
Pests of cherries and fighting with them. Cherry care

Tasty, all favorite cherries quite often become an object of destruction by a large number of pests and diseases, due to which the yield of trees decreases, they weaken and disappear. The wreckers of the cherry tree and the fight against them are the actual problem of gardeners throughout the vegetative period of the tree. Protect the cherry trees from the harmful effects of external factors and get a good harvest will help timely preventive measures and measures taken to combat diseases and pests.

The main cherry enemies are:

  • Cherry aphid;
  • Gray rot, moniliasis;
  • Running moth;
  • Perforated leaf spot (klyasterosporiosis);
  • Anthracnose;
  • Cherry weevil;
  • Coccomicosis.

Pests of cherry and struggle with them: cherry aphid

This is a very dangerous enemy of the cherry, her colonies are able to severely damage the tree. Under the impact of such a small (about 2 mm) insect, characterized by a shiny black (less often green) color, leaves fall, the juice of which these creatures mercilessly suck.

The most comfortable habitat for aphids is the underside of leaves, pedicels and apex of branches. In summer, part of the insects migrates to a young shoot growing under the tree, returning in the fall back. The appearance of aphids is always accompanied by an invasion of ants, the whole hordes of which are nourished by its secretions. Eggs, deferred aphids, hibernate on young branches of a tree; Larvae appear in the spring, at the initial stage of bud opening and after a short period of time they turn into full-fledged females ready to continue the new generation.

The wreckers of the cherry and the fight against them (photo) - the most urgent problem when they are detected on the tree. The control of aphids first of all consists in cutting out near the cherry the basal grass and destroying the weeds that it occupies. Until the bud budding is effective, the fight against the pests of cherry folk remedies: it is spraying with a solution of dandelion, onion, garlic, yarrow or ash. Effective infusion of leaves of wormwood, tobacco and laundry soap, the latter being added for better adhesion of the solution to the leaves and the formation of an airtight film, under which aphids suffocate. Under the trees it is recommended to plant plants that will scare off the aphids. These are marigolds and marigolds.

At a high concentration of pests, one should resort to the use of chemical preparations. This pesticide "Inta-vir" or "Spark", will effectively use 0.1% solution of "Decis". Spraying is required in the evening in windless weather. The final processing time is 3 weeks before the harvest of the cherry harvest.

Cherry weevil

This beetle of bronze-green color with a raspberry tint affects the fruit of the cherry, not allowing them to even ripen. Small in size (about 1 cm), it settles on the tree during its flowering, feeding on the kidneys, flowers and ovaries of the cherry. In the middle of summer, females gnaw a green flesh of fruits and lay eggs on bones. After a couple of weeks there are larvae that gnaw the bones from the inside. This leads to a premature fall of the fruit. With mass damage such a pest with a crop, you can say goodbye.

The insects are hibernating in the soil, therefore, in order to destroy it in the autumn, the earth around the trees is required to be dig through. The fight against the wreckers of the cherry in the spring will consist in the regular shaking of the beetles from the tree and their destruction.

Of the chemical agents in the fight against the cherry weevil, with a significant accumulation of it, the use of such compounds as "Inta-vir" or "Carbophos" is effective. The treatment should be performed twice: after flowering and again, after 7 days. Effective are "Fufanon", "Kinmiks", "Actellik" and "Rovikurt." Drugs need to spray trees after they blossom.

Shoot mole

This pest, in the spring - a yellowish-green caterpillar, and in the summer - a motley little butterfly, chose a cherry bud. Biting into them, it leads to the drying of the latter. Externally, it seems that the growths are damaged by frost. Also, caterpillars attack young leaves, wrapping them in cobwebs, and buds, gnawing out stamens from them. Then the ovaries of the tree suffer.

To transform into pupae in early summer, they go underground to make the world a butterfly in early June. Those, in turn, lay eggs near the formed buds.

The wreckers of the cherry tree and the struggle against them are a problem for many gardeners, because they want to parasitize on fruit trees - a large number. The moth can be overcome by loosening the trunks in the summer, when the caterpillars massively go into the soil for pupation. In the period of swelling of the kidneys and their dissolution, the drugs "Inta-vir", "Decis" or "Aktara" will be effective.

Cherry mucous sawfly

It is a small flying insect of black color, the larvae of which are similar to small leeches. It hibernates at a depth of about 15 cm, pupates in late spring. In mid-summer, adult individuals lay eggs in leaves, which then ruthlessly, until the very veins, eat up the larvae that appeared. Such harmful activity leads to premature falling of damaged leaves.

