1ai/vybor-mangala/. They are also called dacha mangalas, or street barbecues. What is it. These are demountable braziers, which in disassembled form are a bag in metal parts. The bag is easily carried on the shoulder, or transported in the car. On site, the grill is assembled. Usually it's pretty simple, so even girls can overpower it. If you pick the right brazier, it will serve you for many years and will save you from having to take care of the place for cooking each time. What should he be like? Firstly, the brazier should consist of steel 2-3 mm, so that after two or three trips it does not cease to exist just by burning. Secondly, it should simply be assembled and at the same time be firmly assembled, because if you have a brazier full of hot coals during cooking, this is still a pleasure. Also, the brazier must be compact when transported. Well and absolutely for gourmets can have appendages in the form of a portable table for ready shish kebabs, a cover on a case of a rain and to that similar delights. Collapsible braziers their kinds and forms you can see for example here (http: //xn----7sbk4bdbk0c2cf.xn--p1ai/produkciya/).
We hope with your advice your holiday will be unforgettable.
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