Pests of cherries and measures to combat them primarily require the attention of the gardener when finding a lesion of the tree. A sawfly can be defeated by Iskra, Inta-vir or Anthar.


In other words, gray fruit rot is a fungal disease that manifests itself in early July and affects flowers, leaves and shoots of a tree. High humidity and high temperature are comfortable conditions that promote active development of the disease. On the fruits are formed gray-ashy pads, which increase and cover the berry completely. Sometimes rotten cherries become dark-blue in color, as if mummified, why they look lacquered. The flesh of the affected cherries acquires a loose structure, completely losing their palatability. Most of the fruits fall off, some become black, dried, remain hanging until the coming spring, with the onset of which on diseased fruits develop spores that pose a danger to healthy cherries.

Pests of cherry and struggle with them - the problem that becomes the most urgent during the period of harvesting, when the number of those who want to try a delicious fruit increases at times.

The fungus hibernates in withered ovaries, affected inflorescences, dry fruits and branches, therefore, to get rid of the sources of infection, these parts of the plant need to be collected and destroyed. Sick branches need to be cut, while capturing 10-15 cm of healthy tissue, then burn it.

Care for cherry in the spring - the fight against pests during the bud blossoming, consisting in the processing of trees and soil around the iron sulfate or Bordeaux fluid. In the spring before cherry blossom it is recommended to sprinkle fungicide "Topsin M", and right after flowering - with copper chloride.


This is a holey leaf spot, which is a fungal disease; It extends to leaves, shoots and fruits of stone fruit. Sick trees are characterized by the appearance on the leaves of red-brown spots up to 5 mm in size in the spring. Sometimes the spots are framed with a red border. After 1-2 weeks the tissue on the affected areas begins to crumble, falls out, forming through holes. Reddish spots also appear on the shoots, cracking of the bark and release of the gum is observed. Fruits dry up and become deformed. Warm wet weather is the most comfortable environment for the development of this disease.

Zimovku the pathogen transfers on annual increments and branches in the form of a mycelium, therefore sick branches necessarily need to be cut and destroyed. To localize sources of infection, you need to collect and destroy fallen leaves and fruits. Trees are recommended to be treated with the same drugs as in the treatment of moniliasis.

Cockcomycosis of cherries

This is a fungal disease, most often affecting the leaves, less often - the fruit of a garden tree, like a cherry. The control of pests and diseases in the care of a plant is a primary task for saving the latter. Cockcomycosis of cherries is manifested as follows: first, on the surface of the leaves, red-brown spots appear, which merge, growing into solid spots. On the underside of the leaves spores of the fungus form in the form of a white-pink plaque. Leaves prematurely crumble, and the fruits acquire an ugly appearance, remain immature and become unfit for consumption. In winter, the pathogen moves in the fallen leaves. Cockcomicosis lowers the winter hardiness of the tree, which can lead to the death of the latter. Spores of the fungus become active in the spring, when the tree begins to bloom.

Therefore, at the end of the summer, the pests of the cherry tree and the fight against them (see photo in the article) is the main thing on which the attention of the horticulturist to save the tree should be concentrated. Fallen foliage near diseased trees is required to collect and burn, soil around the trees should be dug. It is recommended to use 4% urea solution from chemical preparations, in the spring it is desirable to treat with Bordeaux liquid. After flowering you should apply Topsin-M or copper oxychloride.

Anthracnose cherry

This disease affects mainly the fruit on which dull spots are formed during ripening, gradually growing into dark small tubercles, which subsequently form a pink plaque. In dry weather, the fruits mummify, it seems that they dried the sun. In years of wet and rainy summer, the number of affected fruits can approach 80%. Sick fruits must be collected and destroyed.

Treatment of the disease is carried out with the preparation "Poliram", which requires three times to sprinkle the trees: before and after flowering, then 14 days after the second treatment.


In hot weather, with increased humidity on plants, this problem often occurs. The top side of the sheet is covered with stains that look like rust. Gradually they increase, which leads to the fall of the leaf. The tree weakens, its winter hardiness decreases. Fruit reduction. Collect and burn the fallen sick leaves. The tree is sprayed with copper chloride.

Plum moth

Virtually all varieties of cherries are affected by a plum moth, whose butterfly is characterized by a leaden hue, while a pupa, whose length is 7 mm, has a yellowish-brown color. The greatest damage to the tree is caused by the caterpillar. Defeat of fruits plum moth can be determined not immediately, on berries nothing but dark, barely discernible on a thin peel patch, is not noticeable. The control of pests of cherries and plums consists in processing with such preparations as "Anometrin", "Amush", "Sherpa", "Tsitkor". The second time, trees are recommended to sprinkle after 14 days.

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